

In the event of the consummation by the Company and/or its fully owned subsidiary (prior to any transaction described hereunder), if any (the “Subsidiary”), of a transaction or series of transactions (related or unrelated including any series of Non-Qualified Financing transactions as defined below) in which the Company and/or its Subsidiary issues securities of a preferred class or series, in consideration for an aggregate investment of at least US$3,000,000 (Three Million United States Dollars) (including the Investment Amount) (a “Qualified Financing”), the outstanding balance of the Investment Amount shall automatically convert into such number of the most senior preferred shares (or a sub-class thereof) issued in such Qualified Financing, as is obtained by dividing the outstanding balance of the Investment Amount, as of the closing date of the Qualified Financing, by a price per share which shall reflect the lower of: (i) (a) in respect of the Initial Investors, a 35% discount on the lowest effective price per share paid in the closing of the Qualified Financing, or in the event that the Qualified Financing shall be consummated in a series of Non-Qualified Financing transactions, the lowest price per share paid in a Non-Qualified Financing (the “Initial Investors Discounted PPS”); (b) in respect of the Additional Investors, a 20% discount on the lowest effective price per share paid in the closing of the Qualified Financing, or in the event that the Qualified Financing shall be consummated in a series of Non-Qualified Financing transactions, the lowest price per share paid in a Non-Qualified Financing (the “Additional Investors Discounted PPS”); or (ii) a price per share reflecting a pre-money Company valuation, on a fully diluted basis, of US$ 15,000,000 (the “Cap”).


1 个回答


如果本公司和/或其全资子公司(在本文所述的任何交易之前)(如有)("子公司")完成一项交易或一系列交易(相关或无关,包括下文定义的任何系列的非合格融资交易),其中本公司和/或其子公司发行优先类别或系列的证券,作为总投资至少3,000,000美元(三百万美元)(包括投资额)("合格融资"),投资额的未偿还余额应自动转换为该合格融资中发行的最高级优先股(或其子类)的数量,该数量是通过将投资额的未偿还余额(截至合格融资结束之日)除以每股价格得出的,该价格应反映以下两者中的较低者: (i) (a) 就初始投资者而言,在有条件融资结束时支付的每股最低有效价格的35%的折扣,或者在有条件融资将在一系列非有条件融资交易中完成的情况下,在非有条件融资中支付的每股最低价格("初始投资者折扣的PPS"); (b) 就额外投资者而言,在有条件融资结束时支付的每股最低有效价格的20%折扣,或者在有条件融资将在一系列非有条件融资交易中完成的情况下,在非有条件融资中支付的每股最低价格("额外投资者折扣PPS");或者(ii)反映公司上市前估值的每股价格,按完全摊薄计算,为15,000,000美元("上限")。


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