日本的职场欺凌 | 外刊精读

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本期外刊精读选自The Economist关于日本职场欺凌的文章Japan’s bullying bosses


文章小标题Anger management有双关作用,它字面含义是“愤怒管理”,可以指日本的企业管理者要学会控制自己的情绪,同时management还可以指“(公司的)管理层”,Anger management理解为“让公司管理层感到愤怒”。下面是关于文章的详细分析:


As honda soichiro built his company from a small producer of engines to attach to bicycles into a global carmaking giant, he developed a reputation as a talented engineer and a maverick executive. He was also known to be an exacting boss, even a violent one.


Exacting在这里的意思是“严格的,要求高”,意思类似于demanding,He was also known to be an exacting boss, even a violent one. 这里用one来代替前半句提到的boss,这样可以减少用词重复,这也是我们写作中可以借鉴的手法。

同时,这里写本田宗一郎用的是He was also known to be...而不是He is also known to be... 这是因为他已经于1991年去世了,所以需要用过去时态。

“When he got mad, he blindly reached for anything lying around, and started throwing whatever was in reach randomly at people,” one former executive later recalled.


Such fiery tempers remain all too common among Japanese managers. A Japanese psychologist even coined a term to describe the particular abuse that the country’s supervisors pile upon some of their employees: pawahara, or power harassment.


all too在这里相当于very,但它通常用在负面语境中来描述某个不好的现象很频繁,很容易发生等。



Complaints of harassment in the workplace have been growing in recent years, hitting a record high of 82,797 in 2018, up from 32,242 a decade earlier.


这一句提供了一个常见的描述数据的句式:XX has been growing…hitting a record high in…up from… 比如“近年来大学毕业生人数不断上升,从十年前的500万上升到2020年的900万,达到了历史高峰”,可以说:

The number of college graduates has been growing in recent years, hitting a record high of 9 million in 2020, up from 5 million a decade earlier.

In 2016 the country’s labour ministry found that a third of Japanese workers had experienced power harassment in the past three years. The trend worried the government enough to spur recent passage of anti-harassment legislation.


As of June 1st, Japanese firms are required to have clear policies in place and to create internal systems for reporting and verifying claims of abuse.


As of/from XX 是一个固定搭配,意即“从……某一时间起”,比如:As of now, there will be no more paid overtime. 从现在起不再有加班费。


At the extreme end, workplace bullying can still include physical violence of the sort displayed by Honda. More typically, it manifests itself in all manner of verbal, emotional and psychological abuse.


XX of the sort 是个常见搭配,意思是“类似XX一样的事物”。

Japan’s labour ministry defines six categories of power harassment: physical attacks, mental attacks, social isolation, excessive demands, demeaning demands and privacy infringements.


Suicides linked to power harassment are not uncommon. Cases cut acrosssectors and classes.


Cut across是个固定搭配,意思是“影响,涉及(两个或多个群体)”,例如:Domestic violence seems to cut across most social divisions. 家庭暴力似乎存在于大部分的社会阶层。

One MP from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party resigned from the party after a recording surfaced that allegedly captured her hitting an assistant as well as calling him “baldy”.


…a recording surfaced that allegedly captured her hitting an assistant as well as calling him “baldy”. 这句话谓语surfaced被提前了,这样可以避免头重脚轻的问题,还原后相当于:a recording that allegedly captured her hitting an assistant as well as calling him “baldy” surfaced.


Although bad bosses are a universal phenomenon, Japanese workplaces can be particularly conducive to the worst sort of behaviour. Hierarchies are rigid and deeply rooted.


XX is conducive to something 是一个写作常用表达,意思是:XX有助于某事,XX为某事提供了有利的条件,例如“学校致力于提供一个有利于学习的环境”,可以说:The school tries to create an environment that is conducive to learning.

What bosses see as tough love can come across as hurtful to junior employees, especially as behavioural norms change between generations, says Inao Izumi of Cuore c Cube, the consultancy that first defined pawahara.

稻尾泉是咨询公司Cuore c Cube的员工(该公司最早定义了pawahara这一名词),她说:“在老板们眼中那种严厉的爱在基层员工看来可能会对他们造成伤害,尤其是行为准则在不同代人之间有所变化”。

Come across是一个固定搭配,意思是“给人以……的印象”,这里也提供了一个很好用的句式:What…see as tough love can come across as hurtful to… 比如在教育话题中可以说:What parents see as tough love can come across as hurtful to their children.

The inflexibility of Japan’s labour market compounds the problem. “People can’t easily quit if they hate their boss and companies can’t easily fire bad bosses,” says Rochelle Kopp of Japan Intercultural Consulting.



Critics counter that the new law is both too vague and too toothless to help put-upon workers. Small and medium-sized firms do not have to comply until 2022.


Toothless通常用来指法律、机构等没有约束力,比如:This well-intentioned but toothless law will do nothing to improve the situation. 这项用意良好但没有约束力的法律对改善局势没有什么作用。

The law does not apply to part-time workers, who make up more than a third of the Japanese labour force. Nor does it specify punishments for harassers, leaving it up to companies to decide what action to take.


“The law merely warns offenders—it’s like a yellow card,” says Kaneko Masaomi of the Workplace Harassment Research Institute. Until bad bosses have to worry about being sent off the pitch, their untoward actions are unlikely to stop.

职场骚扰研究所的金子正美说:“法律只是对骚扰者给出了警告——就像只给出了黄牌。” 在糟糕的老板们不得不担心因骚扰而被辞退前,他们的不良举动不太可能会停止。

Pitch字面含义是“(足球场等)运动场地”,off the pitch即“场下”,somebody is sent off the pitch在这里引申为“某人被辞退”。

发布于 2020-11-05 17:43:35