LEC真题演练 | Elements of a Battery

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Elements of a Battery


在美国,侵权法(Torts)主要属于各州的法律范畴,而且主要由判例法组成。Battery(“殴击罪”)是侵权法中的一种故意侵权行为(intentional tort),美国各州对Battery的定义不尽相同,但通常可解释为:

Battery is the intentional offensive or harmful contact of another person without their consent. (殴击罪是指未经他人同意,故意冒犯或有害地触碰他人的行为)。



• Intent (intent to commit the act)

• Contact (non-consensual contact with the individual or his/her effects, such as clothing)

• Harm (the battery caused actual harm meaning physical, mental, or emotional, not limited to just physical harm)



Intent  Law



行为人的行为意图(intent to commit the act),既包括造成伤害的犯罪意图,也包括实施行为的意图。



上述例子中,侵权人企图对某人实施侵权行为,但实际上使第三人受到伤害,尽管侵权人对第三人并无侵权意图,但该第三人仍可通过故意侵权而要求行为人承担责任,这就是美国侵权法中Doctrine of Transferred Intent(“意图转移理论”)。



Contact  Law



未经允许的接触(non-consensual contact),主要指有伤害性或冒犯性的接触(harmful or offensive contact),既可为直接身体接触,也可为间接接触。



Harm  Law



行为人对受害者造成了实际的伤害(cause actual harm)。








1. Bob was working for A Company and received a decent salary. Abraham hated Bob for not lending money to him. When he saw Bob walking by, he threw a stone to him intending to threaten him. However, the stone landed on Carl, who was walking behind Bob. Carl sued Abraham. What would be the probable cause of action?


A. Battery

B. Assault

C. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

D. False Imprisonment 



2. Bob was working for A Company and received a decent salary. Abraham hated Bob for not lending money to him. When he saw Bob walking by, he threw a stone to him intending to threaten him. However, the stone landed on Carl, who was walking behind Bob. Carl sued Abraham. If the court held for Carl, the most probable reason would be the following ____.


A. Abraham did throw the stone which landed on Carl.

B. Abraham had the intent to threat Bob.

C. Carl suffered injury.

D. All of the above.



参考答案:1. A   2. D



发布于 2020-07-05 22:51:47