纽约的远程工作税 | 外刊精读

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本期精读的文章来自The Economist关于纽约税收的报道:New York v the Zoom tax


文章小标题Start spreading the dues意思相当于“开始平摊费用”,其中dues相当于fees,意思是“会费”。主标题New York v the Zoom tax很有意思,Zoom是近几年很火的云视频会议平台,疫情期间很多企业使用Zoom来远程办公,因此纽约针对远程办公人群征收的税也被作者称为the Zoom tax



ACCORDING TO A Manhattan Institute poll, more than half of high-earning New Yorkers are working entirely from home and 44% are considering leaving the city.


作者使用high-earning来形容“高收入”,这一表达方式可以借鉴,“高收入者”可以说high-earners,“低收入者”则是low-earners;“远程工作”可以说work from home/work remotely

Ned Lamont, Connecticut’s governor, has said “the old idea of the commuter going into New York City five days a week may be an idea that’s behind us.”


It does seem unlikely that the tens of thousands who commute from Mr Lamont’s state will continue to do so, or indeed the 400,000 that commute to the Big Applefrom New Jersey.


这里用Mr Lamont’s state来指代前面提到的Connecticut,用the Big Apple来指代纽约市,这样可以避免用词重复。

The region’s governors have worked well together to tackle the pandemic, but the cordialness may soon end over taxes.




When people from neighbouring New Jersey and Connecticut commute to New York to work for a New York-based employer, they must pay New York tax on the related earned income. Their home states usually offer a credit to those workers.


a credit这里相当于a tax credit,意思是“税收减免”,比如:Senator Bill Bradley outlined his own tax cut, giving families $350 in tax credits per child. 比尔·布拉德利参议员概述了自己的减税计划,提出每个孩子可为家庭减免350美元的课税。

Even those who work from home must pay New York taxes, according to the state’s “convenience of the employer” rule—unless the employee is working outside New York by necessity.


Taxpayers and neighbouring states are looking closely at this loophole, as a deadly epidemic probably counts.


Count在这里是动词,意思相当于matter,即“有重要意义”(to be important),比如“礼轻情意重”的英文说法就是:It's the thought that counts.


On December 22nd Connecticut and New Jersey filed briefs to the Supreme Court to consider a case which challenges a state’s ability to tax non-residents’ income while they are working remotely.


这一句出现了几个熟词生义现象:file在这里是动词,意思相当于“提起(诉讼),提交(申请)”,比如“提出离婚申请”英文说法是file for divorce;brief在这里指的是“辩护状,案情摘要”(a document giving the facts of a legal case);challenge是动词,意思相当于“质疑”,比如:Viewpoints such as these are strongly challenged by environmentalists. 类似这样的观点遭到环境保护主义者的强烈质疑。

New Hampshire filed suit against Massachusetts in October over taxing New Hampshire residents who are working remotely.


“We are hopeful that the Supreme Court will hold that states do not have the constitutional authority to tax individuals who neither live nor work there,” said Phil Murphy, New Jersey’s governor. This could cost New York billions, says Scott Roberti of Ernst & Young, an accounting firm.

新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲说:"我们希望最高法院能够认定,对于那些既不在当地居住也不在当地工作的个人,各州没有宪法规定的权力能够对他们征税。” 会计公司安永会计师事务所的斯科特·罗伯蒂说,这可能会让纽约损失数十亿美元。


This is not the only threat to the city’s finances. Firms have considered leaving the city before, but employees are now less resistant to moving, says Kathryn Wylde of Partnership for New York City, an industry group. “They’ve been working remotely for ten months and they’ve adjusted to that idea.”


Goldman Sachs is mulling moving its asset managers to Florida. Elliott Management plans to move its headquarters from midtown Manhattan to West Palm Beach.


Mull在这里的含义是“仔细琢磨,反复思考”(to think about something slowly and carefully),它可以作为上一句Firms have considered leaving…的动词替换,实现用词多样。

Blackstone, a private-equity firm, and Citadel, a hedge fund, are also opening offices in Florida, which has no state income tax.



Companies are also watching the progression of the Billionaire Mark to Market Tax Act, which would treat unrealised capital gains on billionaires’ assets as taxable income.


Mark to Market是一个会计学专业名词,意思是“按市值计价”,unrealised在这里是熟词生义,意思是“未变现的”(not sold or changed into the form of money)。

Andrew Cuomo, New York’s Democratic governor, has said he would veto any soak-the-rich legislation, because it would drive out wealthy, mobile residents, though that would bring a fight with the party’s progressive wing.



It would not take too many moving trucks for the city to feel the loss in revenue, says Michael Hendrix, also of the Manhattan Institute.



A 5% loss of New Yorkers making a mere six figures would result in an annual loss of $933m in revenue—roughly the amount allocated for the city’s health department.


Figure在这里指的是“位数”,six figures是“六位数”,也就是10万。“一份年薪十万的工作”可以说a six-figure salary

发布于 2021-02-04 17:15:36