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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Auction and Sale of Properties in Civil Enforcement Proceedings by People's Courts


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2004] No.16

Promulgating Date: 11/15/2004

Effective Date: 01/01/2005

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2004]16号

颁布时间: 11/15/2004

实施时间: 01/01/2005



(Adopted at the 1330th Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on October 26, 2004; Effective as of January 1, 2005)

(2004年10月26日最高人民法院审判委员会第1330次会议通过 自2005年1月1日起施行)

These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and by combining the practice experience of enforcement work of people's courts for further regulating the measures of auction and sale of properties in civil enforcement proceedings and maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of parties concerned.


   Article 1   During the enforcement procedure, after the property of a person subject to enforcement is sealed up, detained, or frozen, the people's court shall timely auction or sell the property or take other enforcement measures.

     第一条 在执行程序中,被执行人的财产被查封、扣押、冻结后,人民法院应当及时进行拍卖、变卖或者采取其他执行措施。

   Article 2   When a people's court appraises the sealed up, detained, or frozen property at the current rate, auction shall be the first method to be taken, unless otherwise specified by laws or judicial interpretations.

     第二条 人民法院对查封、扣押、冻结的财产进行变价处理时,应当首先采取拍卖的方式,但法律、司法解释另有规定的除外。

   Article 3   When auctioning the property of a person subject to enforcement, the people's court shall appoint an auction agency with appropriate qualification to conduct the auction and supervise the auction conducted by the auction agency unless otherwise specified by laws or judicial interpretations.

     第三条 人民法院拍卖被执行人财产,应当委托具有相应资质的拍卖机构进行,并对拍卖机构的拍卖进行监督,但法律、司法解释另有规定的除外。

   Article 4   A people's court shall appoint an evaluation agency with appropriate qualification to evaluate the property to be auctioned. Evaluation is not required for the property whose value is comparatively low or is easy to be determined by common method.

Where both parties and other creditors involved in the enforcement apply to the relevant people's court not to conduct evaluation, the people's court shall approve their application.

When evaluating the equity of a person subject to enforcement, the relevant people's court may order the relevant enterprise to provide accounting statements and other relevant materials. Where the relevant enterprise refuses to do so, the people's court may obtain the materials from the enterprise by compulsion.

     第四条 对拟拍卖的财产,人民法院应当委托具有相应资质的评估机构进行价格评估。对于财产价值较低或者价格依照通常方法容易确定的,可以不进行评估。



   Article 5   An evaluation agency shall be agreed upon by the parties through consultation and then be determined upon the examination of a people's court. If no agreement is reached through consultation, an evaluation agency shall be selected at random from the list of the evaluation agencies determined by the court in charge of the enforcement or the court at the place where the property of the person subject to enforcement is located. If the parties concerned apply to determine an evaluation agency through public biddings, the people's court shall approve it.

     第五条 评估机构由当事人协商一致后经人民法院审查确定;协商不成的,从负责执行的人民法院或者被执行人财产所在地的人民法院确定的评估机构名册中,采取随机的方式确定;当事人双方申请通过公开招标方式确定评估机构的,人民法院应当准许。

   Article 6   After receiving the evaluation report from an evaluation agency, a people's court shall, within five days, send the report to the parties concerned and other interested parties. Any party concerned or any other interested party may submit its objection to the evaluation report, if any, to the people's court within ten days of receipt of the report.

Where a party concerned or any other interested party has evidence showing that the relevant evaluation agency or evaluator does not have the corresponding evaluation qualification or that the evaluation procedures are in serious violation of the law, and applies for evaluation once again, the relevant people's court shall approve the application.

     第六条 人民法院收到评估机构作出的评估报告后,应当在五日内将评估报告发送当事人及其他利害关系人。当事人或者其他利害关系人对评估报告有异议的,可以在收到评估报告后十日内以书面形式向人民法院提出。


   Article 7   An auction agency shall be agreed upon by the parties concerned through consultation and then be determined upon the examination of a people's court. If no agreement is reached through consultation, an auction agency shall be selected at random from the list of the auction agencies determined by the court bearing liability for the enforcement or the court at the place where the property of the person subject to enforcement is located. If the parties concerned apply to determine an auction agency through public biddings, the people's court shall approve it.

     第七条 拍卖机构由当事人协商一致后经人民法院审查确定;协商不成的,从负责执行的人民法院或者被执行人财产所在地的人民法院确定的拍卖机构名册中,采取随机的方式确定;当事人双方申请通过公开招标方式确定拍卖机构的,人民法院应当准许。

   Article 8   A reserve price shall be determined for an auction.

The reserve price for auction shall be determined by a people's court by reference to the evaluation price for the auction. Where no evaluation is conducted, the reserve price shall be determined by reference to the market price and by consulting the opinions of the relevant parties.

The reserve price determined by a people's court, for the first auction, may not be lower than 80% of the evaluation or market price. Where the first auction fails and a new auction is conducted, the reserve price may be reduced according to the specific circumstances, provided that each reduction of the reserve price may not exceed 20% of the previous reserve price.

     第八条 拍卖应当确定保留价。



   Article 9   Where, after a reserve price is determined, a calculation based on the reserve price for the auction concerned shows that it is impossible to have any remaining of the income derived from the auction after the underlying creditor's rights and the compulsory enforcement expense are repaid, the enforcement applicant shall be notified of the relevant information prior to the auction. Where the enforcement applicant applies for a continuation of the auction within five days of the receipt of the notice, the people's court shall approve it, provided that the court shall determine a new reserve price. The new reserve price shall be higher than the total amount of the underlying creditor's rights and the compulsory enforcement expense.

In the event of failure of an auction specified in the preceding paragraph, the enforcement applicant shall be responsible for the auction expenses.

     第九条 保留价确定后,依据本次拍卖保留价计算,拍卖所得价款在清偿优先债权和强制执行费用后无剩余可能的,应当在实施拍卖前将有关情况通知申请执行人。申请执行人于收到通知后五日内申请继续拍卖的,人民法院应当准许,但应当重新确定保留价;重新确定的保留价应当大于该优先债权及强制执行费用的总额。


   Article 10   The enforcement officers shall conduct a necessary investigation of the ownership and possession of the property to be auctioned and prepare a written record for the status of the property or collect other relevant materials.

     第十条 执行人员应当对拍卖财产的权属状况、占有使用情况等进行必要的调查,制作拍卖财产现状的调查笔录或者收集其他有关资料。

   Article 11   An auction shall be publicly announced in advance.

An auction of movable property shall be publicly announced seven days prior to the auction. An auction of real property or other property rights shall be publicly announced 15 days prior to the auction.

     第十一条 拍卖应当先期公告。


   Article 12   The scope of, and the media in which a public notice of an auction is published shall be agreed upon by the parties concerned through consultation. If no agreement is reached through consultation, the matters shall be determined by the people's court. Where the property for auction is of special interest, the public notice shall be published simultaneously in a professional newspaper.

Where any party concerned applies to publish the public notice in any other news media or to extend the scope of the public notice, the people's court shall approve it, provided that the party concerned shall be responsible for the expenses incurred in that part.

     第十二条 拍卖公告的范围及媒体由当事人双方协商确定;协商不成的,由人民法院确定。拍卖财产具有专业属性的,应当同时在专业性报纸上进行公告。


   Article 13   Where an auction of real property, other property rights, or movable property with higher value is conducted, the bidder shall pay a deposit to a people's court in advance prior to the auction. The enforcement applicant may participate in the bidding without paying any deposit in advance. The amount of the deposit shall be determined by a people's court but shall not be lower than 5% of the evaluation price or the market price. Any bidder who is required, but fails, to pay any deposit shall be prohibited from participating in a bidding. After the deal in an auction succeeds, the deposit paid by a buyer shall serve as the payment for the auction price, and the deposit paid by other bidders shall be refunded within three days. In the event of an unsuccessful deal, the deposit shall be refunded to the bidders within three days.

     第十三条 拍卖不动产、其他财产权或者价值较高的动产的,竞买人应当于拍卖前向人民法院预交保证金。申请执行人参加竞买的,可以不预交保证金。保证金的数额由人民法院确定,但不得低于评估价或者市价的百分之五。


   Article 14   A people's court shall, within five days prior to an auction, notify, in writing or by any other appropriate means of which a confirmation of receipt is available, the parties concerned and the known owner of right of secured property, right of first refusal, or any other preemptive right to be present at the auction date.

Any owner of right of first refusal who fails to be present upon the notice shall be deemed to have waived its right of first refusal.

     第十四条 人民法院应当在拍卖五日前以书面或者其他能够确认收悉的适当方式,通知当事人和已知的担保物权人、优先购买权人或者其他优先权人于拍卖日到场。


   Article 15   Where laws or administrative regulations specify special qualifications or conditions for a buyer, the bidders shall meet the qualification or condition as specified.

An enforcement applicant or a person subject to enforcement may participate in bidding.

     第十五条 法律、行政法规对买受人的资格或者条件有特殊规定的,竞买人应当具备规定的资格或者条件。


   Article 16   In the course of auction, when the highest bidding price is announced, the owner of right of first refusal may demonstrate an intention to buy at the price, and, in the absence of a higher bidding price, shall buy . Where a higher bidding price is announced and the owner of right of first refusal makes no response, the bidder who offers the highest bidding price shall buy .

Where the owners of right of first refusal in same order of priority express their intentions to buy at the same time, the buyer shall be determined by means of drawing lots.

     第十六条 拍卖过程中,有最高应价时,优先购买权人可以表示以该最高价买受,如无更高应价,则拍归优先购买权人;如有更高应价,而优先购买权人不作表示的,则拍归该应价最高的竞买人。


   Article 17   Where more than one piece of property is auctioned and the income deriving from the auction of a part of the property is sufficient to repay the debts and the expenses payable by a person subject to enforcement, the auction of the remaining property shall stop, unless the person subject to enforcement agrees to have all the property auctioned.

     第十七条 拍卖多项财产时,其中部分财产卖得的价款足以清偿债务和支付被执行人应当负担的费用的,对剩余的财产应当停止拍卖,但被执行人同意全部拍卖的除外。

   Article 18   Where more than one piece of property for auction is indivisible in terms of use or their value is likely to be greatly decreased if being separately auctioned, all property shall be auctioned together .

     第十八条 拍卖的多项财产在使用上不可分,或者分别拍卖可能严重减损其价值的,应当合并拍卖。

   Article 19   In conducting an auction, where no bidding price is announced or the highest bidding price of the bidders is lower than the reserve price and the enforcement applicant or any other creditor involved in the enforcement who is present applies to accept, or agrees to accept, the property for auction at the reserve price determined for the auction, the property shall be delivered to them to pay the debts.

Where two or more creditors involved in the enforcement apply for paying the debts with property for auction, the creditor in the statutory sequence of preferred payment shall first succeed the repayment for the debts. In the event of the same sequence of payment, the successor shall be determined by means of drawing lots. Where the amount of the creditor's rights that shall be repaid to the successor is lower than the value of the property that is used to pay the debts, the people's court shall order the successor to pay the balance of the debts within the specified time limit.

     第十九条 拍卖时无人竞买或者竞买人的最高应价低于保留价,到场的申请执行人或者其他执行债权人申请或者同意以该次拍卖所定的保留价接受拍卖财产的,应当将该财产交其抵债。


   Article 20   In any of the following circumstances, a people's court shall withdraw an entrustment of auction prior to the auction:

(1) Where the legal document as the basis for the enforcement is canceled;

(2) Where the enforcement applicant and other creditors involved in the enforcement withdraw the enforcement application;

(3) Where the person subject to enforcement performs all the monetary obligations determined in the legal document;

(4) Where the parties concerned reach a settlement agreement and no auction of property is required;

(5) Where an outside party raises an objection to the property for auction with justified reasons;

(6) Where the auction agency and the bidder collide in bad faith; or

(7) Other circumstances where the entrustment of auction shall be withdrawn.

     第二十条 在拍卖开始前,有下列情形之一的,人民法院应当撤回拍卖委托:








   Article 21   Where, after a people's court entrusts an auction, any circumstance arises causing a stay or suspension of enforcement specified by laws, the people's court shall decide to stay or suspend the enforcement or render a decision to suspend the enforcement, and shall timely notify the auction agency and the parties concerned. After receiving the notice, the auction agency shall stop the auction forthwith and notify the bidders.

After the time limit for a stay of enforcement expires or the causes for suspending the enforcement are extinguished , if the auction needs to continue, the people's court shall, within 15 days, notify the auction agency to resume the auction.

     第二十一条 人民法院委托拍卖后,遇有依法应当暂缓执行或者中止执行的情形的,应当决定暂缓执行或者裁定中止执行,并及时通知拍卖机构和当事人。拍卖机构收到通知后,应当立即停止拍卖,并通知竞买人。


   Article 22   Where a person subject to enforcement submits the amount of money to repay the debts in full prior to the auction date and requests the court to stop the auction, the people's court shall approve it, provided that the person subject to enforcement shall bear the necessary expenses for the auction.

     第二十二条 被执行人在拍卖日之前向人民法院提交足额金钱清偿债务,要求停止拍卖的,人民法院应当准许,但被执行人应当负担因拍卖支出的必要费用。

   Article 23   Where the deal in an auction succeeds or the debts are paid with the property that fails to be auctioned , the people's court concerned shall make a decision, and shall, within ten days of paying the money or the balance of the debts in full, serve the decision on the buyer or successor.

     第二十三条 拍卖成交或者以流拍的财产抵债的,人民法院应当作出裁定,并于价款或者需要补交的差价全额交付后十日内,送达买受人或者承受人。

   Article 24   After the deal in an auction succeeds, the buyer shall, within the time limit that is determined in a public notice of the auction or specified by the people's court, deliver the money to the people's court or remit the money to the bank account designated by the people's court.

     第二十四条 拍卖成交后,买受人应当在拍卖公告确定的期限或者人民法院指定的期限内将价款交付到人民法院或者汇入人民法院指定的帐户。

   Article 25   Where, after the deal in an auction succeeds or the debts are paid with the property that fails to be auctioned , the buyer fails to make the payment or the successor fails to pay the balance within the specified time limit, thereby making it difficult to realize the purpose of auction or payment of the debts, the people's court may render a decision to conduct a new auction.

When a new auction is conducted, the original buyer may not participate in the auction. The original buyer shall be responsible for any price difference and expense incurred by lower price obtained from the new auction than that of the original auction and the commission for the original auction. The people's court may directly deduct such fees and expenses from the deposit paid by the original buyer in advance. In the event of any balance of the deposit after the deduction, the balance shall be returned to the original buyer. In the event of the deposit being insufficient, the people's court shall order the original buyer to pay the balance. If the original buyer refuses to pay it, the people's court shall render compulsory enforcement.

     第二十五条 拍卖成交或者以流拍的财产抵债后,买受人逾期未支付价款或者承受人逾期未补交差价而使拍卖、抵债的目的难以实现的,人民法院可以裁定重新拍卖。重新拍卖时,原买受人不得参加竞买。


   Article 26   In conducting an auction, where no bidding price is announced or the highest bidding price of the bidders is lower than the reserve price and the enforcement applicant or any other creditor involved in the enforcement who is present fails to apply for the payment for the debts at the reserve price as determined in the auction, a new auction shall be conducted within 60 days.

     第二十六条 拍卖时无人竞买或者竞买人的最高应价低于保留价,到场的申请执行人或者其他执行债权人不申请以该次拍卖所定的保留价抵债的,应当在六十日内再行拍卖。

   Article 27   With regard to the movable property that fails to be auctioned for a second time, a people's court may valuate and price the property and deliver the property to the enforcement applicant or other creditors involved in the enforcement to set off debts according to Article 19 of these Provisions. Where the enforcement applicant or other creditors involved in enforcement refuse to accept the property or the property cannot be delivered to them to set off debts in accordance with the law, the people's court shall lift the seal-up or distrainment of the property and return the movable property to the person subject to enforcement.

     第二十七条 对于第二次拍卖仍流拍的动产,人民法院可以依照本规定第十九条的规定将其作价交申请执行人或者其他执行债权人抵债。申请执行人或者其他执行债权人拒绝接受或者依法不能交付其抵债的,人民法院应当解除查封、扣押,并将该动产退还被执行人。

   Article 28   With regard to the real property or other property rights that fail to be auctioned for a second time, a people's court may valuate and price the property or the property rights and deliver them to the enforcement applicant or other creditors involved in enforcement as repayment of debts in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of these Provisions. Where the enforcement applicant or other creditors involved in enforcement refuse to accept the property or property rights or the property or property rights cannot be delivered to them to set off debts in accordance with the law, the people's court shall conduct a third auction within sixty days.

Where the property or property rights fail to be auctioned for the third time and the enforcement applicant or other creditors involved in enforcement refuse to accept the property or the property right or the property or property rights cannot be delivered to them to set off debts in accordance with the law, the people's court shall announce a sale within seven days of close of the third auction. Where no one offers to buy the property at the reserve price determined in the third auction within 60 days of the announcement and the enforcement applicant or other creditors involved in enforcement do not intend to accept the property to set off debts, the people's court shall lift the seal-up or freezing and return the property to the person subject to enforcement, except where other enforcement measure may be adopted concerning the property.

     第二十八条 对于第二次拍卖仍流拍的不动产或者其他财产权,人民法院可以依照本规定第十九条的规定将其作价交申请执行人或者其他执行债权人抵债。申请执行人或者其他执行债权人拒绝接受或者依法不能交付其抵债的,应当在六十日内进行第三次拍卖。


   Article 29   After the sale of movable property in an auction succeeds or the debts are paid with the movable property, the ownership of the property shall be transferred to the buyer or the successor upon delivery of the property.

After the sale of real property, registered specific movable property, or other property rights in an auction succeeds or the debts are paid with the real property, specific movable property, or other property rights, the ownership of the real property or specific movable property or other property rights shall be transferred upon success of the deal or service of the decision on payment of the debts on the buyer or successor.

     第二十九条 动产拍卖成交或者抵债后,其所有权自该动产交付时起转移给买受人或者承受人。


   Article 30   After a people's court makes a decision that the deal in an auction succeeds or that the debts are paid with the property that fails to be auctioned, the people's court shall transfer the auctioned property to the buyer or successor within 15 days of service of the decision, except where it is impossible to make the transfer in accordance with the law. Where a person subject to enforcement or any third party refuses to possess and refuses to transfer, the auctioned property that shall be transferred, the people's court shall render compulsory enforcement.

     第三十条 人民法院裁定拍卖成交或者以流拍的财产抵债后,除有依法不能移交的情形外,应当于裁定送达后十五日内,将拍卖的财产移交买受人或者承受人。被执行人或者第三人占有拍卖财产应当移交而拒不移交的,强制执行。

   Article 31   Where the right of secured property and any other right of preferred payment which already exist in an auctioned property cease to exist due to the auction, the money obtained from the auction shall be first used to repay the debts owed to the owners of right of secured property and any other right of preferred payment, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties concerned.

Where the right of leasehold and any other usufructuary right which already exists in an auctioned property fail to be removed due to the auction but continue to exist in the auctioned property, and the realization of the pre-existing right of secured property or any other preferred payment is affected, the people's court shall remove the rights from the property and then conduct an auction.

     第三十一条 拍卖财产上原有的担保物权及其他优先受偿权,因拍卖而消灭,拍卖所得价款,应当优先清偿担保物权人及其他优先受偿权人的债权,但当事人另有约定的除外。


   Article 32   Where the deal in an auction succeeds, the auction agency may charge the buyer a commission in the following proportions:

In the event of a transaction price of not more than RMB2 million, the proportion of commission shall not exceed 5% of the transaction price; With regard to the part of the transaction price of not more than RMB10 million but over RMB2 million, the proportion shall not exceed 3%; With regard to the part of the transaction price not more than RMB50 million but over RMB10 million, the proportion shall not exceed 2%; With regard to the part of the transaction price not more than RMB100 million but over 50 million, the proportion shall not exceed 1%; As to the part of the transaction price over RMB100 million, the proportion shall not exceed 0.5%.

Where an auction agency is determined by public bidding, the commission shall be charged based on the amount specified in the tender winning plan.

Where no deal succeeds or the entrustment of auction is withdrawn for reasons unattributable to the auction agency, the reasonable expenses which the auction agency pays for the auction concerned shall be borne by the person subject to enforcement.

     第三十二条 拍卖成交的,拍卖机构可以按照下列比例向买受人收取佣金:




   Article 33   Where state-owned shares and corporate shares of a listed company are auctioned in the enforcement procedure, the Provisions on Certain Issues Concerning Freeze and Auction of State-owned Shares and Corporate Shares of Listed Companies issued by the Supreme People's Court shall apply.

     第三十三条 在执行程序中拍卖上市公司国有股和社会法人股的,适用最高人民法院《关于冻结、拍卖上市公司国有股和社会法人股若干问题的规定》。

   Article 34   The sealed up, detained, or frozen property may be sold if both parties concerned and the relevant rights owners agree to the sale.

With regard to gold and silver or their products, movable property of which the transaction price is open at a local market, perishable articles, seasonal commodities, or items whose custody is difficult or too costly, the people's court may decide to sell them.

     第三十四条 对查封、扣押、冻结的财产,当事人双方及有关权利人同意变卖的,可以变卖。


   Article 35   Where both parties and the relevant right owners have agreed on the price of the property to be sold, the property shall be sold at the agreed price. Where there is no agreed price but there is a market price, the price of the property to be sold shall not be lower than the market price. Where there is no market price, the value of the property is great, and it is not easy to fix a price for the property, an evaluation agency shall be appointed to make an evaluation and the property shall be sold at the evaluated price.

Where the property fails to be sold at the evaluated price, the property may be sold at a reduced price, provided that the minimum price shall not be lower than half of the evaluated price.

Where no one offers to buy the property on sale, Article 19 of these Provisions shall apply and the property shall be delivered to the enforcement applicant or other creditors in the enforcement for the repayment of debts. Where the enforcement applicant or other creditors in the enforcement refuse to accept the property or the property is unable to be delivered to them for the repayment of debts in accordance with the law, the relevant people's court shall lift the seal-up or distrainment of the property and return the property to the person subject to enforcement.

     第三十五条 当事人双方及有关权利人对变卖财产的价格有约定的,按照其约定价格变卖;无约定价格但有市价的,变卖价格不得低于市价;无市价但价值较大、价格不易确定的,应当委托评估机构进行评估,并按照评估价格进行变卖。



   Article 36   These Provisions shall become effective as of January 1, 2005. If any judicial interpretations promulgated by the Supreme People's Court prior to the implementation of these Provisions are not in consistency with these Provisions, these Provisions shall prevail.

     第三十六条 本规定自2005年1月1日起施行。施行前本院公布的司法解释与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。


中英双语-最高人民法院关于人民法院民事执行中拍卖、变卖财产的规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 15:37:43