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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Supervision over Enforcement Cases (Trial)


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Fa [2006] No. 11

Promulgating Date: 05/18/2006

Effective Date: 05/18/2006

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法发[2006]11号

颁布时间: 05/18/2006

实施时间: 05/18/2006


These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of the relevant judicial interpretations and by taking into account of the practice of the trial work of the people's courts, for the purpose of strengthening and regulating the supervision of people's courts at a higher level over enforcement of cases by people's courts at a lower level.


   Article 1   The Supreme People's Court supervises over enforcement of cases by local people's courts at all levels. High people's courts and intermediate people's courts supervise over enforcement of cases by people's courts under their own jurisdiction.

     第一条 最高人民法院对地方各级人民法院执行案件进行监督。高级人民法院、中级人民法院对本辖区内人民法院执行案件进行监督。

   Article 2   Where a party concerned reports that a court at a lower level is negative in enforcement or fails to close a case for a long term, a court at a higher level shall, if it believes that it is true, urge the court at a lower level to take enforcement measures timely or to close the case within a specified time limit.

     第二条 当事人反映下级法院有消极执行或者案件长期不能执结,上级法院认为情况属实的,应当督促下级法院及时采取执行措施,或者在指定期限内办结。

   Article 3   A court at a higher level shall, within ten days of the acceptance of a petition reflecting an issue concerning enforcement by a court at a lower level, prepare a letter of supervision over a case that satisfies the requirement of supervising over a case and forward the petition together with the relevant materials to the court at a lower level by letter. Under special circumstances, the court at a higher level may require the court at a lower level to report immediately or send personnel to the court at the lower level to supervise the case concerned.

A court at a lower level shall, after receiving a letter for supervision over a case prepared by a court at a higher level, designate personnel to handle the case.

     第三条 上级法院应当在受理反映下级法院执行问题的申诉后十日内,对符合督办条件的案件制作督办函,并附相关材料函转下级法院。遇有特殊情况,上级法院可要求下级法院立即进行汇报,或派员实地进行督办。


   Article 4   A court at a lower level shall, within a time limit specified by a court at a higher level, report in writing the process of, or opinion on settlement of, a case to the court in charge of supervision.

     第四条 下级法院应当在上级法院指定的期限内,将案件办理情况或者处理意见向督办法院作出书面报告。

   Article 5   With respect to an enforcement case supervised by a court at a higher level, the court under the supervision shall, according to the requirements of the court at the next higher level, prepare a letter of supervision over the case concerned in a timely manner and forward this letter together with the relevant materials of the case concerned to the enforcement court by letter. The court under the supervision shall be responsible for reporting, before the expiry of the time limit specified by the court at the next higher level, the handling of the case to the court at the next higher level together with the relevant materials.

     第五条 对于上级法院督办的执行案件,被督办法院应当按照上一级法院的要求,及时制作案件督办函,并附案件相关材料函转至执行法院。被督办法院负责在上一级法院限定的期限届满前,将督办案件办理情况书面报告上一级法院,并附相关材料。

   Article 6   Where a court at a lower level fails to report the progress or settlement result of a case as of the expiry of a specified time limit, a court at a higher level may, according to the circumstances, demand the report, or also may directly pick up files and designate another court to handle the case or bring up the case for enforcement.

     第六条 下级法院逾期未报告工作情况或案件处理结果的,上级法院根据情况可以进行催报,也可以直接调卷审查,指定其他法院办理,或者提级执行。

   Article 7   Where a court at a higher level believes, after receiving a written report from a court at a lower level, that the opinion on settlement is inappropriate, the court at a higher level shall issue a written opinion to notify the court at a lower level. The court at a lower level shall handle the matters according to the opinion of the court at a higher level.

     第七条 上级法院收到下级法院的书面报告后,认为下级法院的处理意见不当的,应当提出书面意见函告下级法院。下级法院应当按照上级法院的意见办理。

   Article 8   A court at a lower level may, if it believes that the opinion of a court at a higher level on settlement is wrong, submit the opinion on settlement to a court at a higher level for review according to the relevant provisions.

With regard to a case involving submission for review by a court at a lower level, a court at a higher level shall form a new collegiate panel for conducting an examination. Where, upon examination, it is believed that the original opinion on settlement is wrong, the court at a higher level shall make correction; where it is believed that the original opinion on settlement is correct, it shall urge the court at a lower level to handle the matters according to the original opinion on settlement through a letter.

     第八条 下级法院认为上级法院的处理意见错误,可以按照有关规定提请上级法院复议。


   Article 9   With regard to an enforcement case over which a court at a higher level supervises, where a court at a lower level fails to report the progress or settlement result of the case without any justified reason within a specified time limit or refuses to implement or is negative in implementing the opinion on settlement of the court at a higher level and still fails to make a correction after the court at a higher level urges the handling of the case, the court at a higher level may circulate a notice within its jurisdiction and impose the liability on the relevant courts or the person subject to liability pursuant to the relevant provisions.

     第九条 对于上级法院督办的执行案件,下级法院无正当理由逾期未报告工作情况或案件处理结果,或者拒不落实、消极落实上级法院的处理意见,经上级法院催办后仍未纠正的,上级法院可以在辖区内予以通报,并依据有关规定追究相关法院或者责任人的责任。

   Article 10   These Provisions shall become effective as of the date of promulgation.

     第十条 本规定自公布之日起施行。


中英双语-最高人民法院关于执行案件督办工作的规定(试行)(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 16:32:41