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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Statute of Limitation with Respect to Invalid Contracts (Draft for Solicitation of Opinions)


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Promulgating Date: 11/17/2010

Effective Date: 11/17/2010

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

颁布时间: 11/17/2010

实施时间: 11/17/2010



In order to maintain the public order of the society, protect the legal interest of the parties concerned and apply the laws correctly, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, the Real Right Law of the People's Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China and the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and based on the adjudication practice.


   Article 1   (Whether the statute of limitation is applicable to the right of claim involved in an invalid contract)

The people's court shall not uphold the statute of limitation defense raised by the party concerned against the right of claim with respect to contracts confirmed to be invalid, but the party concerned may raise the statute of limitation defense against the right of claim for the return of property and for compensation for losses that belong to the right of claim for creditor's right.

     第一条 (无效合同所涉请求权是否适用诉讼时效)


   Article 2   (Commencement of the statute of limitation for the right of claim for the return of property and for compensation for loss)

Proposal 1. If the contract is invalid and a party concerned requests the other party concerned to return the property and compensate for loss, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the contract is confirmed to be invalid. However, the people's court shall not uphold the statute of limitation defense raised by the party concerned after more than 20 years from the date on which the performance period of the contract expires.

Proposal 2. If the contract is invalid and a party concerned requests the other party concerned to return the property and compensate for loss, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the performance period of the contract expires.

Proposal 3. If the performance period of the contract expires but the contract has not been performed or fully performed and a party concerned in the legal relationship of the contract requests the other party concerned to return the property and compensate for loss, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the performance period of the contract expires.

For situations other than those specified in the preceding paragraphs, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the contract is confirmed to be invalid. However, the people's court shall not offer protection after 20 years from the date on which the performance period of the contract expires.

     第二条 (返还财产、赔偿损失请求权诉讼时效期间的起算)





   Article 3   (Commencement of the statute of limitation for the right of claim for compensation for loss due to invalid guarantee contract)

Proposal 1. If the guarantee contract is invalid and the creditor requests the guarantor to compensate for loss, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the guarantee contract is confirmed to be invalid. However, the people's court shall not uphold it if the creditor has not claimed the right against the guarantor during the guarantee period (Linked to the train of thought of Proposal 1 of Article 2.)

Proposal 2. If the guarantee contract is invalid, the creditor requests the guarantor to compensate for loss and has claimed the right against the joint guarantor during the guarantee period, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the right is claimed. The people's court shall not uphold it if the right has not been claimed. If the creditor has claimed the right against the general guarantor during the guarantee period, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the judgment or the arbitral award takes effect. The people's court shall not uphold it if the right has not been claimed. (Linked to the train of thought of Proposal 2 of Article 2.)

Proposal 3. If the guarantee contract is invalid, the creditor requests the guarantor to compensate for loss and has claimed the right against the joint guarantor during the guarantee period in situations where the performance period of the master contract has expired or the master contract has not been performed or fully performed, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the right is claimed. If the creditor has claimed the right against the general guarantor, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the judgment or the arbitral award takes effect. The people's court shall not uphold it if the creditor has not claimed the right against the guarantor during the guarantee period.

For situations other than those specified in the preceding paragraphs, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the guarantee contract is confirmed to be invalid. However, the people's court shall not uphold it if the creditor has not claimed the right against the guarantor during the guarantee period. (Linked to the train of thought of Proposal 3 of Article 2.)

     第三条 (因保证合同无效产生的赔偿损失请求权的诉讼时效期间起算)





   Article 4   (Commencement of the statute of limitation for the right of claim for compensation for loss due to invalid mortgage contract)

Proposal 1. If the mortgage contract is invalid and the creditor requests the mortgagor to compensate for loss, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the mortgage contract is confirmed to be invalid. However, the people's court shall not uphold it if the creditor has not claimed the right against the mortgagor during the period in which the mortgage right is exercised. (Linked to the train of thought of Proposal 1 of Article 2.)

Proposal 2. If the mortgage contract is invalid, the creditor requests the mortgagor to compensate for loss and the mortgagee has claimed the right against the mortgagor during the period in which the mortgage right is exercised, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the right is claimed. The people's court shall not uphold it if the right has not been claimed. (Linked to the train of thought of Proposal 2 of Article 2.)

Proposal 3. If the mortgage contract is invalid, the creditor requests the mortgagor to compensate for loss and the mortgagee has claimed the right against the mortgagor during the period in which the mortgage right is exercised in situations where the performance period of the master contract has expired or the master contract has not been performed or fully performed, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the right is claimed. The people's court shall not uphold it if the right has not been claimed.

For situations other than those specified in the preceding paragraphs, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the mortgage contract is confirmed to be invalid. However, the people's court shall not uphold it if the mortgagee has not claimed the right during the period in which the mortgage right is exercised. (Linked to the train of thought of Proposal 3 of Article 2.)

     第四条 (因抵押合同无效而产生的赔偿损失请求权的诉讼时效期间起算)





   Article 5   (Commencement of the statute of limitation for the right of claim for compensation for loss due to invalid pledge contract or lien contract)

Proposal 1. If the pledge contract or lien contract is invalid and the creditor requests the guarantor to compensate for loss, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the contract is confirmed to be invalid. However, the people's court shall not support the statute of limitation defense raised by the party concerned after more than 20 years from the date on which the performance period of the contract expires. (This Article is not needed if the train of thought of Proposal 1 of Article 2 is adopted.)

Proposal 2. If the pledge contract or lien contract is invalid and the creditor requests the guarantor to return the property and compensate for loss, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the performance period of the master debt obligation expires. (Linked to the train of thought of Proposal 2 of Article 2.)

Proposal 3. If the pledge contract or lien contract is invalid and the creditor requests the guarantor to compensate for loss, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the performance period of the master debt obligation expires in situations where the performance period of the master contract has expired or the master contract has not been performed or fully performed.

For situations other than those specified in the preceding paragraphs, the statute of limitation shall be counted from the date on which the guarantee contract is confirmed to be invalid. However, the people's court shall not support the statute of limitation defense raised by the party concerned after more than 20 years from the date on which the performance period of the contract expires. (Linked to the train of thought of Proposal 3 of Article 2.)

     第五条 (因质押合同、留置合同无效产生的赔偿损失请求权的诉讼时效期间起算)





   Article 6   (The issue of retroactive effect)

After coming into force, these Provisions shall apply to a case which is still at the stage of the first instance or second instance, and shall not apply to a case of which the final trial has been concluded and which is retried in accordance with the law.

     第六条 (溯及力问题)





中英双语-最高人民法院关于无效合同所涉诉讼时效问题的规定(征求意见稿)(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 16:17:12