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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Recognition by People's Courts of Relevant Civil Judgments of Courts in Taiwan Region


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Promulgating Date: 01/15/1998

Effective Date: 05/26/1998

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[1998]11号

颁布时间: 01/15/1998

实施时间: 05/26/1998



(Fa Shi [1998] No. 11; Adopted at the 957th Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on January 15, 1998; Effective as of May 26, 1998)

(法释〔1998〕11号 1998年1月15日最高人民法院审判委员会第957次会议通过 自1998年5月26日起施行)

   Article 1   These Provisions are formulated for the purposes of guaranteeing the civil rights and litigation rights of parties in lawsuits involving the Region of Taiwan and other provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government.

     第一条 为保障我国台湾地区和其他省、自治区、直辖市的诉讼当事人的民事权益与诉讼权利,特制定本规定。

   Article 2   With regard to a civil judgment rendered by a relevant court in Taiwan, if the domicile or habitual residence of a party concerned or locality of the property to be enforced are in other provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities other than Taiwan, the party concerned may, pursuant to these Provisions, file an application with a relevant people's court for the recognition of such civil judgment.

     第二条 台湾地区有关法院的民事判决,当事人的住所地、经常居住地或者被执行财产所在地在其他省、自治区、直辖市的,当事人可以根据本规定向人民法院申请认可。

   Article 3   The Application shall be accepted by the intermediate people's court at the domicile or habitual residence of the applicant or at the place where the property is to be enforced .

     第三条 申请由申请人住所地、经常居住地或者被执行财产所在地中级人民法院受理。

   Article 4   An applicant shall submit a written application together with the original copy or a verified duplicate of the civil judgments that are rendered by courts in Taiwan and other certification documents that do not violate the one-China principle.

     第四条 申请人应提交申请书,并须附有不违反一个中国原则的台湾地区有关法院民事判决书正本或经证明无误的副本、证明文件。

   Article 5   The written application shall specify therein the following particulars:

(1) Name, gender, occupation, ID card number, time of application, address of the applicant (if the applicant is a legal person or any other organization, then such information as the name, address, and the name and position of the legal representative of the legal and other organization shall be specified.);

(2) Information of the summoning of the parties concerned and the certification documents thereof;

(3) Contents and reasons for the application; and

(4) Other information required to be specified.

     第五条 申请书应记明以下事项:





   Article 6   Where the application is in compliance with the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of these Provisions, the people's court shall, upon receipt and examination of the written application, accept the case within seven days; otherwise, it shall refuse to accept the case and notify the applicant of the reasons for the refusal within seven days.

     第六条 人民法院收到申请书,经审查,符合本规定第四条和第五条的条件的,应当在七日内受理;不符合本规定第四条和第五条的条件的,不予受理,并在七日内通知申请人,同时说明不受理的理由。

   Article 7   The examination of application for recognition of civil judgment rendered by courts in Taiwan shall be processed by a collegiate panel composed of judges of a relevant people's court.

     第七条 人民法院审查认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的申请,由审判员组成合议庭进行。

   Article 8   Where a people's court fails to decide on the effectiveness of the civil judgments rendered by a relevant court in Taiwan after accepting an application for recognition, it shall notify the applicant to submit the certification documents issued by the court that has rendered the judgment.

     第八条 人民法院受理申请后,对于台湾地区有关法院民事判决是否生效不能确定的,应告知申请人提交作出判决的法院出具的证明文件。

   Article 9   A civil judgment rendered by a court in Taiwan shall not be recognized in any of the following circumstances:

(1) The effectiveness of the civil judgment in the application for recognition is not determined;

(2) The civil judgment in the application for recognition is rendered in the absence of the defendant who has not been lawfully summoned or who has no capacity of legal acts while failing to obtain a proper agent ad litem;

(3) The case is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the people's court;

(4) The parties concerned in the civil case have previously entered into an arbitration agreement;

(5) The case has had a ruling rendered by a relevant people's court, or a judgment rendered by a foreign or overseas court or an arbitration award rendered by an overseas arbitration institution which has been recognized by a relevant people's court;

(6) The civil judgment in the application for recognition violates the basic principles of the national laws and regulations, or harms the social public interest.

     第九条 台湾地区有关法院的民事判决具有下列情形之一的,裁定不予认可:







   Article 10   Upon examination of the application, the people's court shall render a decision to recognize and determine the effectiveness of a civil judgment rendered by a relevant court in Taiwan, provided it does not violate the provisions of Article 9 of these Provisions.

     第十条 人民法院审查申请后,对于台湾地区有关法院民事判决不具有本规定第九条所列情形的,裁定认可其效力。

   Article 11   If the applicant entrusts an agent ad litem to apply for the recognition of the civil judgments rendered by courts in Taiwan, a notarized power of attorney with the applicant's signature or seal affixed thereto shall be submitted to the People's courts.

     第十一条 申请人委托他人代理申请认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的,应当向人民法院提交由委托人签名或盖章并经当地公证机关公证的授权委托书。

   Article 12   After accepting the application for recognition of the civil judgment rendered by a court in Taiwan, a relevant people's court shall not accept any suit brought against the same case.

     第十二条 人民法院受理认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的申请后,对当事人就同一案件事实起诉的,不予受理。

   Article 13   Where a case is subject to a judgment of the relevant court of the Taiwan region, but a party concerned files an action for the same facts with a people's court rather than applies for recognition of the judgment, the people's court shall accept the case.

     第十三条 案件虽经台湾地区有关法院判决,但当事人未申请认可,而是就同一案件事实向人民法院提起诉讼的,应予受理。

   Article 14   After a people's court has accepted the application, the applicant may, if a rule has not yet been made, withdraw the application.

     第十四条 人民法院受理认可申请后,作出裁定前,申请人要求撤回申请的,应当允许。

   Article 15   With regard to a civil judgment that has been refused to be recognized by a people's court, the applicant shall not file an application for recognition again. However, a suit may be brought to the people's court on the same case.

     第十五条 对人民法院不予认可的民事判决,申请人不得再提出申请,但可以就同一案件事实向人民法院提起诉讼。

   Article 16   Where, before a people's court renders a civil judgment, one party applies for the recognition of a judgment rendered by a relevant court in Taiwan based on the same case fact, the people's court shall suspend the action and conduct examination over the application. Upon examination, if the application satisfies the requirements of recognition, the judgment shall be recognized and the action may be concluded; in the event of failure to satisfy the requirements, the action shall be resumed.

     第十六条 人民法院作出民事判决前,一方当事人申请认可台湾地区有关法院就同一案件事实作出的判决的,应当中止诉讼,对申请进行审查。经审查,对符合认可条件的申请,予以认可,并终结诉讼;对不符合认可条件的,则恢复诉讼。

   Article 17   The application for recognition of a civil judgment rendered by a court in Taiwan may be filed within one year of the effectiveness of the judgment.

     第十七条 申请认可台湾地区有关法院民事判决的,应当在该判决发生效力后一年内提出。

   Article 18   If any recognized civil judgment made by a court in Taiwan needs to be enforced, the procedures specified in the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall apply.

     第十八条 被认可的台湾地区有关法院民事判决需要执行的,依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》规定的程序办理。

   Article 19   With regard to the application for enforcement of civil rulings made by a court in Taiwan or arbitration awards by an arbitration institution in Taiwan, these Provisions shall apply.

     第十九条 申请认可台湾地区有关法院民事裁定和台湾地区仲裁机构裁决的,适用本规定。


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发布于 2020-10-27 15:42:11