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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Relating to the Participation of People's Assessors in Adjudication Activities


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2010] No. 2

Promulgating Date: 01/12/2010

Effective Date: 01/14/2010

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2010]2号

颁布时间: 01/12/2010

实施时间: 01/14/2010



(Adopted at the 1477th meeting of the Trial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on November 23, 2009)


In order to protect and regulate the participation of people's assessors in adjudication activities, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with legal provisions such as the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in Relation to the Improvement of the People's Jury System and based on the actual adjudication situation.


   Article 1   When the people's court conducts a trial on criminal, civil and administrative cases of the first instance of any of the following types, the people's assessors and the judge shall jointly form a collegiate bench, except for cases where the simple procedure of hearing apply and cases otherwise stipulated by the law:

(1) involving group interest;

(2) involving public interest;

(3) the general public shows concern;

(4) having other major social impact.

     第一条 人民法院审判第一审刑事、民事、行政案件,属于下列情形之一的,由人民陪审员和法官共同组成合议庭进行,适用简易程序审理的案件和法律另有规定的案件除外:





   Article 2   If the defendant of a criminal case of the first instance, the plaintiff or defendant of a civil case or the plaintiff of an administrative case applies for the participation of the people's assessors in a collegiate bench for adjudication, the people's assessors and the judge shall jointly form the collegiate bench.

If a people's court obtains the consent from the concerned parties specified in the preceding paragraph regarding the adjudication of the case by the collegiate bench formed jointly by the people's assessors and the judge, this shall be regarded as an application.

     第二条 第一审刑事案件被告人、民事案件原告或者被告、行政案件原告申请由人民陪审员参加合议庭审判的,由人民陪审员和法官共同组成合议庭进行。


   Article 3   After the people's court of the first instance decides that the general procedure shall apply to the hearing of a case, it shall notify the concerned parties specified in Article 2 of these Provisions and the parties concerned shall be entitled to apply for the participation of the people's assessors in the collegiate bench for the adjudication of the case within five days after the receipt of the notice.

After receiving the application submitted by the parties concerned within the stipulated period and confirming that the application complies with these Provisions upon review, the people's court shall form a collegiate bench joined by the people's assessors to conduct adjudication.

     第三条 第一审人民法院决定适用普通程序审理案件后应当明确告知本规定第二条的当事人,在收到通知五日内有权申请由人民陪审员参加合议庭审判案件。


   Article 4   The people's court shall randomly generate from the computer the people's assessors from the list of people's assessors seven days before the court hearing commences.

     第四条 人民法院应当在开庭七日前采取电脑生成等方式,从人民陪审员名单中随机抽取确定人民陪审员。

   Article 5   For special cases for which people's assessors with specific professional knowledge shall participate in the adjudication, the people's court may randomly select the jurors from people's assessors with the corresponding professional knowledge. 

     第五条 特殊案件需要具有特定专业知识的人民陪审员参加审判的,人民法院可以在具有相应专业知识的人民陪审员范围内随机抽取。

   Article 6   If the people's assessors cannot participate in the adjudication activities due to justified reasons or the grounds on which the parties concerned apply for the withdrawal of the people's assessors are founded upon review, the people's court shall re-select other people's assessors in a timely manner.

     第六条 人民陪审员确有正当理由不能参加审判活动,或者当事人申请其回避的理由经审查成立的,人民法院应当及时重新确定其他人选。

   Article 7   When joining a collegiate bench to deliberate on a case, the people's assessors are entitled to independently voice their opinions on the ascertainment of facts and the applicability of the laws and may independently exercise their voting right.

When deliberating on a case, the people's assessors shall voice their opinions and state their reasons regarding the ascertainment of facts and the applicability of the laws.

     第七条 人民陪审员参加合议庭评议案件时,有权对事实认定、法律适用独立发表意见,并独立行使表决权。


   Article 8   When the collegiate bench deliberates on a case, the judge in charge shall first introduce the relevant laws involved in the case and the relevant rules on the review of judgment evidence, then the people's assessors and the other members of the collegiate bench shall voice their opinions and finally the chief judge shall give his opinions and conclude the opinions of the collegiate bench.

     第八条 合议庭评议案件时,先由承办法官介绍案件涉及的相关法律、审查判断证据的有关规则,后由人民陪审员及合议庭其他成员充分发表意见,审判长最后发表意见并总结合议庭意见。

   Article 9   If the opinions of the people's assessors differ from the opinions of the other members of the collegiate bench and the collegiate bench is requested to transfer the case to the president to decide if the case shall be transferred to the Adjudication Committee for discussion and decision, the reasons for such request shall be stated. The request put forward and reasons laid down by the people's assessors shall be included in the deliberation records.

     第九条 人民陪审员同合议庭其他组成人员意见分歧,要求合议庭将案件提请院长决定是否提交审判委员会讨论决定的,应当说明理由;人民陪审员提出的要求及理由应当写入评议笔录。

   Article 10   The people's assessors shall conscientiously read the deliberation records and sign the records after confirming that they are correct. If the deliberation records are found to be inconsistent with the content of the deliberation, the people's assessors shall sign the records after making the request for correction.

The people's assessors shall review and sign the draft of the judgment documents.

     第十条 人民陪审员应当认真阅读评议笔录,确认无误后签名;发现评议笔录与评议内容不一致的,应当要求更正后签名。



中英双语-最高人民法院关于人民陪审员参加审判活动若干问题的规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 15:47:57