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Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on People's Courts' Entrustment of the Appraisal, Auction and Disposal Work


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2009] No. 16

Promulgating Date: 11/12/2009

Effective Date: 11/20/2009

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2009]16号

颁布时间: 11/12/2009

实施时间: 11/20/2009



In order to regulate people's courts' entrustment of the appraisal, auction and disposal work, protect the legitimate interest of the parties concerned and maintain judicial justice, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws such as Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and based on the actual conditions of people's courts' entrustment of appraisal, auction and disposal work.


   Article 1   The administrative department of judicial techniques of the people's court is responsible for the court's entrustment of the work on the appraisal and auction of properties and the disposal of properties not bid for in an auction, the evaluation of the appraisal and auction institutions and the supervision of auction activities in accordance with the law.

     第一条 人民法院司法技术管理部门负责本院的委托评估、拍卖和流拍财产的变卖工作,依法对委托评估、拍卖机构的评估、拍卖活动进行监督。

   Article 2   Depending on the job requirement, a subordinate people's court may request a people's court in the next higher level to handle the appraisal, auction and disposal work.

     第二条 根据工作需要,下级人民法院可将评估、拍卖和变卖工作报请上级人民法院办理。

   Article 3   If the properties to be appraised or auctioned are located in a different place, the people's court may entrust another people's court at the place where the properties are located to conduct the appraisal or auction.

     第三条 人民法院需要对异地的财产进行评估或拍卖时,可以委托财产所在地人民法院办理。

   Article 4   The people's court shall compile a register of appraisal and auction institutions to be entrusted according to the principles of openness, fairness and selection of the best.

When compiling the register of appraisal and auction institutions to be entrusted, the people's court shall make an early announcement and specify clearly matters such as the conditions for inclusion into the register and the review procedures.

     第四条 人民法院按照公开、公平、择优的原则编制人民法院委托评估、拍卖机构名册。


   Article 5   When the people's court compiles the register of appraisal and auction institutions to be entrusted, a review committee may be formed by the administrative department of judicial techniques, the adjudication department and the execution department. Where necessary, experts in the appraisal and auction industries may be invited to participate in the review.

     第五条 人民法院在编制委托评估、拍卖机构名册时,由司法技术管理部门、审判部门、执行部门组成评审委员会,必要时可邀请评估、拍卖行业的专家参加评审。

   Article 6   For an institution applying to be included in the people's court's register of appraisal and auction institutions to be entrusted, the review committee shall conduct a review and give a score in areas such as the grading of qualification, business credibility, operation results and practitioners, and determine the institutions to be included in the register based on the scores after preliminary review, public summon and final review and shall manage the register dynamically.

     第六条 评审委员会对申请加入人民法院委托评估、拍卖名册的机构,应当从资质等级、职业信誉、经营业绩、执业人员情况等方面进行审查、打分,按分数高低经过初审、公示、复审后确定进入名册的机构,并对名册进行动态管理。

   Article 7   The people's court shall select the appraisal and auction institutions from its register of appraisal and auction institutions to be entrusted in an open and random manner.

     第七条 人民法院选择评估、拍卖机构,应当在人民法院委托评估、拍卖机构名册内采取公开随机的方式选定。

   Article 8   When selecting appraisal and auction institutions, the people's court shall request the adjudication and the enforcement personnel to be present on the spot and depending on circumstances, may invite relevant personnel from the society to be present for supervision.

     第八条 人民法院选择评估、拍卖机构,应当通知审判、执行人员到场,视情况可邀请社会有关人员到场监督。

   Article 9   The people's court selecting the appraisal and auction institutions shall give a prior notice to request the parties concerned to be present on the spot. If the party concerned is not present, the people's court may inform the party concerned in writing of the situation about the selection of institutions.

     第九条 人民法院选择评估、拍卖机构,应当提前通知各方当事人到场;当事人不到场的,人民法院可将选择机构的情况,以书面形式送达当事人。

   Article 10   After selecting the appraisal and auction institutions, the people's court shall issue to the selected institutions a letter of appointment, which shall contain mattes such as the requirements of this appointment and the deadline for completing the task.

     第十条 评估、拍卖机构选定后,人民法院应当向选定的机构出具委托书,委托书中应当载明本次委托的要求和工作完成的期限等事项。

   Article 11   If, after accepting the appointment by the people's court, the appraisal or auction institution fails to complete the entrusted task within the prescribed period without a justifiable reason, the people's court shall terminate the appointment and re-select the institution and shall also suspend the institution's qualification for selection or remove the name of the institution from the register of appraisal and auction institutions to be entrusted

     第十一条 评估、拍卖机构接受人民法院的委托后,在规定期限内无正当理由不能完成委托事项的,人民法院应当解除委托,重新选择机构,并对其暂停备选资格或从委托评估、拍卖机构名册内除名。

Article 12   If the appraisal institution needs to make an on-site inquest in the course of its work, the people's court shall give a prior notice to request the adjudication and enforcement personnel and the parties concerned to be present on the spot. If the party concerned is not present, the inquest will not be affected but a witness shall be present. The appraisal institution making an on-site inquest shall take record of the inquest on the spot.

The personnel responsible for the on-site inquest, the parties concerned or the witnesses shall sign or seal the inquest record for confirmation.

     第十二条 评估机构在工作中需要对现场进行勘验的,人民法院应当提前通知审判、执行人员和当事人到场。当事人不到场的,不影响勘验的进行,但应当有见证人见证。评估机构勘验现场,应当制作现场勘验笔录。


Article 13   The appraisal price of an auctioned property that has been appraised shall be the reserve price at the first auction. The reserve price of a property not yet appraised shall be determined by the people's court by reference to the market price and after consulting the opinions of the parties concerned.

     第十三条 拍卖财产经过评估的,评估价即为第一次拍卖的保留价;未作评估的,保留价由人民法院参照市价确定,并应当征询有关当事人的意见。

Article 14   An adjudication department or enforcement department entrusting the work on the appraisal and auction of properties or the disposal of properties not bid for in an auction without the consent of the administrative department of judicial techniques shall be subject to liability in accordance with the disciplinary provisions.

     第十四条 审判、执行部门未经司法技术管理部门同意擅自委托评估、拍卖,或对流拍财产进行变卖的,按照有关纪律规定追究责任。

Article 15   The administrative department of judicial techniques of the people's court shall inform the discipline inspection and supervision department of the Supreme People's Court of its organization of the review or selection of appraisal or auction institutions by the review committee or the disposal of the properties not bid for in an auction. Depending on the circumstances, the discipline inspection and supervision department may designate staff to participate in the activities.

     第十五条 人民法院司法技术管理部门,在组织评审委员会审查评估、拍卖入册机构,或选择评估、拍卖机构,或对流拍财产进行变卖时,应当通知本院纪检监察部门。纪检监察部门可视情况派员参加。

Article 16   In case of inconsistencies between the judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme People's Court before the implementation of these Provisions and these Provisions, these Provisions shall prevail.

     第十六条 施行前本院公布的司法解释与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。


中英双语-最高人民法院关于人民法院委托评估、拍卖和变卖工作的若干规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 15:44:07