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Suplementary Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Recognition of the Civil Judgments Rendered by Relevant Courts of Taiwan


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2009] No. 4

Promulgating Date: 04/24/2009

Effective Date: 05/14/2009

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2009]4号

颁布时间: 04/24/2009

实施时间: 05/14/2009



Offically adopted at the 1465th Meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on March 30, 2009


The following supplementary provisions to the Provisions on the People's Courts Recognizing the Civil Judgments Rendered by Relevant Courts of Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions") are issued with a view to better address the issues relating to the recognition of the civil judgments rendered by relevant courts of Taiwan and to safeguard the legitimate interests and rights of the parties concerned.


   Article 1   In cases where an applicant simultaneously applies for the recognition and enforcement of a civil judgment rendered by a Taiwan court, the people's court shall examine the application for recognition in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Civil judgemnts by Taiwan courts, upon recogzation by the verdicts of the people's courts, shall have the same legal force as the enforcable judements rendered by the people's courts. Where an applicant applies to the people's court for the enforcement thereof in accordance with the verdict, the people's court shall accept such cases.

     第一条 申请人同时提出认可和执行台湾地区有关法院民事判决申请的,人民法院应按规定对认可申请进行审查。


   Article 2   Civil judements by Taiwan courts, for which recognition applications are filed, shall include judgments on civil disputes over commercial business, intellectual property rights, maritime affairs, etc.

The Provisions and these Supplementary Provisions are applicable to the recognition of civil veridicts, written meditations and payment orders rendered by Taiwan courts, as well as arbitration awards made by the arbitration bodies in Taiwan.

     第二条 申请认可的台湾地区有关法院民事判决,包括对商事、知识产权、海事等民事纠纷案件作出的判决。


   Article 3   In case of a recognition application being submitted to two or more competent intermediate people's courts which have jurisdiction recognition, such application shall be handled by the intermediate people's court which is the first to place the case on its trial docket.

In case an applicant applies for recognition to the intermediate people's court at the place where the property subject to enforcement is located, the applicant shall sumbit relevant evidence for the existence of such property.

     第三条 申请人向两个以上有管辖权的中级人民法院申请认可的,由最先立案的中级人民法院管辖。


   Article 4   Applicants for the recognition of civil judgments rendered by Taiwan courts shall provide relevant evidence proving the authenticity and validity of such judgments.

     第四条 申请人申请认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决,应当提供相关证据,以证明该判决真实并且效力已确定。

   Article 5   The applicants may apply for property preservation at the time of filing applications for recognition of civil judgments rendered by relevant Taiwan courts, or between the acceptance of such applicatons and the ruling of the people's courts.

Applicants for property preservation shall provide vaild security to the people's courts concerned. Where an applicant fails to provide such security or the security provided does not meet the relevant requirements, such application shall be rejected.

     第五条 申请人提出认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的申请时,或者在案件受理后、人民法院作出裁定前,可以提出财产保全申请。


   Article 6   Under any of the following circumstances, the people's courts shall remove property preservations in a timely manner:

(1) After the people's court renders a property preservation verdict, the respondent provides valid security;

(2) After the recognition verdict is rendered by the people's court, the applicant fails to apply for enforcement within the prescribed time limits for enforcement application;

(3) The people's court decides not to recognize a civil judgment rendered by a Taiwan court;

(4) The applicant withdraws the application for property preservation.

With respect to other procedures for property preservation application, the Civil Procedure Law and the relevant judicial interpretations are applicable.

     第六条 具有下列情形之一的,人民法院应当及时解除财产保全:






   Article 7   Cases of applications for the recognition of civil judgments rendered by Taiwan courts shall be heard by colegial panels staffed by judges from the coresponding civil divisons, in accordance with the classification ofcases.

     第七条 申请认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的案件,应根据案件的不同类型,由相关民事审判庭的审判人员组成合议庭进行审理。

   Article 8 Where a people's court is able to verify, through examination, that a judgment (rendered by a Taiwan court) is authentic, has become effective, and does not fall within any of the circumstances specified in Article 9 of the Provisions, the court concerned may render a verdict to recognize the effectiveness of the judgment; if the court is unable to establish the above conclusions, it may render a verdict to reject the applicant's application.   

     第八条 人民法院经审查能够确认该判决真实并且效力已确定,且不具有《规定》第九条所列情形的,裁定认可其效力;不能确认的,裁定驳回申请人的申请。

   Article 9   Any application for the recognition a civil judgment rendered by a Taiwan court shall be filed within two years from the date when the validity of such judgment is determined .

In case an applicant fails to file the application within the time limits due to events of force majeure or other causes that beyond the applicant's control, the applicant may apply for an extension of the time limit within ten days from the removal of the obstacles that caused the delay.

     第九条 申请认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的,应当在该判决效力确定后二年内提出。


   Article 10   The people's court shall close the case within six months from acceptance of the application.

     第十条 人民法院受理申请人申请后,应当在六个月内审结。


中英双语-最高人民法院关于人民法院认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的补充规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 15:39:38