LEC备考学习 | 美国财产法之Adverse Possession

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在美国财产法中,adverse possession是一个非常有意思的概念。

具体而言,adverse possession(敌对占有,逆权占有)是指非所有人通过对所有人的不动产进行(1)排他的、(2)持续的、未被中断的、(3)公开的、(4)可见的,并且(5)与所有人权利相敌对的占有,(6)达到一定期间,从而排出所有人的产权,对所占有的不动产取得产权的制度。


Exclusive use

Continuous use

Open and notorious possession

A hostile takeover of the property

Actual possession

For a certain period of time



需要注意的是,Adverse possession在很大程度上与大陆法系的时效取得相似,但基于两大法系的体系性差异,两者在指导理论、适用客体和构成要件等问题上都有所不同,因此不能简单的等量视之。


1. 占有的客观要素越来越重要,已经成为敌对占有制度的核心,占有人的主观状态反而不重要,即侵占人的主观意图(敌意性)不是必须的。

2. 占有的期限有缩短的趋势。在美国许多州的判例法中,敌对占有的法定期限曾经是40年,现在已降至20年~15年。


A field, owned by the city, was used as a municipal parking lot for many years. When a new parking facility was constructed, the field was no longer used for that purpose. A parcel of land constituting a small portion of the field at the easterly end was never officially vacated by the municipality. Lee, the adjoining owner on both sides of the field, went into possession of the parcel, fenced it, and cultivated the parcel for a period of time in excess of the period required for adverse possession.

In an appropriate action brought by Lee to establish his title to the parcel, which of the following must he establish if he is to prevail?

I. Real property interests can be lost by a municipality by adverse possession.

II. His use of the parcel was proof of his assertion of dominion over the parcel.

III. Fee interests in real property can be abandoned by a municipality without  an official vote.

IV. Lack of use of the parcel by the municipality created an irrevocable license  in him.

A. I and II only. B. I and IV only. 

C. II and III only. D. III and IV only.






发布于 2021-03-12 21:03:34