法言法语 *合同法第114-122条【违约责任】

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第一百一十四条 当事人可以约定一方违约时应当根据违约情况向对方支付一定数额的违约金,也可以约定因违约产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法。约定的违约金低于造成的损失的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以增加;约定的违约金过分高于造成的损失的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以适当减少。当事人就迟延履行约定违约金的,违约方支付违约金后,还应当履行债务。

Article 114   The parties may stipulate that in case of breach of contract by either party a certain amount of penalty shall be paid to the other party according to the seriousness of the breach, and may also stipulate the method for calculating the sum of compensation for losses caused by the breach of contract.

If the stipulated penalty for breach of contract is lower than the loss caused by the breach, the party concerned may apply to a people's court or an arbitration institution for an increase. If the stipulated penalty for breach of contract is excessively higher than the loss caused by the breach, the party concerned may apply to a people's court or an arbitration institution for an appropriate reduction.

If the parties agree upon a penalty for the breach of contract by a delayed fulfillment, the breaching party shall, after paying the penalty for breach of contract, discharge the debts notwithstanding.

第一百一十五条 当事人可以依照《中华人民共和国担保法》约定一方向对方给付定金作为债权的担保。债务人履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。给付定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,无权要求返还定金;收受定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,应当双倍返还定金。

 Article 115 The parties may, in accordance with the Guaranty Law of the People's Republic of China, agree that one party pays a deposit to the other party as a guarantee of the creditor's rights. After the debtor has met its liabilities, the deposit shall be calculated as part of the price or be refunded. If the party paying the deposit fails to meet its liabilities as contracted, it shall not be entitled to the refund of the deposit. If the party receiving the deposit fails to meet its liabilities as contracted, it shall doubly refund the deposit.

第一百一十六条 当事人既约定违约金,又约定定金的,一方违约时,对方可以选择适用违约金或者定金条款。

Article 116 In the event that a penalty for breach of contract and a deposit are both stipulated by the parties, when either party breaches the contract, the other party may choose to apply either the clause on penalty for breach of contract or the clause on deposit.

第一百一十七条 因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,部分或者全部免除责任,但法律另有规定的除外。当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。本法所称不可抗力,是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。

Article 117   If a contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure, the obligations may be exempted in whole or in part depending on the impact of the force majeure, unless laws provide otherwise. If the force majeure occurs after a delayed fulfillment, the obligations of the party concerned may not be exempted.

Force majeure as used herein means objective situations which cannot be foreseen, avoided or overcome.

第一百一十八条 当事人一方因不可抗力不能履行合同的,应当及时通知对方,以减轻可能给对方造成的损失,并应当在合理期限内提供证明。

Article 118   Either party that is unable to fulfill the contract due to force majeure shall notify the other party in time in order to reduce losses possibly inflicted to the other party, and shall provide evidence thereof  within a reasonable period of time.

第一百一十九条 当事人一方违约后,对方应当采取适当措施防止损失的扩大;没有采取适当措施致使损失扩大的,不得就扩大的损失要求赔偿。当事人因防止损失扩大而支出的合理费用,由违约方承担。

Article 119   After either party breaches the contract, the other party shall take appropriate measures to prevent the increase of the loss; the party that fails to take appropriate preventive measures and thus aggravates the loss may not claim compensation for the increased part of the loss.

The reasonable expenses incurred by the other party in preventing the aggravation of the loss shall be borne by the breaching party.

第一百二十条 当事人双方都违反合同的,应当各自承担相应的责任。

Article 120   If both parties breach the contract, they shall bear their respective liabilities accordingly.

第一百二十一条 当事人一方因第三人的原因造成违约的,应当向对方承担违约责任。当事人一方和第三人之间的纠纷,依照法律规定或者按照约定解决。

Article 121 Either party that breaches the contract due to a third party shall bear the liability for breach of contract to the other party. The disputes between the breaching party and the third party shall be settled pursuant to law or by agreement.

第一百二十二条 因当事人一方的违约行为,侵害对方人身、财产权益的,受损害方有权选择依照本法要求其承担违约责任或者依照其他法律要求其承担侵权责任。

Article 122   If the breach of contract by either party causes infringement on the personal or property rights and interests to the other party, the injured party has the right to choose whether to demand that the breaching party bear the liability for breach of contract pursuant to this Law or bear the liability for infringement of rights in accordance with other laws.







5. 违约责任和侵权责任的互斥效力(二选一,不能并存)


1.定金。Deposit既有定金的意思,也可表示down payment。返还定金,“返还”refund,国外机场“退税窗口”tax refund用的就是这个词。

2.不可抗力。Force majeure as used herein means objective situations which cannot be foreseen, avoided or overcome。不可抗力定义里的三不标准:不可预见、不可避免、不可克服。

3.违约方、受损害方。The breaching party和the injured party。

4.造成、遭受(的损失)。Inflict意impose something unpleasant。Incur意make oneself subject to; bring upon oneself; become liable to。

5.人身、财产权益。Personal and property interests.



1. deposit

2. refund

3. force majeure

4. excessively

5. notwithstanding

6. otherwise

7. aggravates

8. incur, inflict

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发布于 2020-07-28 16:22:06