法言法语 *合同法第32-38条【合同的成立】

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第三十二条 当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,自双方当事人签字或者盖章时合同成立。

Article 32 If  the parties enter into a contract in the form of a contract instrument, the contract is executed at the time when both parties put their signatures or affix their seals thereto.

第三十三条 当事人采用信件、数据电文等形式订立合同的,可以在合同成立之前要求签订确认书。签订确认书时合同成立。

Article 33    If the parties enter into a contract in the form of letter or text in electronic data or any other forms, a confirmation instrument may be required prior to the execution of the contract. The contract is executed at the time when the confirmation instrument is signed.

第三十四条 承诺生效的地点为合同成立的地点。采用数据电文形式订立合同的,收件人的主营业地为合同成立的地点;没有主营业地的,其经常居住地为合同成立的地点。当事人另有约定的,按照其约定。

Article 34    The place where the acceptance becomes effective shall be the place where the contract is executed.

Where a contract is made in the form of text in electronic data, the receiver's major place of business is the place of execution of the contract; in the absence of a major place of business, the receiver's habitual residence is the place of execution of the contract. Where the parties stipulate otherwise, such stipulations shall govern.

第三十五条 当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,双方当事人签字或者盖章的地点为合同成立的地点。

 Article 35 If the parties adopt the form of a contract instrument to make a contract, the place where both parties sign or stamp the contract is the place of execution of the contract.

第三十六条 法律、行政法规规定或者当事人约定采用书面形式订立合同,当事人未采用书面形式但一方已经履行主要义务,对方接受的,该合同成立。

Article 36  Where the parties fail to make a contract in written form as provided for by laws or administrative regulations or as agreed by the parties, but a party has already performed the major obligations and the other party has accepted the performance, the contract shall be considered as executed.

第三十七条 采用合同书形式订立合同,在签字或者盖章之前,当事人一方已经履行主要义务,对方接受的,该合同成立。

Article 37 If,  in making a contract in the form of a contract instrument, a party has already performed the major obligations pending the signature or seal and the other party has accepted the performance, the contract shall be considered as executed.

第三十八条 国家根据需要下达指令性任务或者国家订货任务的,有关法人、其他组织之间应当依照有关法律、行政法规规定的权利和义务订立合同。

Article 38 If the State gives, according to the needs, mandatory assignments or State purchase orders, the legal persons and other organizations concerned shall conclude contracts in accordance with the rights and obligations provided for by the relevant laws and administrative regulations.







1.合同书、确认书。官方版本翻译为contract instrumentconfirmation    instrument,也可以简单译为contract  in written forma letter of confirmationInstrument意思是a document  (as a deed, will, bond, note, certificate of deposit, insurance policy,  warrant, or writ) evidencing rights or duties esp. of one party to another under the law


Registered office: A registered office is the official address of an incorporated company,  association or any other legal entity. ----for legal person only

Business premise: Premises,  land and buildings together considered as a property.

Domicile: (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and  only one domicile at a time. - For legal person as well as natural person.

(Article 15 The domicile of a citizen shall be the place where his residence is    registered; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile, his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile.) FROM General Principles of    the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China)

Principal place of businessprincipal office

3.签字、盖章。Signaffix a seal/stamp无争议。

4.当事人另有约定的,按照其约定。Where the parties stipulate/agree otherwise, such stipulations shall govern


lawlegal    document setting forth rules governing aparticular kind of activity.通称,可指一部法律法规,亦可指一个部门法(集体名词),其中包括:具体法律(act)和条例(regulation),既包括制定法,也包括判例法,通常不用于法律的正式名称。

Acta written  ordinance of Congress, or another legislativebody.

不包含判例法,一般指立法机构通过的具体法律,如英澳Environmental    Protection Act

Codea group of statues relating to a particular subjectmatter and arranged in classified  order.

Civil Code民法典 Criminal/PenalCode刑法典  

大陆法系(英美法系)Codelaw/civil law, case law/common law

Statutea written law passed by a legislativebody.

Statue book? Statue oflimitations? Statutory construction? Statutory law?  法规全书,诉讼时效,立法解释,成文法

Billa  proposition or statement reduced to writing.


通常指立法机构通过之前的法案或议案,但有时可指颁布的成文法,如Bill of Rights

 RegulationRulerules and administrativecodes issued by government agencies at all levies, municipal,county, state,and federal.

指行政部门颁布的解释和实施法律的条例、规章、规则,例如:Treasury Regulations:是美国财政部国内收入署颁布的具体解释《国内税收法典》(Internal Revenue Code)的税收条例。



Executive order:是美国总统及其下属机构发出的行政命令。






发布于 2020-07-21 17:06:59