Day 106  voidable在法律英语中的含义及用法

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voidable  a.可撤销的




Some members have queried whether it is reasonable that a "remarriage" which is by law void or voidable can still be used to restrict a former spouse from applying for financial relief.

【参考译文】有委员曾经提出,如果某段再婚 在法律上属无效或可撤销的,但仍以此而限制前配偶申请经济济助,是否合理。


When the seller of goods has a voidable title to them, but his title has not been avoided at the time of the sale, the buyer acquires a good title to the goods, provided he buys them in good faith and without notice of the sellers defect of title(Sales of Goods Act 1979)

【参考译文】如果卖方对货物的所有权可被撤销,但卖方在所有权被撤销之前将货物出售,只要买方不知道卖方权利 的瑕疵,并且是出于善意而购买,就可取得货物完好的所有权。 (1979年《英国货物买卖法》)


区分 | voidablevoid




voidable contract "可撤销合同"该合同可由当事人之一方(在极少数的情况下甚至可能是双方)选择而被确认或拒绝,其一开始是有效的,并可产生与有效合同(valid contract)相同的效果,只是因一方当事人的选择而导致其无效。而void contract是一开始即无效


voidable marriage可撤销婚姻,该种婚姻在缔结时因违反法律规定而无效。其与“无效婚姻”(void)的区别在于,前者在有权法院确认并宣布其为无效前具有约束力,而后者无须这类判决,因为任何人不得缔结无效婚姻关系。


voidable judgment"可撤销判决",指表面上看起来有效,但实际上缺少某些重要内容的判决。可撤 销判决是错误判决,应该被推翻或撤销,但其被推翻或者撤销之前仍具有拘束力。void judgment(无效判决)指自始不发生任何法律效力的判决。


Contracts entered into by the mentally infirm, like those entered into by minors, are voidable rather than void.








发布于 2020-11-05 16:56:05