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Announcement [2011] No. 16 of the China Securities Regulatory Commission -- Guidelines on the Contents of the Reports on Exit Audit and Exit Review for Practitioners of the Fund Industry


Promulgating Institution: China Securities Regulatory Commission

Document Number: Announcement [2011] No. 16 of the China Securities Regulatory Commission

Promulgating Date: 07/07/2011

Effective Date: 10/01/2011

颁布机关: 中国证券监督管理委员会

文      号: 中国证券监督管理委员会公告[2011]16号





  Article 1   With a view to standardizing the contents of the reports on exit audit and exit review for practitioners of the fund industry, these Guidelines are formulated pursuant to relevant provisions on fund regulation.

       第一条  为了规范基金行业人员离任审计及审查报告内容,根据基金监管相关规定,制定本准则。

  Article 2   Fund management companies, fund custodian banks and fund sales institutions shall establish the exit audit or exit review system for the personnel concerned.

       第二条  基金管理公司、基金托管银行、基金销售机构应当建立相关人员离任审计或者离任审查制度。

  Article 3   Outgoing senior management personnel, fund managers and investment managers of fund management companies, outgoing senior management personnel of the fund custodian departments of fund custodian banks, outgoing senior management personnel or managing partners of independent fund sales institutions, outgoing senior management personnel responsible for fund sales of securities investment advisory institutions, and outgoing department heads responsible for fund sales of other fund sales institutions shall be subject to exit audit or exit review, and shall not hold positions with other fund management companies, fund custodian departments of other fund custodian banks or other fund sales institutions during the period of exit audit or exit review.

       第三条  基金管理公司高级管理人员、基金经理、投资经理及基金托管银行基金托管部门高级管理人员、独立基金销售机构的高级管理人员或者执行事务合伙人、证券投资咨询机构负责基金销售业务的高级管理人员、其他基金销售机构负责基金销售业务的部门负责人离任的,应当接受离任审计或者离任审查,在离任审计或者离任审查期间不得到其他基金管理公司、基金托管银行基金托管部门或者基金销售机构任职。

  Article 4   Where the chairman of the board of directors or the general manager of a fund management company or an independent fund sales institution leaves his/her position, or where the managing partner quits the partnership, the fund management company or the independent fund sales institution shall immediately engage an accounting firm qualified for securities-related business to conduct exit audit of the said person, submit the report on exit audit within thirty (30) working days from the date of his/her exit to the Department of Investment Fund Supervision of the China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC") and the dispatched agency of the CSRC at the business place of the said company/institution, and archive the same for future reference.

       第四条  基金管理公司、独立基金销售机构的董事长、总经理离任或者执行事务合伙人退伙的,基金管理公司、独立基金销售机构应当立即聘请具有从事证券相关业务资格的会计师事务所对其进行离任审计,并自离任之日起30个工作日内将离任审计报告报送中国证监会基金监管部及企业经营所在地中国证监会派出机构,同时存档备查。

  Article 5   The report on exit audit of the chairman of the board of directors, the general manager or the managing partner of a fund management company or an independent fund sales institution shall at least cover the following information during his/her term of office:

(1) The implementation of the audit work, including, among others, the audit time, scope, contents, and methods;

(2) Profile and fundamental duties of the person subject to audit, and his/her actual performance of the duties;

(3) The internal annual appraisal of the person subject to audit;

(4) The operating conditions of the company/institution, including changes in the size of the assets under management or the size of fund sales, business development situations, as well as changes in major financial indicators and the reasons therefor;

(5) The internal control building and risk management of the company/institution, including the adjustments to its systems and management models as well as the effects thereof;

(6) The liabilities that shall be borne by the person subject to audit when the company/institution is subject to criminal punishments, administrative punishments or administrative regulatory measures due to its violation of laws or rules;

(7) The criminal punishments, administrative punishments, administrative regulatory measures, and disciplinary sanctions of industry self-disciplinary organizations that are imposed on/taken against the person subject to audit, and the sanctions imposed thereon by the company/institution for violations of its rules and regulations;

(8) Major issues found in the audit; and

(9) Audit conclusions.

       第五条  基金管理公司、独立基金销售机构的董事长、总经理或者执行事务合伙人的离任审计报告,应当至少包括其任职期间的以下内容:










  Article 6   Where a deputy general manager, the chief inspector, a fund manager or an investment manager of a fund management company leaves his/her position, the fund management company shall immediately conduct exit review of the said person, submit the review report within thirty (30) working days from the date of his/her exit to the Department of Investment Fund Supervision of the CSRC and the dispatched agency of the CSRC at the business place of the said company, and archive the same for future reference. The report on exit review of the fund manager and the investment manager shall also be submitted to industry associations.

       第六条  基金管理公司的副总经理、督察长、基金经理或者投资经理离任的,基金管理公司应当立即对其进行离任审查,并自离任之日起30个工作日内将审查报告报送中国证监会基金监管部及公司经营所在地中国证监会派出机构,同时存档备查,基金经理、投资经理的离任审查报告还应当同时报送行业协会。

  Article 7   The report on exit review of a deputy general manager or the chief inspector of a fund management company shall contain contents with reference to Items (1) through (3), and Items (6) through (9) of Article 5 herein. In addition, the report on exit review of the deputy general manager shall also cover the operating conditions of the business under his/her management, and the internal control building and risk management information during his/her term of office, whereas the report on exit review of the chief inspector shall also cover the compliance, risk control, and supervision and monitoring of the fund management company during his/her term of office.

       第七条  基金管理公司副总经理、督察长的离任审查报告,应当参照本准则第五条第一项至第三项、第六项至第九项有关内容,副总经理的离任审查报告还应当包括其任期内分管业务的经营状况、内控建设和风险管理情况等,督察长的离任审查报告还应当包括其任期内基金管理公司合法合规、风险控制及监察稽核工作情况等。

  Article 8   The report on exit review of a fund manager or an investment manager shall at least contain the following information during his/her term of office:

(1) The implementation of the review work, including, among others, the review time, scope, contents, and methods;

(2) Profile of the funds or investment portfolios under his/her management;

(3) Comparison between the benchmark performance and the performance of the funds or investment portfolios under his/her management;

(4) Investment compliance of the funds or investment portfolios under his/her management, and whether there is any advantage transfer, use of non-public information for making profits, violation of the principle of fair trading, etc.;(5) His/her compliance with the code of conduct for investment management personnel;

(6) The liabilities that shall be borne by the person subject to review when the fund management company is subject to criminal punishments, administrative punishments or administrative regulatory measures due to its violation of laws or rules;

(7) The criminal punishments, administrative punishments, administrative regulatory measures, and disciplinary sanctions of industry self-disciplinary organizations that are imposed on/taken against the person subject to review, and the sanctions imposed thereon by the fund management company for violations of its rules and regulations;

(8) Major issues found in the review; and

(9) Review conclusions.

       第八条  基金经理、投资经理的离任审查报告应当至少包括其任职期间的以下内容:










  Article 9   Where the general manager or deputy general manager of the fund custodian department of a fund custodian bank leaves his/her position, the fund custodian bank shall immediately conduct exit review of the said person, submit the review report within thirty (30) working days from the date of his/her exit to the Department of Investment Fund Supervision of the CSRC, and archive the same for future reference.

The report on exit review of the general manager or deputy general manager of the fund custodian department of a fund custodian bank shall contain contents with reference to Items (1) through (3), and Items (6) through (9) of Article 5 herein, and shall also cover, among others, the operating conditions of the business under his/her general or specific management, and the internal control building and risk management information during his/her term of office.

       第九条  基金托管银行基金托管部门的总经理、副总经理离任的,基金托管银行应当立即对其进行离任审查,并自离任之日起30个工作日内将审查报告报送中国证监会基金监管部,同时存档备查。


Article 10   Where other senior management personnel of an independent fund sales institution, the senior management personnel responsible for fund sales of a securities investment advisory institution, or the department heads responsible for fund sales of other fund sales institutions leave their positions, the relevant fund sales institutions shall immediately conduct exit review of the said persons, submit the reports on exit review within thirty (30) working days from the date of their exit to the Department of Investment Fund Supervision of the CSRC and relevant dispatched agencies of the CSRC, and archive the same for future reference.

The reports on exit review of the said personnel shall contain contents with reference to Items (1) through (3), and Items (6) through (9) of Article 5 herein, and shall also cover, among others, the operating conditions of the business under their specific management, and the internal control building and risk management information during their term of office.

       第十条  独立基金销售机构的其他高级管理人员、证券投资咨询机构负责基金销售业务的高级管理人员、其他基金销售机构负责基金销售业务的部门负责人离任的,相关基金销售机构应当立即对其进行离任审查,并自离任之日起30个工作日内将离任审查报告报送中国证监会基金监管部及相关派出机构,同时存档备查。


Article 11   Fund management companies and independent fund sales institutions shall provide all relevant materials in an accurate, truthful and complete manner to the accounting firms that are to produce the reports on exit audit.

The accounting firms shall practice due diligence, check and verify the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the documents and materials based on which the reports on exit audit are to be issued, and issue such reports in an objective and impartial manner.

       第十一条  基金管理公司、独立基金销售机构应当真实、准确、完整地向出具离任审计报告的会计师事务所提供相关材料。


Article 12   A report on exit audit or exit review shall give a comprehensive, objective, objective and fair view of the performance of duties by, and the compliance of the person subject to audit or review during his/her term of office.

       第十二条  离任审计、审查报告的内容应当全面、客观、公正地反映审计、审查对象任职期间履行职责情况及合规情况。

Article 13   Persons subject to audit or review shall cooperate in the exit audit or review.

A report on exit audit or exit review shall be attached with the written opinions of the person subject to audit or review. It shall be noted in the report if the person subject to audit or review refuses to state his/her opinions on the audit or review report.

       第十三条  审计、审查对象应当配合离任审计、审查工作。


Article 14    Where reports on exit audit or exit review have already been issued to persons subject to audit or review as required by the companies concerned, superior authorities or other regulatory authorities, it is not necessary to conduct another audit or review as long as the contents of the previous audit or review cover those prescribed herein.

       第十四条  根据本企业、上级主管机关或者其他监管机构要求对审计、审查对象已经出具离任审计、审查报告的,如果审计、审查内容涵盖本准则规定的相关内容的,可以不进行重复审计或者审查。

Article 15    Institutions issuing reports on exit audit or exit review shall take good care of such reports.

The CSRC shall refer to relevant reports on exit audit or exit review when examining the applications for post-holding qualifications of senior management personnel of the fund industry, so shall industry associations in the registration of fund managers and investment managers.

       第十五条  出具离任审计、审查报告的机构应当妥善保管离任审计、审查报告。


Article 16    Where an accounting firm issuing reports on exit audit fails to carry out necessary checks or verification pursuant to these Guidelines, or issues reports on exit audit that fail to comply with these Guidelines or contain false records or material omissions, the CSRC may take administrative regulatory measures against the relevant persons in charge of the accounting firm and the persons subject to direct liabilities, and require the accounting firm to issue new reports on exit audit. Violations of laws, administrative regulations or rules shall be punished in accordance with relevant provisions.

       第十六条  出具离任审计报告的会计师事务所未按本准则规定进行必要的核查、验证,离任审计报告内容不符合本准则要求或者出具的报告有虚假记载、重大遗漏的,中国证监会可以对会计师事务所相关负责人及直接责任人员采取行政监管措施,并要求重新出具离任审计报告;违反法律、行政法规或者规章的,按照相关规定进行处罚。

Article 17    Where a fund management company, a fund custodian bank or a fund sales institution fails to establish the exit audit or exit review system as required, or issues reports on exit review that contain false records or material omissions or fail to meet the requirements of these Guidelines, the CSRC and the relevant dispatched agency thereof may take administrative regulatory measures against the senior management personnel bearing the primary responsibilities and other personnel subject to direct liabilities, and requir the issuance of new reports on exit review. Violations of laws, administrative regulations or rules shall be punished in accordance with relevant provisions.

       第十七条  基金管理公司、基金托管银行、基金销售机构未按规定建立离任审计、审查制度,出具的离任审查报告有虚假记载、重大遗漏或者不符合本准则要求的,中国证监会及其派出机构可以对负有主要责任的高级管理人员和直接责任人员采取行政监管措施,并要求重新出具离任审查报告;违反法律、行政法规或者规章的,按照相关规定进行处罚。

Article 18   The CSRC and the dispatched agencies thereof may take corresponding administrative regulatory measures against persons subject to audit or review who fail to cooperate in exit audit or exit review without justification.

       第十八条  离任审计、审查对象没有正当理由不配合离任审计、审查工作的,中国证监会及其派出机构可以对其采取相应行政监管措施。

Article 19   These Guidelines shall come into effect on October 1, 2011.

       第十九条  本准则自2011年10月1日起施行。


中英双语-中国证券监督管理委员会公告[2011]16号——基金行业人员离任审计及审查报告内容准则(可下载).pdf 下载
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