Day 111  wrong在法律英语中的含义及用法

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wrong  n. 不法行为;不当行为




上述wrong的领域可以分为两类:一是侵犯个人的不法行为,英文的一般表达是“private wrong”,指可以为个人提供救济的不法行为,如侵权、违约等;二是公共不法行为,英文的一般表达是“public wrong”,指行为人应当对整个社会承担责任的不法行为,如犯罪、违法等。


The negligence is too remote to constitute, as to the ultimate user, an actionable wrong. ( Donald Macpherson v. Buick Motor Company )

【参考译文】对于最终的使用者,过失过于遥远不能构成一个可诉的不法行为。 (唐纳德•麦克弗尔森诉别克汽车公司案)


The Federal Administrative Procedure Act ( 1946) provided uniform standards of procedure. It guarantees the right of judicial review to any person suffering legal wrong because of any agency action.



wrong 一般和right(权利)有所联系,因为任何权利都可能 受到不法行为的侵害。读者在英语学习过程中可能会发现这 样的一种近乎巧合的语言现象,wrong的另外一个意思错误right的另外一个意思正确,恰恰也是一组反义词。


对于实施wrong(不法行为)的人,在英美法律中一般称之为“ wrongdoer”,即违法人,侵权人


An act which involves intimidation, damage or assault constitutes a criminal offence and if sufficient evidence is available the wrongdoer will be prosecuted.



To facilitate minority shareholders to take derivative action on behalf of the company against the wrongdoer, we propose to introduce a statutory derivative action along the following lines.







发布于 2020-11-09 15:59:26