荷兰的环保新法规 | 外刊精读

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本周精读文章来自The Economist一篇讲荷兰农民抗议环保法规的文章A tiny environmental group wins a huge victory



The French are accustomed to angry farmers paralysing traffic. In the Netherlands, which prides itself on consensual government, such agricultural aggression used to be rare.



第二句中pride yourself on (doing) something是一个固定搭配,意思是“以(做)某事而自豪,对某事物感到得意”,比如“他以自己对朋友的忠诚而自豪”可以说:He prides himself on his loyalty to his friends. 他以自己对朋友的忠诚而自豪。

Yet over the past month Dutch farmers have turned stubborn. On October 1st and again on October 16th, thousands of them parked their tractors on The Hague’s main parade grounds, clamouring that proposed environmental regulations would put them out of business.



put somebody out of business是一个固定搭配,意思是“让某人关门停业”,比如要表达“这座城市的大超市已经让很多小店关门”,可以说:The supermarkets in this city have put many smaller shops out of business.

类似的说法还有put somebody out of work/out of a job(让某人失业),比如在阐述科技发展与工作的关系时,我们可以说:

Given the advances in artificial intelligence and automation, it does not take a leap of the imagination to see that they will put low-skilled workers out of a job. To mitigate the impacts of disruptive technologies, governments should attach more importance to education.

"The Netherlands without farmers would be like Amsterdam without whores," one banner proclaimed. (It rhymes in Dutch.)


我查了一下,上面这句英文标语对应的荷兰语是:Geel zonder boeren is als Amsterdam zonder hoeren,其中zonder boeren与zonder hoeren押韵。


The source of the conflict is nitrogen pollution, which comes in two forms: nitric oxides (NOx), mainly from combustion engines, and ammonia, mostly from fertiliser and animal waste. These lead to smog, algae blooms and other problems.


第二句开头的these指代nitric oxides以及ammonia这两种污染物。

In May the Netherlands’ Council of State ruled that the government’s system for limiting such pollution was too lax for European law.



Farmers, especially those with high-density cattle stalls, were thrown into chaos. They are not the only ones bellowing.


Construction causes NOx emissions too, so up to €14bn worth of housing and infrastructure projects have been called into question until the government can come up with a new permit system.


call into question是一个短语,意思是“让人们对……产生质疑”(to cause doubts about something),短语的用法是 XX calls into question… 举个例子,美国退出了巴黎气候协定,这不由让人们质疑其解决气候问题的决心,可以说:

That the US withdrew from the Paris climate agreement calls into question its commitment to tackle climate change and other major global environmental issues.


The group that has brought the Dutch construction and agriculture sectors to a standstill is a tiny non-profit, Mobilisation for the Environment (mob), that operates on a shoestring budget with seven staff.

使荷兰的建筑和农业部门陷入停顿的组织是一个很小的非营利性组织“环境动员”(Mobilisation for the Environment, mob),它的预算很小,只有七名员工。

bring something to a standstill是一个固定搭配,意思是“使……陷入停滞”,比如:Fighting and shortages have brought normal life to a virtual standstill in the city. 战火和物资短缺使这座城市的日常生活濒临瘫痪。

我们可以发现第四段第一句话可以在上一段倒数第二句中找到对应:…housing and infrastructure projects have been called into question until the government… 作者正是通过这一方法实现了两个段落的自然衔接。

a shoestring budget 这一说法很有意思,shoestring原本是指“鞋带”,由鞋带形状很细小这一点可以引申为“小成本的,资金极少的”这一层含义。因此a shoestring budget可以理解为“小预算”。

In 2017 it went to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to challenge a system which the Dutch had introduced two years earlier.


challenge在这里是熟词生义,它的意思是“质疑”(to question whether something is true or legal),比如:Viewpoints such as these are strongly challenged by environmentalists. 类似这样的观点遭到环境保护主义者的强烈质疑。

Unlike other countries, the Netherlands allowed farmers and industry to take measures they hoped would reduce nitrogen levels (such as experimental air-scrubbers), and count the expected reductions againstnew emissions—even before gathering evidence that they worked.


against在这里的意思并不是“反对”,而是“与……对照,对照……的标准”,比如:Private businesses such as rental and mortgage companies and car dealers are checking the names of customers against a list of suspected terrorists and drug traffickers made publicly available by the Treasury Department. 一些私营的企业,像租赁公司和房产公司以及汽车零售商,都在把顾客的姓名同财政部公布的嫌疑恐怖分子和贩毒分子的名单互相核对。

The ECJ found that this was not good enough. The Council of State agreed, scrapping the permit system. Fully 18,000 projects with recent or pending permits are up in the air.


something is up in the air意思是一个固定短语,意思是“悬而未定的”(if something is up in the air, no decision has been made about it yet),例如:Our travel plans are still up in the air. 我们的旅行计划尚未决定。


Polls at first showed that the Dutch overwhelmingly sympathised with the farmers, and four provincial governments have backed down, abandoning the plans they had drawn up to meet the government’s new recommendation.


sympathize/sympathise with somebody可以表示“同情某人”,也可以表示“支持某人”,具体取哪个含义要看语境。当短语用在抗议、示威以及罢工等语境中时,一般理解为“支持某人”,比如:The public sympathized with the miners' strike. 公众支持矿工罢工。

当短语后面接的对象遭遇不幸时,它一般表示“同情某人”,比如:I can sympathize with those who have lost loved ones. 我同情那些失去亲友的人。

back down意思是“放弃(主张、要求、承诺等),做出让步”,比如:The United States had no intention of backing down in its bitter row over farm subsidies. 美国无意就激烈争吵的农产品补贴问题做出让步。

On October 14th, though, the farmers crossed a line. In a protest in the provincial capital of Groningen, one drove a tractor through a barrier into a bicycle-jammed street, while another used his to smash open the doors of the provincial legislature.


cross a line字面意思是“穿过了……的界限”,这里取其引申义“(言论和行为等)越界”。

Many Dutch politicians worry that the farmers’ actions are undermining the country’s tradition of compromise by showing that extreme gestures work.


Any new system for limiting nitrogen emissions will have to involve more than airy promises.


airy这个词是点睛之笔,它在句子中的意思是“草率的,轻率的”,同时它的字面含义又和本文氮污染的主题相关。…involve more than airy promises 字面意思是“包含的不仅仅是草率的承诺”,可以理解为“包含更加庄重的承诺”。


(1) pride yourself on (doing) something

(2) put somebody out of work/out of a job

(3) call into question

(4) bring something to a standstill

(5) sympathize/sympathise with somebody


发布于 2020-11-18 15:46:10