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The Economist去年在商业版块推出了一个专栏Bartleby,用于发布与企业管理和工作有关的文章。Bartleby这一词来自于美国作家Herman Melville的短篇故事集Bartleby, the Scrivener(代笔者巴特贝)。在该故事集中,Bartleby是华尔街一名职业抄写员,他在一开始工作很努力,但后来逐渐丧失了工作热情,变得消极怠工。专栏取名为Bartleby意在提醒企业改进管理方式以及指出当前职场人士面临的各种问题。



The decline of the conventional job has been much heralded in recent years.

这句话的意思是“传统工作的衰退在近年来已经被大量讨论”。其中much heralded是一个固定搭配,含义是“……被广泛讨论”。

从这一句中可以学习一个常用的开头句:XX has been much heralded in recent years. (XX在近年来被广泛讨论),XX的内容可以是各个热门话题,例如:

The rise in artificial intelligence/self-driving cars has been much heralded in recent years.

Herald 这个词还有一个意思“预示,是……的前兆”(to be a sign that sth is going to happen),比如:

The success of Space X, a private American aerospace manufacturer, heralds a new age of space exploration.

It is now nearly axiomatic that people will work for a range of employers in a variety of roles over their lifetimes, with a much more flexible schedule than in the past.

这一句话可以直接背下来用在与工作类相关的作文中。句子的意思是“人们将会在一生中为不同的雇主工作,从事各种不同的职业,并且工作安排会比过去更加灵活。这一点在目前几乎已经不言自明”。其中axiomatic含义是“不言而喻的;不证自明的”(generally believed to be obvious or true),它的一个近义表达是self-evident,从这里我们也可以学到一个句型:It is now nearly axiomatic that…with… (……目前几乎已经不言自明)。举个关于工作的例子:

The rise in artificial intelligence has been much heralded in recent years. It is now nearly axiomatic that this technology will penetrate into every aspect of our life, with millions of jobs rendered obsolete.

Opinion is still divided over whether this change is a cause for concern or a chance for workers to be liberated from the rut of office life.


(1)要表达“人们对……有不同观点”,可以说People have different opinions about…也可以参考这句话:Opinion is divided over… 注意这里opinion是作为不可数名词使用,指抽象含义上的“意见,观点”。比如:

Opinion is divided over whether governments should spend more money on space exploration programs.

(2)A cause for XX也是一个固定搭配,意思是“令人……的事物”,XX is a cause for concern 即“XX令人担忧”,XX is a cause for celebration则是“XX值得令人庆祝”。比如中国月球车成功登陆月球背面,这是值得令人庆祝的事,可以说:

That China successfully landed its lunar rover on the far side of the moon is a cause for celebration.

(3)be liberated from the rut of office life 意思是“从枯燥乏味的办公室生活中被解放出来”,rut的一个常见搭配是be (stuck) in a rut,含义是“(工作或生活)枯燥乏味,一成不变”。例如:I gave up my job because I felt I was stuck in a rut. 我放弃了我的工作,因为我觉得那种生活呆板无聊。


In contrast, a study of the British economy by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) shows that the self-employed sector has been growing, with the number of self-employed sole traders rising by 25% between 2007-08 and 2015-16.


很多同学在写作文的时候喜欢这样举例“来自XX的研究结果表明……”,写成英文是:A research by XX shows that… 但这样写是错误的,因为research是不可数名词,不能说a research,正确写法可以参考上面的句子:A study by XX shows that… 


These two measures are different. But getting a good statistical fix is not easy when the jobs are hard to define.

上一段提到美国劳工统计局和英国财政研究所发布的数据有相左之处,但要对数据进行修正并不容易,因为很多工作本身很难被定义。句子中getting a good statistical fix 意思是“找到一个好的数据修正值”。

The ecology of the alternative-employment market has many species. At the top end are independent consultants with six-figure salaries and tax advantages from their self-employed status; at the bottom are cleaners on the minimum wage working for an agency.


要表达“年薪n位数”(单位是美元或者英镑)可以说:with a n-figure salary,例如:He is a top executive with a six-figure salary. 他是一位年薪六位数的高层经理。

要表达“某人领取法定最低薪水”,可以说:somebody is on the minimum wage,例如:Most of the junior office staff are on the minimum wage. 大多数资历较浅的办公室工作人员领取的是法定最低工资。

Then there are jobs in the “gig economy”—people connected to work via websites, such as freelancers labelling photos to help artificial-intelligence programs.

The gig economy是近年来兴起的一种工作形式,中文译名是“零工经济”。从事零工经济的一般是自由职业者,他们利用网络寻找短期工作项目,工作形式和时间比较灵活。


The best placed are skilled professionals and artisans whose work is in demand from a wide range of customers.


这句话是倒装结构,还原后是:Skilled professionals and artisans whose…are the best placed. 这里采用倒装是为了强调the best placed这一部分。be the best placed是一个固定搭配,含义是“处于最有利的位置,有最佳优势”。

Be in demand 也是一个短语,意思是“受欢迎,需求量大”(wanted by a lot of people),举个例子:

Although there is an abundance of university degree holders in the job market, graduates with good IT skills are in demand.

The money is good but there is no paid holiday, sick pay or pension, and the contract can be ended with a month’s notice.

Notice在这里是熟词生义,它的意思是“通知,预告”,the contract can be ended with a month’s notice 即“如果合同结束,他们会提前一个月收到通知”。



(1) XX has been much heralded in recent years. 

(2) It is now nearly axiomatic that…with…

(3) Opinion is divided over…

(4) XX is a cause for

(5) Somebody is on the minimum wage

(6) Be in demand


发布于 2020-11-09 10:02:21