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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Certain Issues Concerning Trial of Cases Involving House Registration


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2010] No. 14

Promulgating Date: 11/05/2010

Effective Date: 11/18/2010

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2010]14号

颁布时间: 11/05/2010

实施时间: 11/18/2010



(Adopted at the 1491st meeting of the Trial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on August 2, 2010)


These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Property Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Urban Real Estate, the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws to ensure cases involving house registration are properly tried.


   Article 1   The people's court shall accept the administrative lawsuits brought before it by any citizen, legal person or other organization against a house registration authority for its acts of house registration, or administrative acts or omissions in connection with inquiry or reproduction of registration materials.

     第一条 公民、法人或者其他组织对房屋登记机构的房屋登记行为以及与查询、复制登记资料等事项相关的行政行为或者相应的不作为不服,提起行政诉讼的,人民法院应当依法受理。

   Article 2   The people's court shall dismiss the administrative lawsuits brought before it by a citizen, legal person or other organization against a house registration authority for its acts of house registration conducted in accordance with legal documents issued by a people's court or an arbitration commission, notice on assistance in enforcement issued by competent authorities, or expropriation decision issued by a people's government, unless such citizen, legal person or other organization holds that there is discrepancy between the registration and relevant documents.

The people's court shall dismiss the administrative lawsuits brought before it by a citizen, legal person or other organization against a house registration authority for its exchange, reissuance of ownership certificate or registration certificate, or renewal of registration book which does not alter any content of the original registration.

The people's court shall dismiss the administrative lawsuits brought before it by a citizen, legal person or other organization against a house registration authority for its acts of house registration conducted before the promulgation of the administrative procedure law.

     第二条 房屋登记机构根据人民法院、仲裁委员会的法律文书或者有权机关的协助执行通知书以及人民政府的征收决定办理的房屋登记行为,公民、法人或者其他组织不服提起行政诉讼的,人民法院不予受理,但公民、法人或者其他组织认为登记与有关文书内容不一致的除外。



   Article 3   Administrative lawsuits brought by a citizen, legal person or other organization concerning acts of house registration shall not be affected by the followings:

(1) The house in question has been destroyed or disappeared;

(2) The act of house registration has been changed by the house registration agency;

(3) Effective legal documents use the ownership certificate, registration book or certificate of house registration as evidence in the case.

     第三条 公民、法人或者其他组织对房屋登记行为不服提起行政诉讼的,不受下列情形的影响:




   Article 4   The people's court shall accept the lawsuits brought by a creditor against the registration of house transfer conducted by a house registration authority for the debtor if such lawsuits fall under one of the following circumstances:

(1) The advance notice registration of creditor's rights with house in question as subject matter has been handled;

(2) The creditor is the mortgagee and the house transfer is registered without the consent of the creditor;

(3) The people's court has conducted mandatory enforcement measures for the house at the request of the creditor, and has informed the house registration authority of this;

(4) There is collusion between personnel of the house registration authority and the debtor.

     第四条 房屋登记机构为债务人办理房屋转移登记,债权人不服提起诉讼,符合下列情形之一的,人民法院应当依法受理:





   Article 5   The people's court shall accept the administrative lawsuits brought by the original right owner or interested party of a house against the first transfer registration of the house which has been transferred for several times.

The people's court shall accept the collective administrative lawsuits brought by the original right owner or interested party of a house against the first transfer registration and subsequent transfer registrations; where the court rejects the claims of the plaintiff on the prior transfer registration or rules that the prior house registration is illegal for the purpose of protecting the third party acting in good faith, it shall also reject the plaintiff's suits against the subsequent transfer registrations.

The people's court shall not accept the administrative lawsuits brought by the original right owner or interested party of the house, which does not bring a suit against the first transfer registration of the house, but against the any subsequent transfer registration.

     第五条 同一房屋多次转移登记,原房屋权利人、原利害关系人对首次转移登记行为提起行政诉讼的,人民法院应当依法受理。



   Article 6   After accepting an administrative case involving house registration, the people's court shall give the notice requiring the following interested parties to participate in the lawsuit as third parties:

(1) right owner specified in the house registration book;

(2) right owners in the disputed or correction registration, or advance notice registration;

(3) other interested parties identified by the people's court.

     第六条 人民法院受理房屋登记行政案件后,应当通知没有起诉的下列利害关系人作为第三人参加行政诉讼:




   Article 7   Administrative cases involving house registration are under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the house is located, but cases falling under one of the following circumstances shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the defendant is based:

(1) where the plaintiff requests the house registration authority to fulfill its duties, such as registration for house transfer, enquiry and reproduction of registration materials;

(2) the suit is brought against the house registration authority's confiscation of house ownership certificate;

(3) the suit is brought against the administrative reconsideration for altering the house registration.

     第七条 房屋登记行政案件由房屋所在地人民法院管辖,但有下列情形之一的也可由被告所在地人民法院管辖:




   Article 8   Where plaintiff brings administrative lawsuits against house registration on the grounds that the civil legal relationship as the basis of house registration, such as purchase, sharing, donation, mortgage, marriage and succession, is invalid or shall be canceled, the people's court shall inform the plaintiff to resolve the civil dispute first. The period of handling civil dispute is exclusive of the time limit for bringing an administrative lawsuit; any such administrative lawsuit that has been accepted shall be terminated.

     第八条 当事人以作为房屋登记行为基础的买卖、共有、赠与、抵押、婚姻、继承等民事法律关系无效或者应当撤销为由,对房屋登记行为提起行政诉讼的,人民法院应当告知当事人先行解决民事争议,民事争议处理期间不计算在行政诉讼起诉期限内;已经受理的,裁定中止诉讼。

   Article 9   Defendant shall bear the burden of proof for the validity of the house registration in dispute. Where the original of the evidence is kept by the defendant, the defendant shall present the original one in the court. Where the original is not kept by the defendant, the defendant shall submit photocopy or reproduction thereof, verified to be consistent with the original, and give necessary explanations. In challenging the evidence provided by the defendant, the party concerned shall present corresponding evidence.

     第九条 被告对被诉房屋登记行为的合法性负举证责任。被告保管证据原件的,应当在法庭上出示。被告不保管原件的,应当提交与原件核对一致的复印件、复制件并作出说明。当事人对被告提交的上述证据提出异议的,应当提供相应的证据。

   Article 10   Where the house registration in dispute is determined to be legal, the people's court shall reject the claims of the plaintiff.

     第十条 被诉房屋登记行为合法的,人民法院应当判决驳回原告的诉讼请求。

   Article 11   Where the house registration in dispute involves several subjects of right or the house is dividable, amongst which the registration of some of the subjects or some parts of the house is illegal and should be canceled, the court may rule to grant partial cancelation.

Where the house registration in dispute is illegal but has been altered by the house registration authority, the court shall rule that the act in litigation is illegal.

Where the house registration in litigation is illegal but cancelation thereof would substantially damage the public interest or the house has been obtained by a third party acting in good faith, the court shall rule the act in dispute is illegal but shall not cancel the house registration.

     第十一条 被诉房屋登记行为涉及多个权利主体或者房屋可分,其中部分主体或者房屋的登记违法应予撤销的,可以判决部分撤销。



   Article 12   Where the applicant goes through house registration procedures by providing fake materials, and the house registration authority fails to perform its due diligence, the indemnification liability shall be borne by the applicant and the authority in proportion to their respective fault and role in causing the damage.

     第十二条 申请人提供虚假材料办理房屋登记,给原告造成损害,房屋登记机构未尽合理审慎职责的,应当根据其过错程度及其在损害发生中所起作用承担相应的赔偿责任。

   Article 13   Where personnel of the house registration authority collude with a third party to conduct illegal house registration, which undermines the rights and interests of the plaintiff, the house registration authority and the third party shall bear the joint liability for indemnification.

     第十三条 房屋登记机构工作人员与第三人恶意串通违法登记,侵犯原告合法权益的,房屋登记机构与第三人承担连带赔偿责任。

   Article 14   Where previous judicial interpretation made by the Supreme People's Court conflicts with these Provisions, these Provisions shall prevail.

Administrative cases involving registration of houses built on the collectively-owned rural land shall be tried by referring to these Provisions.

     第十四条 最高人民法院以前所作的相关的司法解释,凡与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。






中英双语-最高人民法院关于审理房屋登记案件若干问题的规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-28 16:53:34