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Certain Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the People's Courts' Acceptance of Supervision by the Media and Public


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Fa [2009] No. 58

Promulgating Date: 12/08/2009

Effective Date: 12/08/2009

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法发[2009]58号

颁布时间: 12/08/2009

实施时间: 12/08/2009



These Provisions are formulated in order to further implement the constitutional principle of public trial, to regulate the people's courts' acceptance of supervision by the media and through public opinion, to properly handle the relationship between courts and the media, to ensure the public right to information, participation and expression of views on, oversee government affairs, and enhance public trust in the judicial system.


   Article 1   The people's courts shall take the initiative to accept supervision by the media and through public opinion. Where press reporters are present at court hearings of cases as observers, or to gather or report news relating to the work of the people's courts, or require the people's courts to provide relevant materials, the people's courts shall provide convenience thereto based on the specific situation of each case.

     第一条 人民法院应当主动接受新闻媒体的舆论监督。对新闻媒体旁听案件庭审、采访报道法院工作、要求提供相关材料的,人民法院应当根据具体情况提供便利。

   Article 2   With respect to cases that have drawn public concern, significant measures to be taken with respect to the courts' work, and other information that shall be publicized in accordance with the relevant provisions, the people's courts shall publicize relevant information in a timely manner via news and press conferences, news release, gazettes, website or other means.

     第二条 对于社会关注的案件和法院工作的重大举措以及按照有关规定应当向社会公开的其他信息,人民法院应当通过新闻发布会、记者招待会、新闻通稿、法院公报、互联网站等形式向新闻媒体及时发布相关信息。

   Article 3   With respect to public trials, journalists and members of the public may be present at the hearing of such cases as observers. If there are insufficient seats in the courtroom, seats shall be reserved for press reporters and the close relatives of the parties concerned. If conditions allow, a courtroom may arrange for an area for the press in its public gallery according to needs. In observing a court hearing, journalists shall abide by the court disciplinary requirements and shall not cause disturbance, make video recordings or take photographs without permission.

     第三条 对于公开审判的案件,新闻媒体记者和公众可以旁听。审判场所座席不足的,应当优先保证媒体和当事人近亲属的需要。有条件的审判法庭根据需要可以在旁听席中设立媒体席。记者旁听庭审应当遵守法庭纪律,未经批准不得录音、录像和摄影。

   Article 4   With respect to an on-going trial, judicial officers and other staff members of the concerned people's court shall not be interviewed by news media personnel without approval. The people's court may arrange for the interview of relevant persons through coordination by its press and publicity department. If a case is unsuitable for a press interview, the concerned people's court may decide to refuse an interview and provide reasons for such refusal.

     第四条 对于正在审理的案件,人民法院的审判人员及其他工作人员不得擅自接受新闻媒体的采访。对于已经审结的案件,人民法院可以通过新闻宣传部门协调决定由有关人员接受采访。对于不适宜接受采访的,人民法院可以决定不接受采访并说明理由。

   Article 5   If a news agency files a request before the people's court for the provision of relevant material for the purpose of covering a trial or other court-related work in its news report, the people's court may provide the agency with photocopies of written judgments, written records of court hearing, tapings or video recordings of court hearings, regulatory documents, guiding opinions etc.; if necessary, it may provide the news agency with other background and case-related information permitted to be disclosed.

     第五条 新闻媒体因报道案件审理情况或者法院其他工作需要申请人民法院提供相关资料的,人民法院可以提供裁判文书复印件、庭审笔录、庭审录音录像、规范性文件、指导意见等。如有必要,也可以为媒体提供其他可以公开的背景资料和情况说明。

   Article 6   The departments in charge of press and publicity of the people's courts at all levels shall be responsible for the unified administration of the coordination in the people's courts' acceptance of supervision by the media and through public opinion. The departments in charge of press and publicity shall provide the news media with relevant material for news reports, and ensure that the news media's reports on the work of the people's courts are authentic and objective. If the relevant news report contains factually inconsistent information, the departments in charge of press and publicity shall be responsible for responding to such incorrect report and clarifying the facts in a timely manner.

     第六条 人民法院接受新闻媒体舆论监督的协调工作由各级人民法院的新闻宣传主管部门统一归口管理。新闻宣传主管部门应当为新闻媒体提供新闻报道素材,保证新闻媒体真实、客观地报道人民法院的工作。对于新闻媒体报道人民法院的工作失实时,新闻宣传主管部门负责及时澄清事实,进行回应。

   Article 7   The people's court shall establish a fixed mechanism for communication and liaison between the court mechanism, news media and their competent authority, and hold symposia or seminars on a regular or irregular basis to disseminate information and exchange views. The people's courts and the news media may conduct research to formulate common self-regulatory rules. With respect to any comments or suggestions regarding the people's courts' acceptance of supervision by the news media and through public opinion, the relevant courts shall research upon and edit or improve upon such comments or suggestions in a timely manner.

     第七条 人民法院应当建立与新闻媒体及其主管部门固定的沟通联络机制,定期或不定期地举办座谈会或研讨会,交流意见,沟通信息。人民法院与新闻媒体可以研究制定共同遵守的行为自律准则。对于新闻媒体反映的人民法院接受舆论监督方面的意见和建议,有关法院应当及时研究处理,改进工作。

   Article 8   With respect to problems in the trial and adjudication work and other matters of the people's courts and the illegal and anti-disciplicinary conduct of the judicial officers and other staff members of the people's courts that are reflected in news reports, the people's courts shall, in a timely manner, investigate into such problems and conducts. If the existence of such problems and conducts is verified through investigation, the people's courts shall take effective measures in accordance with the law to handle such problems and conducts and provide the news media with feedback on the handling results in a timely manner.

     第八条 对于新闻媒体报道中反映的人民法院审判工作和其他各项工作中存在的问题,以及反映审判人员和其他工作人员违法违纪行为,人民法院应当及时调查、核实。查证属实的,应当依法采取有效措施进行处理,并及时反馈处理结果。

   Article 9   Where a people's court discovers that the news media fall under any of the following circumstances during collation or reporting news concerning the work of the people's court, the people's court may circulate a notice of conduct to the competent press department, self-regulatory journalist or news organization etc. and put forward a proposal therefor. In case of a violation of legal provisions, the relevant press personnel shall be imposed with appropriate liability in accordance with the law.

(1) Impairing State security or the social public interest, or disclosing a State or business secret;

(2) Distorting facts or maliciously giving contentious news reports regarding on-going trials, thereby jeopardizing the authoritativeness of judicial authority and affecting impartial trial;

(3) Harming the reputation of a judge through character assassination, libel or other means, or damaging the personal rights of the parties concerned, such as the right of reputation, thereby infringing the privacy and safety of the parties to the litigation;

(4) Distorting facts, conducting malicious sensationalization, or interfering with the trial or enforcement by the people's courts, thereby causing adverse effects; or

(5) Any other conduct that seriously jeopardizes the authoritativeness of judicial authority and affects impartial trial.

     第九条 人民法院发现新闻媒体在采访报道法院工作时有下列情形之一的,可以向新闻主管部门、新闻记者自律组织或者新闻单位等通报情况并提出建议。违反法律规定的,依法追究相应责任。






   Article 10  These Provisions shall become effective from the date of promulgation.

     第十条 本规定自公布之日起实施。


中英双语-最高人民法院关于人民法院接受新闻媒体舆论监督的若干规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 15:27:47