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Certain Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Service of Civil Litigation Documents Related to Taiwan


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2008] No. 4

Promulgating Date: 04/17/2008

Effective Date: 04/23/2008

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2008]4号

颁布时间: 04/17/2008

实施时间: 04/23/2008



(Adopted at the 1421st Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court)


These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law for the purposes of maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of parties to civil cases related to Taiwan, guaranteeing the smooth progressing of civil actions related to Taiwan and promoting the communication and exchange between people across the Taiwan Strait.


   Article 1   Where a people's court serves civil litigation documents on a party concerned domiciled in Taiwan in trying a civil case related to Taiwan, or is entrusted by a relevant court in Taiwan to serve civil litigation documents on a party concerned domiciled in the Mainland, the Certain Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Service of Civil Litigation Documents Related to Taiwan shall apply.

The handling of the matters relating to the service of civil litigation documents related to Taiwan shall be in compliance with the principle of "One China" and the basic principles of the relevant laws and shall not be in violation of the social public interest.

     第一条 人民法院审理涉台民事案件向住所地在台湾地区的当事人送达民事诉讼文书,以及人民法院接受台湾地区有关法院的委托代为向住所地在大陆的当事人送达民事诉讼文书,适用本规定。


   Article 2   The civil litigation documents served by a people's court or served under entrustment shall include: duplicates of complaints, duplicates of appeals, duplicates of counterclaims, duplicates of statements of answers, powers of attorney, summons, written judgments, mediation statements, written rulings, order of payments, written decisions, written notices, letters of certification, acknowledgments of service, and other documents related to civil litigation.

     第二条 人民法院送达或者代为送达的民事诉讼文书包括:起诉状副本、上诉状副本、反诉状副本、答辩状副本、授权委托书、传票、判决书、调解书、裁定书、支付令、决定书、通知书、证明书、送达回证以及与民事诉讼有关的其他文书。

   Article 3   The following ways may be adopted by a people's court to serve civil litigation documents on a party concerned domiciled in Taiwan:

(1) Where the person to be served is domiciled in the Mainland, the documents shall be directly served on the person; if the person to be served is a natural person, the documents shall be delivered to an adult family member living with him/her in the absence of the person; if the person to be served is a legal person or any other organization, the documents shall be delivered to the legal representative of the legal person, the person bearing primary responsibility of the organization, or the person responsible for receiving documents of the legal person or the organization who shall sign for receipt;

Where the person to be served is not domiciled in the Mainland but is in the Mainland when the service is being made, the documents may be directly served on the person;

(2) Where the person to be served has an agent ad litem in the Mainland, the documents may be served on the agent ad litem, except where the person to be served clearly indicates in the power of attorney that the agent ad litem does not have the authority to receive the documents;

(3) Where the person to be served has designated a person to receive documents, the documents may be served on the designated person;

(4) Where the person to be served has a representative organization, branch office, or business agent in the Mainland, the documents may be served on the representative organization, or on the branch office or business agent that has been explicitly authorized by the person to be served to receive the documents;

(5) Where the person to be served has a definite address in Taiwan, the documents may be served by post;

(6) Where the person to be served has a definite facsimile number or email address, the documents may be served on the person by facsimile or email; and

(7) The documents may be served by any other means that are recognized by both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Where the documents cannot be served by any of the above methods or the whereabouts of the party concerned in Taiwan are unknown, the documents may be served by a public notice.

     第三条 人民法院向住所地在台湾地区的当事人送达民事诉讼文书,可以采用下列方式:










   Article 4   Where the documents are served by any of the methods specified in Items (1), (2), (3), or (4) of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of these Provisions, the documents shall be deemed to have been served if the person to be served, the agent ad litem, or the person authorized to receive the documents has signed for receipt on, or affixed its seal to, the acknowledgement of service; Where the said person refuses to sign or seal for receipt, the documents may be served by being left at the provided address.

     第四条 采用本规定第三条第一款第(一)、(二)、(三)、(四)项方式送达的,由受送达人、诉讼代理人或者有权接受送达的人在送达回证上签收或者盖章,即为送达;拒绝签收或者盖章的,可以依法留置送达。

   Article 5   Where the documents are served by the method specified in Item (5) of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of these Provisions, an acknowledgement of service shall be sent with the documents. Where a person to be served signs for receipt on the acknowledgment of receipt of the mail instead of on the acknowledgement of service, the documents shall be deemed to have been served, and the date of receipt shall be the date of service.

Where no document is received to certify whether or not the service is made after three months as of the date of post, and the relevant circumstances are not sufficient to determine that the service has been made, it shall be deemed that the documents have not been served.

     第五条 采用本规定第三条第一款第(五)项方式送达的,应当附有送达回证。受送达人未在送达回证上签收但在邮件回执上签收的,视为送达,签收日期为送达日期。


   Article 6   Where the documents are served by the method specified in Item (6) of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of these Provisions, the facsimile number or the email address of the people's court shall be indicated, and the person to be served shall be required to give a reply upon receipt of the fax or email . The date when the receipt of the documents by the person to be served can be confirmed shall be the date of service.

     第六条 采用本规定第三条第一款第(六)项方式送达的,应当注明人民法院的传真号码或者电子信箱地址,并要求受送达人在收到传真件或者电子邮件后及时予以回复。以能够确认受送达人收悉的日期为送达日期。

   Article 7   Where the documents are served by the method specified in Item (7) of Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of these Provisions, the relevant high people's court shall present the entrustment letter with the seal of the Supreme People's Court affixed thereto. The entrustment letter shall clearly indicate the names of each of the parties concerned, the cause of action, case number, name of the person to be served, detailed address of the person to be served, and the types of the documents to be served.

     第七条 采用本规定第三条第一款第(七)项方式送达的,应当由有关的高级人民法院出具盖有本院印章的委托函。委托函应当写明案件各方当事人的姓名或者名称、案由、案号;受送达人姓名或者名称、受送达人的详细地址以及需送达的文书种类。

   Article 8   Where the documents are served by way of a public notice, the contents of the public notice shall be published in a newspaper or magazine that is distributed both domestically and abroad, or on an authoritative website.

Where the documents are served by a public notice, they shall be deemed as having been served after three months from the date of the public notice.

     第八条 采用公告方式送达的,公告内容应当在境内外公开发行的报刊或者权威网站上刊登。


   Article 9   Where a people's court is entrusted by a court in Taiwan to serve civil litigation documents pursuant to the way recognized by both sides of the Taiwan Straits, an entrustment letter of the relevant court in Taiwan shall be required.

Upon receipt of the entrustment letter of the relevant court in Taiwan, the people's court shall, if the service meets the requirements upon examination, make the service within two months of the date of its receipt of the entrustment letter.

Where the date for appearing before the court or any other time limit specified in a civil litigation document is overdue, the entrusted people's court shall still make the service.

     第九条 人民法院按照两岸认可的有关途径代为送达台湾地区法院的民事诉讼文书的,应当有台湾地区有关法院的委托函。



   Article 10   Where a people's court is not able to serve the documents based on the name and the address of the person to be served specified in the entrustment letter, it shall return the civil litigation documents accompanied by a letter explaining the situation.

The acknowledgment of service indicating that the service has been made or the documents that fail to be served may be returned in the original way.

     第十条 人民法院按照委托函中的受送达人姓名或者名称、地址不能送达的,应当附函写明情况,将委托送达的民事诉讼文书退回。


   Article 11   A people's court that is entrusted by a court in Taiwan to serve any civil litigation documents shall not bear any legal liability for the contents and consequences of the documents.

     第十一条 受委托的人民法院对台湾地区有关法院委托送达的民事诉讼文书的内容和后果不负法律责任。


中英双语-最高人民法院关于涉台民事诉讼文书送达的若干规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 15:59:35