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Notification of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants on Issuing the Interim Measures on the Administration of Registration of Certified Assets Assessors



Document Number: Kuai Xie [2002] No. 183

Promulgating Date: 07/02/2002

Effective Date: 08/01/2002

颁布机关: 中国注册会计师协会

文   号: 会协[2002]183号

颁布时间: 07/02/2002

实施时间: 08/01/2002


Institutes of Certified Public Accountants and the Relevant Assets Assessment Societies of All Provinces, Autonomous Regions, and Municipalities Directly under the Central People's Government:

In order to regularize the national assets assessment industry, and to strengthen the administration of registration of certified assets assessors, we hereby issue the Interim Measures on the Administration of Registration of Certified Assets Assessors to you for your abidance and execution.






Interim Measures on the Administration of Registration of Certified Assets Assessors




Article 1   In order to regularize the administration of registration of certified assets assessors, these Measures are hereby enacted.

    第一条 为规范对注册资产评估师的注册管理,制定本办法。

 Article 2   Whoever applies for being registered as a certified assets assessor shall fulfill the following qualifications:

(1) He or she must have passed the national uniform examination for certified assets assessors or been qualified through evaluation;

(2) He or she shall be at or below 65 years old; and

(3) He or she shall have occupied the full-time assets assessment work in the qualified assets assessment institution for 24 months or longer within the latest five years.

    第二条 申请注册成为注册资产评估师的人员,应具备下列条件:




 Article 3   An applicant falling within one of the following circumstances shall not be registered:

(1) Where he or she has no full civil capacity;

(2) Where he or she has been punished criminally, and it is less than five years from the date of completion of the execution of punishment to the filing date;

(3) Where he or she has been punished administratively or imposed any administrative sanction of the removal from office or more serious due to any fault in the work of finance, accounting, audit, assets assessment, enterprise management, or other economic management work, and it is less than two years from the date of decision on punishment or sanction to the filing date;

(4) Where he or she has his or her Certificate of the People's Republic of China for A Certified Assets Assessor (hereinafter referred to as the "Certificate for A Certified Assets Assessor") revoked for the punishment, and it is less than three years from the date of decision on such punishment to the filing date;

(5) Where he or she is disqualified form the registration due to any falsification in declaring for registration, and it is less than two years from the date of disqualification to the filing date; or

(6) Other circumstances in which he or she shall not be registered.

    第三条 申请人有下列情形之一的,不予注册:







 Article 4   Whoever applies for registration shall submit the following materials to the institute of certified public accountants or assets assessment society of the local province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central People's Government, or municipality separately listed under the State Planning (hereinafter referred to as the "province-level institute"):

(1) The Application Form for the Registration of A Certified Assets Assessor;

(2) The certificate for having passed the national uniform examination for certified assets assessors or the approved documents for evaluation;

(3) The valid labor contract concluded between and by the applicant and the assessment institution to which he or she belongs;

(4) The personal records deposit certificate or retirement certificate issued by the unit where the applicant's personal records are deposited;

(5) The practice duration certificate and the performance evaluation issued by the assessment institution to which the applicant belongs;

(6) The applicant's service duration certificate for the assets assessment, the professional ability and the performance level of the applicant, issued by two certified assets assessors with good records of professional ethics;

(7) The duplicates of the applicant's identity document, the highest educational document, and the professional or technical title certificate; and

(8) Other materials as required by the province-level institute.

    第四条 申请注册应向所在地的省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市注册会计师协会或资产评估协会(以下简称“省级协会”)提交下列材料:









 Article 5   The application shall be filed, examined, and approved according to the following procedures:

(1) The applicant files an application to the assessment institution to which he or she belongs;

(2) The assessment institution to which the applicant belongs shall, within the prescribed time limit, submit all materials as required by Article 4 of these Measures to the local province-level institution;

(3) The provincial level institution determines to accept the application materials that meet the prescribed conditions through examination;

(4) The provincial level institution that accepts the application shall, within 30 working days as of the date of acceptance, complete the examination hereof, submit the opinions on the examination, application materials, the Summary Statement of the Certified Assets Assessors' Application for Registration, and the corresponding electronic files to the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and simultaneously input the applicant's personal documents in the assets assessment registration administration system; and

(5) The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants shall, as of the date of receipt of materials, publish the applicant's personal document on the website hereof for 30 days. Within 10 working days upon expiration of the aforesaid 30-day period, the applicant, if meeting the registration conditions, shall be approved for registration, and obtain the certificate for a certified assets assessor; if the applicant fails to meet the registration conditions, the province-level institute shall be notified in writing.

The time for accepting the application shall be determined by the provincial level institute.

    第五条 申请及审批按下列程序办理:






 Article 6   Whoever have obtained the certificate for a certified assets assessor shall be disqualified from registration, and have his or her certificate revoked, provided he or she falls within one of the following circumstances:

(1) Where he or she has no full civil capacity;

(2) Where he or she has suspended from providing assets assessment service for 12 months or longer; or

(3) Where he or she is punished criminally.

    第六条 已取得注册资产评估师证书的人员,有下列情形之一的,撤销注册,收回注册资产评估师证书:




 Article 7   An applicant who makes any falsification in applying for registration shall be disqualified from registration, and have his or her certificate for a certified asset assessor revoked by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A certified asset assessor who provides any false service duration certificate for assets assessment for an applicant shall be publicly criticized by the province-level institute. A certified assets assessor who have provided false certificate twice or more times shall be disqualified from registration, and have its certificate for a certified assets assessor revoked by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

    第七条 申请人在申报注册过程中有弄虚作假行为的,由中国注册会计师协会撤销注册,收回注册资产评估师证书。


 Article 8   An asset assessor that makes falsification in applying for registration shall be publicly criticized by the provincial level institute, and its application for registration shall not be accepted within 12 months.

    第八条 评估机构申报注册有弄虚作假行为的,由省级协会予以通报批评,并在12个月内不再受理其有关注册事宜。

 Article 9   When any registered item is changed, a certified assets assessor shall, within 15 days upon such change, go through the corresponding formalities to apply for the modification with the province-level institute at the place of registry.

    第九条 注册资产评估师注册内容变更时,应当在变更后15日内向其注册所在地省级协会申请办理变更手续。

 Article 10   The certified assets assessors' practicing qualifications shall be subject to the annual examination system, and the annual examination measures shall be otherwise formulated.

    第十条 注册资产评估师执业资格实行年度检验,年检办法另行制定。

 Article 11   These Measures shall take effect as of 1st August 2002.

    第十一条 本办法自2002年8月1日起实行。




中英双语-中国注册会计师协会关于印发《注册资产评估师注册管理暂行办法》的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-02-07 18:36:49