为何汽车巨头都在押注电动车 | 外刊精读

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本期精读的文章来自The Economist商业版块的一篇文章Big carmakers are placing vast bets on electric vehicles










In 1900 one in three cars on American roads ran on volts. Then oil begangushing out of Texas. Cheaper than batteries, and easier to top up, petrolfuelled the rise of mass-produced automobiles.




这一句不少用法都值得学习。比如开头第一句作者不写:In 1900 one in three cars on American roads were electric cars. 而是写:In 1900 one in three cars on American roads ran on volts. Volt是电压单位“伏特”,ran on volts 即“依靠电能行驶”,这一写法更加新颖。


要形容德克萨斯州有大量石油,作者用了一个很有画面感的句子:Then oil began gushing out of Texas. Gush out可以用来形容液体奔涌而出的状态,说明德州遍地流油,资源确实丰富。




Cost and worries about limited range have kept electric vehicles (EVs) in a nicheever since.



niche是一个在外刊中很常见的单词,在这里的意思是“小众的有利可图的市场”,它也可以用来指“适合自己的工作”,比如:He eventually found his niche in sports journalism. 最后他在体育新闻界找到了理想的工作。

Tesla, which has made battery power sexy again in the past decade, produced just 250,000 units last year, a fraction of what Volkswagen or Toyota churn outannually.

这里sexy一词用得很有意思,它不是指“性感”,而是指“(想法、产品等)令人兴奋的,吸引人的”(sexy ideas, products etc are exciting, attractive, and interesting),made battery power sexy again 即“让电池动力重新变得有吸引力”。


churn out一般用来指大规模快速生产产品,这里用该词组来形容大众和丰田生产轿车的过程很恰当。



EV sales are, however, accelerating as quickly as electric motors themselves.




The chief reason such optimistic forecasts no longer look outlandish is the entry into the electric race of the car industry’s juggernauts.



Juggernaut在这里可以算是一语双关,因为它除了可以表示“重型卡车”之外,还可以指“巨头集团,无法控制的强大机构”(a large and powerful force or institution that cannot be controlled)。在该语境中用juggernaut表达效果要比用giant/behemoth/leviathan好,因为它更加贴近文章主题。从这里也可以看出词汇量大的好处:它可以让我们从一系列近义词中挑选出最精准的一个,更加精确地表达思想。


From GM and Geely to Mercedes and Nissan, big carmakers all want to turn outmillions of such cars—and turn a profit doing so. Their strategies range from cautious to headstrong.


turn out跟上面提到的churn out是同义词组,都表示“大量生产某物”,不过这里用turn out更好,因为它跟后面的turn a profit能组成头韵,读起来更有节奏感。


Making a profitable, mass-produced EV has proved elusive.



Elusive含义是“困难的,难以实现的”(difficultor impossible to achieve),比如:In London late-night taxis are elusive and far from cheap. 在伦敦,深夜时难以打到出租车,而且车费非常贵。


Elusive还有一个很好用的派生词elude,它可以用来表达“XX未能获得某事”,比如要表达“他未能成功”,可以说:Success eluded him. 要表达“他累极了,却睡不着”,可以说:He was extremely tired but sleep eluded him.


A battery powertrain can be three times the price of an ICE. But a combination of better technology and greater scale may soon allow EVs to compete on price with petrol vehicles, and enable motorists to drive long distances without the fear of running out of juice.



ICE是Internal CombustionEngine的缩写,接下来汽车行业的主要发展趋势是实现从内燃机到电动机的转变,这也是这两年很火的一个话题。《经济学人》在2017年曾经发表过一篇封面文章The death of the internal combustion engine,详细说明了这一趋势,感兴趣的同学可以找来读读。


句子最后的juice不是指“果汁”,而是指“能源(比如汽油和电力)”,run out of juice即“耗尽电能”。





They had better, carmakers are hoping.

这句话调整一下语序是:Carmakers are hoping (that) they had better (allow EVs to compete onprice with petrol vehicles, and enable motorists to…), 这里they指代的是上一段最后提到的better technology and greater scale


Worries about climate change and air pollution are prompting authorities around the world to consider phasing out new petrol and diesel engines in the coming decade.



phase out是一个短语,意思是“逐步淘汰,逐渐停止”(to gradually stop using something)。比如当前人工智能发展很快,类似卡车司机以及会计等职业有可能面临被淘汰的风险,我们可以说:


As artificial intelligence and machine learning progress, jobs such as truck drivers and accountants are in danger of being phased out.


从这个句子中我们也可以学到一个句式:Worries about…are prompting authorities around the world to… 举两个例子:


(1) Worries about climate change are prompting authorities around the world to consider introducing the carbon tax.


(2) Worries about the obesity epidemic are prompting authorities around the world to limit fast food advertising.


In the absence of federal regulations under America’s climate-scepticalpresident, Donald Trump, some progressive cities and states there are tightening local rules.



作者在表达川普对气候变化持怀疑态度时直接用了一个词climate-sceptical, 令人印象深刻。同时这一句也写得非常简洁,如果让我们来表达同样的意思,我们可能会写成:


Under America’s president Donald Trump, who is skeptical about climate change, there are no federal regulations on new petrol and diesel engines.


作者通过使用in the absence of以及climate-sceptical来使句子更加精简。





(1) niche

(2) churn out

(3) elude

(4) phase out

(5) Worries about…are prompting authorities around the world to…


发布于 2020-11-09 10:48:21