为何互联网巨头应该惧怕欧洲 | 外刊精读

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今天精读的文章来自The Economist上周发布的一篇社论文章:Why big tech should fear Europe(为何互联网巨头应该惧怕欧洲)



“The birthday of a new world is at hand.” Ever since Thomas Paine penned those words in 1776, America has seen itself as the land of the new—and Europe as a continent stuck in the past. Nowhere is that truer than in the tech industry.

文章开头引用了美国著名思想家以及开国元勋Thomas Paine(托马斯·潘恩)的名言 "The birthday of a new world is at hand."(一个新世界即将诞生)。在此之后,美国一直将自己视为创新之地,而欧洲大陆则因循守旧。关于这一点,没有哪个行业比科技行业更加突出。

文章通过引用名人名言来引入话题,这种写法非常自然且准确。引用名人名言也是很多文章常见的开头手法,比如The Economist以前在报道英国的网购现状时,用了这样的开头:

拿破仑原话是 "England is a nation of shopkeepers." 以此来讽刺英国人软弱无能,都是小商人。文章化用了这句话引入了网购的话题,读起来很巧妙。

此外,句子中Nowhere is…than... 这一个很好用的比较句式,可以用来强调某事物最为突出,某问题最为严重等等。比如:

(1) Nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US. 没有什么地方毒品滥用问题比美国更严重。

(2) Nowhere is the effect of global warming more apparent than in the polar regions. 全球变暖对南北极地区的影响最为显著。

Silicon Valley is where the brainiest ideas meet the smartest money.

这句话的意思是“硅谷是最聪明的想法与最聪明的钱汇集的地方”。这里brainiest是brainy的最高级,brainiest和smartest 是近义词,用在这里可以增加用词多样性。

America is also where the debate rages loudly over how to tame the tech giants, so that they act in the public interest.

句子中in the public interest是一个固定表达,意思是“为了公众的利益”(to be good or necessary for the safety or success of a country and its people),比如新概念英语3第53课的标题就是In the public interest


The news media is important in modern society because it can make sure those in power behave appropriately and draw attention to issues that are in the public interest.


Yet if you want to understand where the world’s most powerful industry is heading,look not to Washington and California, but to Brussels and Berlin.


这句话提供了一个句式:If you want to…look not to…but to…(如果你想要……那么不要选择……而应该关注……)。举个例子:

If you want to find out what the next global financial centers will be like, look not to London and New York, but to Shanghai and Hong Kong.

In an inversion of the rule of thumb, while America dithers the European Union is acting.


The rule of thumb是一个常见的固定搭配,意思是“经验之谈,经验法则”(a principle that is believed and followed and that is based on the way something usually happens or is done),比如:As a rule of thumb, stocks that involve greater risk also have the potential of earning you more money.

If the doctrine works, it could benefit millions of users, boost the economy and constrain tech giants that have gathered immense power without a commensurate sense of responsibility.


句子中a commensurate sense of responsibility这一用法非常棒,它的意思是“与……相称的,相当的”(matching something in size, quality, or length of time),举个例子,法律中有个“罪刑相当”的说法,用英文表达即 The punishment should be commensurate with the offense.

又比如要表达“与技能和经验相称的薪水”,可以说 a salary that is commensurate with skills and experience

回到句子中tech giants that have gathered immense power without a commensurate sense of responsibility 意即“拥有巨大权力却没有与之相匹配责任感的科技巨头”。


Western regulators have had showdowns over antitrust with tech firms before, including IBM in the 1960s and Microsoft in the 1990s.


这里showdown意思是“摊牌,最后的较量”(an argument, a fight or a test that will settle a disagreement that has lasted for a long time)。比如:Britain has a World Cup showdown with Australia next month. 下个月英国队和澳大利亚队将有一场世界杯的决战。

But today’s giants are accused not just of capturing huge rents and stifling competition, but also of worse sins…


此外,这个句子中还有一个值得注意的句型XX is accused not just of…but also of… (XX不仅被指责……而被指责……),举个例子,近些年来越来越多人开始反对使用塑料,因为它们不仅破坏环境,还对人类健康造成危害,可以说:

In recent years there has been a backlash against the use of plastics, as they are accused not just of polluting the environment, but also of posing a threat to human health.


The idea of the EU taking the lead on these questions will seem bizarre to many executives who view it as an entrepreneurial wasteland and the spiritual home of bureaucracy.


句子中wasteland意思是“荒漠(喻指精神、文化生活贫乏的地方、状况或时期)”,比如要表“这座城市是一片文化荒漠”,可以说:This city is a cultural wasteland.

这里也可以学习一个句型:The idea of…will seem…to XX who… 举个例子,当前很多年轻人频繁跳槽,这一做法对老一辈人来说是不可理解的,可以说:

The idea of changing jobs frequently will seem outlandish to the older generation who have spent their entire working life at the same position. In fact, young people today are better educated than previous generations, and they have much higher expectations of what they can expect from the job market. If they do not feel valued in the workplace, they will not think twice about changing jobs.

Europe’s lack of tech firms helps it take a more objective stance.


Take a XX stance是一个固定搭配,意思是“采取XX样的立场”,比如:

The government has taken a tough stance on gun control in the wake of several severe mass shootings. 



(1) Nowhere is…than... 

(2) in the public interest

(3) If you want to…look not to…but to…

(4) XX is accused not just of…but also of… 

(5) The idea of…will seem…to XX who…

(6) Take a XX stance


发布于 2020-11-09 10:42:53