澳大利亚的袋鼠问题 | 外刊精读

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本期精读的文章来自The Economist对于澳大利亚袋鼠问题的报道An Australian drought is killing millions of kangaroos




Well before the current spate of bushfires started ravaging eastern Australia, they were already dying in droves.


well在这里是副词,它与介词短语搭配用于强调,意思是“大大的,远远的”,比如:Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight. 富兰克林直到午夜过后很久才出现。

do something in droves是一个固定搭配,意思是“有大量的……在做某事”,比如:People were leaving the countryside in droves to look for work in the cities. 成群结队的人离开农村到城里找工作。

Lachlan Gall has seen “several thousand” kangaroo corpses splayed under trees or bogged in the mud of dried-out reservoirs on his 54,000 hectares (134,000 acres) in outback New South Wales. “It’s distressing for the animals,” he says. “And it’s distressing for us to see.”


Across Australia’s most populous state, at least 5m kangaroos are thought to have died gruesome deaths since one of the country’s worst droughts began nearly four years ago.


要形容人口稠密可以用populous,比如要表达“上海是全球人口最稠密的城市之一”,可以说:Shanghai is one of the most populous cities in the world.

die a XX death也是一个固定表达,意思是“以……的方式死亡”,比如要表达“某人寿终正寝”,可以说 somebody died a natural death

The crisis has prompted calls for changes to how Australia manages a national emblem.


这里可以学习一个句式:XX has prompted calls for… (XX促使人们呼吁……),比如我们可以说:

The worsening air quality in this country has promoted calls for stricter environmental regulations.


“Roos” once shared the landscape only with Aboriginals, who hunted them for food and revered them in rock art. The arrival of white settlers, and their sheep and cattle, sparked a competition for space and resources that remains unresolved.


On a recent drive Geoff Wise, a veterinarian from Dubbo, says he spotted a kangaroo dead of hunger or thirst or killed by a passing vehicle roughly every 200 metres.



Mr Wise chairs a body that recently convened a symposium about managing the kangaroo population better. State governments allow “commercial harvesting” of four kangaroo species for meat and hides.


这一句中出现了不少熟词生义的用法。第一句中chair意思是“主持(会议);担任(委员会的)主席”,比如:The declaration was drafted by a committee chaired by Dr Robert Song. 宣言由罗伯特·桑博士领导的委员会起草。body意思是“机构,团体”,比如an advisory body 顾问团。

harvest不是指“收割庄稼”,而是指“捕猎”(to catch a number of animals or fish to eat),hide指的是“(用于制作皮革的)兽皮”(the strong thick skin of an animal which is used for making leather)

The kangaroo industry contributes about A$250m ($170m) a year to Australia’s economy. George Wilson of the Australian National University reckons it could be more if farmers could see kangaroos as livestock, not as competitors for the grass and water consumed by cattle and sheep.


Kangaroos can survive on about 1.5 litres of water a day, a fraction of what cattle and sheep consume. They emit far less methane, a greenhouse gas, than cattle and sheep do.


survive on something意思是“依靠某事物维持生存”,比如要表达“这家人每月依靠3000元维持生计”,可以说:The family survives on 3,000 yuan a month.

又比如要表达“在大城市依靠我自己的工资维持生存很困难”,可以说:It is difficult to survive on my salary in big cities.


The states typically permit licensed professionals to kill up to 15% of the total kangaroo population. Last year, for instance, the limit across the four states with the biggest number of roos was set at 7m.



But for some time, the kangaroo cullers have used only a fraction of their quotas, sometimes killing just 3.5% of the population. That is because demand for kangaroo meat and hides has been falling.


for some time是一个固定搭配,相当于for a fairly long period of time,即“很长一段时间以来”。

cull作为动词时是指“(为减少或限制数量而对动物)选择性宰杀”,比如:The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups. 选择性捕杀大量小海豹的计划引起了环保组织的强烈愤慨。


Sussan Ley, the federal environment minister, attended Mr Wise’s symposium and tut-tutted about the problem. Farmers complain that the federal government and the states are shirking responsibility for animal welfare.


tut-tut这个词用得很生动,tut是指人们表达反对或不满时发出的啧啧声,somebody tut-tuts about something可以用来表示“某人反对某事物”。

As Mr Gall notes, there is “inherent animal cruelty in allowing drought to be the main population management tool for kangaroos”.




(1) do something in droves

(2) populous

(3) XX has prompted calls for…

(4) survive on something


发布于 2020-11-19 14:37:38