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LEC考试分试卷一和试卷二,各需三个小时完成。试卷(一), 客观题(单项选择题),共100题,每题1分。本部分试题有以下两部分内容组成:美国法基本知识(90-95%)和逻辑推理(5-10%)。难易程度比例设置:容易题目占50%,中等难度试题占30%,高难度试题占20%。其中法律术语与文化的试题比列是10%-15%。



1.    Affidavit (2014.05)

       A. The transcript of a deposition, usually taken in an attorney’s office rather thanin court.

       B. The transcript from a court trial, usually prepared by the “court reporter.”

       C. A voluntary statement in writing, usually notarized and often attached as an exhibit to a motion (such as a motion for a preliminary injunction).

       D. The transcript from a Congressional hearing.


【解析】Affidavit指“宣誓书;宣誓陈述书”,即当事人自愿作出的对事实的书面陈述,并须在有权主持宣誓的官员面前作出宣誓或代替宣誓的确认以保证其内容的真实性。一般情况下,宣誓书的内容限于陈述人能以自己的知识或经历(如亲闻亲见)予以证明者,但有时也可包括以此为根据的其他信息。选项BThe transcript from a court trial, usually prepared by the “court reporter”符合题意,为正确答案。


2.    Black Letter Law (2014.05)

       A.   Definitions from Black’s Law Dictionary.

B.   Laws concerning the privacy of letters and other correspondence.

C.   Basic principles of law generally accepted by the courts or embodied in the statutes of a particular jurisdiction.

D.   “Persuasive” legal authority.


【解析】Black Letter Law<>黑体字法,一种非正式用语,用来表示被法院普遍接受的或体现在某一特定司法管辖区的制定法中的基本的法律原则。由此,可以明确,Black Letter Law指“重要法条”。选项CBasic principles of law generally accepted by the courts or embodied in the statutes of aparticular jurisdiction符合题意,为正确答案。


3.    En banc  (2014.05)

       A.   refers to a case heard or to be heard before the entire bench rather than by a panel selected from them.

       B.   recommendation for a sentence less than the maximum allowed.

       C.   the trespassory taking of property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of its ownership rights.

       D.   the procedure by which each individual juror is asked to affirm his or her verdictin open court at the conclusion of a trial.


【解析】En banc 指“全体法官出庭审案”。这是英语国家最常用的形式,但也有用in banc, in banco in bank的,尽管这些用法并不广泛。En banc panel相对,指由法院全体法官审理和裁决案件的制度,区别于通常由法院部分法官审理案件的制度。美国最高法院和州最高法院无一例外进行全院庭审。选项Arefers to a case heard or to be heard before the entire bench rather than by a panel selected from them符合题意,为正确答案。


4.    Pro bono (2014.05)

       A.   a term used to describe legal services provided to a client free of charge.

       B.   refers to a pending case over which the court has no effective control.

       C.   refers to courts that have no limit on the types of criminal and civil cases they may hear.

       D.   a term used to describe permanent and absolute tenure of land or property with freedom to dispose of it at will.


【解析】Pro bono指“(法律等专业性)无偿服务”,是拉丁语表达方式,也用于描述免费提供帮助或服务。选项Aa term used to describe legal services provided to a client free of charge符合题意,为正确答案。另见例句:The Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice called on lawyers in the state to provide pro bono assistance to these people. 俄亥俄州最高法院首席大法官呼吁该州律师无偿为这些人提供帮助。


5.  Garnishment (2014.11)

A.   A notice issued by police to ask a suspect to report a crime.

B.   A voluntary transfer, by a debtor of all his property to a trustee for the benefit of all his creditors.

C.   A reduction in sentenced time in prison as a reward for good behavior. It usually is one-third to one-half off the maximum sentence.

D.   A court order to take part of a person’s wages or other money owed to him or her before he or she receives the money, because of an unpaid debt owed to a creditor who has obtained a judgment against the debtor.


【解析】Garnishment指“扣押财产(或欠款)令;扣押债务人财产的通知”。选项DA court order to take part of a person’s wages or other money owed to him or her before he or she receives the money, because of an unpaid debt owed to a creditor who has obtained a judgment against the debtor正符合题意,为正确答案。另见例句:Judicial lien mainly contains attachment lien, garnishment lien and judgment lien. 司法担保主要包括查封担保、扣押担保、判决担保。

北鼎教育是中国外语专业人才培训品牌,其LEC法律英语证课程授课师资主要来自中国政法大学和北京外国语大学,网课和面授皆有,教材资料免费,指导考试报名。辅导课程详情请咨询微信18911732935QQ2318056559 欢迎广大考生加入LEC法律英语证书QQ群:391626382。



发布于 2020-06-23 10:25:06