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Specific Guidelines of Independent Audit - Internal Control Auditing of China Certified Public Accountants' Association (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)


Promulgating Institution: Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Promulgating Date:07/11/2001






Chapter 1 General Principles

    第1章 总 则

  Article 1    In order to standardize certified public accountants' performance of internal control auditing operations, to specify working requirements, and to guarantee the practice quality, this Public Announcement is hereby formulated according to Basic Guidelines of Independent Audit.



  Article 2    "Internal control auditing" as referred to herein shall mean that certified public accountants are specially entrusted to review certification of competent authority of audited units on validity of internal control related to compilation of accounting statements on some specific date, and declare auditing opinions.



  Article 3    "Internal control related to compilation of accounting statements" as referred to herein shall include not only internal control system classified by transaction cycle, but also internal control system including management on use of specimen seal impression, management on drawing instrument, budgetary management, property management, contingent liability management, financial authorization management, consignment loan management, computer information system management, and so on.



  Article 4    To establish and perfect internal control and keep its effect according to the relevant laws, regulations, and rules shall be the responsibility of the competent authority of the audited unit.

To understand, test, and evaluate internal control, and to issue audit reports according to this Public Announcement shall be the responsibility of certified public accountants.




  Article 5    Certified public accountants shall keep due professional care, pay attention to inherent limitation of internal control, and obtain adequate and appropriate evidence to decrease audit risks to an acceptable level.



Chapter 2 Business Contract

    第2章 业务约定书

  Article 6    Where the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously, a certified public accountant may be entrusted to execute the internal control auditing business:

(1) The competent authority has promised to be responsible for validity of its internal audit;

(2) The competent authority has evaluated the validity of internal control according to the standards formulated by authoritative institutions (hereinafter referred to as the "Control Standards");

(3) There is sufficient evidence or sufficient evidence may be acquired to support evaluation of the competent authority; and

(4) The competent authority has provided written certification on validity of internal control.







  Article 7    A certified public accountant shall, after knowing of basic information of the unit to be audited, consider self-owned ability and whether he can keep independence, preliminarily evaluate audit risks, and determine whether to accept the entrustment.

If accepting the entrustment, the certified public accountants firm shall reach an agreement in respect of contract items with the entrusting party, and conclude a business contract.




  Article 8    A business contract shall include the following contents in general:

(1) Business nature;

(2) Entrustment purposes;

(3) Auditing scope;

(4) Responsibility of the unit to be audited and of the certified public accountant;

(5) Inherent limitation of internal control;

(6) Control standard to evaluate validity of internal control;

(7) Predetermined report format; and

(8) Limitation to distribution and use of report.











Chapter 3 Auditing Plan

    第3章 审核计划

  Article 9    A certified public accountant shall obtain documents relating to internal control and its purposes from competent authority of the unit to be audited to understand the certification of validity of internal control.



  Article 10    When making an auditing plan, a certified public accountant shall consider the following factors:

(1) Circumstances in which the trade to which the unit to be audited is affiliated is affected, including macro-economic conditions, laws, regulations, rules, technological advancement, and specific accounting practice;

(2) Business operations of the unit to be audited, including organizational framework, operation features, capital constitution, production and business flow, and so on;

(3) Changes of the unit to be audited on business operations and internal control;

(4) Measures of the unit to be audited on evaluating validity of internal control based on Control Standards;

(5) Preliminary judgment on importance level, inherent risks, and other factors related to serious defects of definite internal control;

(6) Type and scope of evidence supporting the certification of competent authority on validity of internal control;

(7) Character of specific internal control and its importance in the integrated internal control;

(8) Preliminary judgment on validity of internal control; and

(9) Information concerning internal control of the unit to be audited known from providing other specialty service.












  Article 11    Where the unit to be audited has more than one business establishments, the certified public accountant may select internal control of some business establishment for understanding and testing.

When selecting business establishment for understanding and testing, the certified public accountant shall not only consider the relevant provisions of Article 10 herein, but also consider the following factors:

(1) Comparability of operation activities and internal control of different business establishments;

(2) Concentration degree of accounting;

(3) Effect of control environment, especially capacity of direct control and effective supervision as authorized by the competent authority to various business establishments; and

(4) Property and amount of transactions in various business establishments and relevant assets.








  Article 12    When making an auditing plan, a certified public accountant shall consider the internal audit work of the unit to be audited.



Chapter 4 Auditing Procedures

    第4章 审核程序

  Article 13    A certified public accountant shall implement the following working procedures according to the auditing plan:

(1) Understanding design of the internal control;

(2) Evaluating reasonableness and completeness of design of the internal control; and

(3) Testing and evaluating validity of performance of internal control.






  Article 14    A certified public accountant shall implement the following procedures to understand the design of internal control:

(1) Inquiring relevant personnel of the audited unit;

(2) Checking relevant documents; and

(3) Observing business activities and performance of its internal control of the audited unit.






  Article 15    A certified public accountant shall, based on understanding of all essentials of the internal control, evaluate the reasonableness and completeness of the design of the internal control.

When evaluating reasonableness and completeness of design of the internal control, a certified public accountant shall pay attention to the importance of integrated internal control for realizing the control purposes, and shall not pay attention to specific internal control in isolation.




  Article 16    A certified public accountant shall evaluate the reasonableness and completeness of the design of the internal control according to whether the internal control can prevent and find seriously false reports concerning certification in accounting statements.

When determining the procedure for evaluating reasonableness and completeness of the design of the internal control, a certified public accountant shall consider the following factors:

(1) Property of specific internal control;

(2) Format of documents for specific internal control; and

(3) Complication of business activities and management system.







  Article 17    A certified public accountant shall test the relevant internal control and obtain sufficient and adequate evidence to evaluate validity of performance of internal control.

When testing validity of performance of internal control, a certified public accountant shall pay attention to how this internal control is performed, who performs it, and whether it is performed persistently.




  Article 18    When testing validity of performance of internal control, a certified public accountant shall implement the following procedures in general:

(1) Inquiring relevant personnel of the audited unit;

(2) Checking relevant documents;

(3) Observing business activities of the audited unit; and

(4) Re-performing the relevant internal control.







  Article 19    When evaluating whether the acquired evidence is adequate and proper, a certified public accountant shall make professional judgment and consider the following factors:

(1) Property of specific internal control;

(2) Importance of specific internal control for realizing control targets;

(3) Property and scope of the audited unit's test of validity of performance of specific internal control; and

(4) Risks due to no observation of specific internal control.







  Article 20    When evaluating validity of performance of internal control, a certified public accountant may consider using the test results of the competent authority on validity of performance of internal control. However, he shall acquire sufficient evidence to verify them.



  Article 21    When evaluating the risks due to no observation of specific internal control, a certified public accountant shall consider the following factors:

(1) Whether there are changes on quantity and property of transactions so as to causing unfavorable consequences to design and performance of specific internal control:

(2) Whether there are changes in internal control;

(3) Specific internal control's dependence degree on validity of other control;

(4) Whether key personnel performing or monitoring internal control change;

(5) Whether the performance of specific internal control depends on manual work or electronic equipment;

(6) Complication degree of specific internal control; and

(7) Whether realization of specific control targets depends on various items of internal control.










  Article 22    Under the circumstance in which some internal control is performed persistently, and others are performed during specific time limit, a certified public accountant shall reasonably determine quality, time, and scope of control test according to property of internal control and time and frequency of corresponding internal control.



  Article 23    When the competent authority has adopted improving action for internal control before certification of its validity, and the certified public accountant confirms that the new internal control may realize the relevant targets and it has been executed effectively for an appropriate period, he may not consider validity of design and performance of internal control before the betterment.



  Article 24    A certified public accountant shall communicate with the audited unit in writing in respect of serious defects that have been found in internal control.



  Article 25    When judging whether some internal control defect is a serious defect, a certified public accountant shall reasonably use his professional judgment, and consider the following factors:

(1) Amount and nature of false report due to faults or malpractices;

(2) Accounting system and balance of accounting books or nature of transactions concerning defects in internal control;

(3) Control environment; and

(4) Other control.







  Article 26    A certified public accountant shall acquire the following written declarations from the competent authority:

(1) The competent authority shall be responsible for establishing, perfecting, and keeping valid internal audit;

(2) The competent authority has evaluated the validity of internal control according to the Control Standards;

(3) The competent authority has certified the validity of internal control on a specific date;

(4) The competent authority has disclosed its known serious defects in design and performance of internal control to the certified public accountant;

(5) The competent authority has explained, to the certified public accountant, serious malpractices, and other malpractices that are not serious, but concern management personnel or key personnel in the course of internal control; and

(6) Subsequent internal control changes and other factors that may affect internal control, including various improving acts adopted by the competent authority against serious defects.









  Article 27    Where the competent authority refuses to provide written declaration relating to internal control, the certified public accountant shall consider the reliability of other declarations hereof.



  Article 28    A certified public accountant shall make auditing manuscript comprising of the implemented auditing procedures and results, and relevant acquired materials into auditing manuscript.



Chapter 5 Auditing Report

    第5章 审核报告

  Article 29    A certified public accountant shall, after implementing necessary auditing procedures, form auditing opinions and issue auditing report depending on verified evidence.



  Article 30    An auditing report shall cover the following contents:

(1) Title;

(2) Addressee;

(3) Foreword paragraph;

(4) Scope paragraph;

(5) Inherent limitation paragraph;

(6) Opinion paragraph;

(7) Seal and address of the certified public accountants' firm; and

(8) Report date.











  Article 31    The title of all auditing reports shall be standardized uniformly as the "Internal Control Auditing Report".



  Article 32    The addressee of an auditing report shall be the entrusting party of the auditing business. The auditing report shall cover the complete name of the addressee.



  Article 33    The foreword paragraph of the auditing report shall cover the following contents:

(1) The certification of the competent authority of the audited unit on the validity of internal control related to accounting statements on a specific date;

(2) Responsibility of the competent authority of the audited unit; and

(3) Responsibility of the certified public accountant.






  Article 34    The contents paragraph of the auditing report shall cover the following contents:

(1) Legal basis for auditing, that is, "No. Public Accouchement of Independent Audit Practice - Internal Control Auditing";

(2) Auditing procedures; and

(3) Implemented auditing procedures provide reasonable basis for the certified public accountant's declaration of auditing opinions.



    (一)审核依据,即"独立审计实务公告第 号--内部控制审核";



  Article 35    The inherent limitation paragraph of the auditing report shall cover the following contents:

(1) Inherent limitation of internal control; and

(2) Risks of inferring validity of future internal control according to internal evaluation results.





  Article 36    The opinion paragraph of the auditing report shall explain whether the audited unit keeps valid internal control relating to compilation of accounting statements in all significant aspects on some specific date according to the Control Standards.



  Article 37    The certified public accountant shall sign and affix his seal on auditing report. Meanwhile, the official seal of the certified public accountants firm which the certified public accountant works for shall be affixed, and the address of the firm shall be indicated as well.



  Article 38    The report date shall mean the date on which the certified public accountant completes the field auditing.



  Article 39    Where a certified public accountant considers that there are serious defects in the audited unit's internal control, and the competent authority has explained those defects and their effect on target realization in its written declarations and certification, and has correct certification on validity of the internal control appropriately, the certified public accountant shall add an explanation paragraph preceding the auditing opinion paragraph to explain serious defects, and declare reserved or negative opinions according to seriousness.



  Article 40    Where a certified public accountant considers that there are serious defects in the audited unit's internal control, and the competent authority has not explained those defects and their effect on target realization in its written declarations and certification, or has acknowledged serious defects, but still deems its internal control valid, the certified public accountant shall declare negative opinions.



  Article 41    Where the auditing scope is limited, the certified public accountant shall declare the reserved opinions or refuse to declare any opinion according to degree of seriousness.



  Article 42    Where the audited unit has correct serious defects that have been found before the declaration date, and the certified public accountant does not acquire new evidence to support the reasonableness and completeness of design of internal control due to limitation of time, the certified public accountant shall declare reserved opinions.



  Article 43    Where the following circumstance exist, the certified public accountant shall consider their effect on the auditing report:

(1) If the certified public accountant decides to mention other certified public accountants' reports in his auditing report;

(2) Serious subsequent events occur;

(3) The certification of the competent authority just concerns validity of internal control of branches of the audited unit; or

(4) The certification of the competent authority just concerns reasonableness and completeness of the design of the internal control.







  Article 44    When considering that subsequent events will affect the validity of internal control seriously, the certified public accountant shall declare his reserved or negative opinions; if the effect of these events cannot be determined, the certified public accountant shall refuse to declare any opinion.



Chapter 6 Supplementary Rules

    第6章 附 则

  Article 45    Unless provided otherwise, the certified public accountant shall perform auditing of validity of internal control relating to compilation of accounting statements during a specific period referring to this Public Announcement.



  Article 46    This Public Announcement shall take effect as of the issuance date.






中英双语-中国注册会计师协会《独立审计具体准则——内部控制审核》(征求意见稿)(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-11-17 17:08:40