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Interim Administrative Measures for Beijing Patent Application Supporting Fund



Promulgating Institution:Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau; Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office

Document Number:Jing Cai Wen [2006] No.3101

Promulgating Date: 01/11/2007

Effective Date:02/10/2007


颁布机关: 北京市财政局; 北京市知识产权局

文      号:京财文[2006]3101号

颁布时间: 01/11/2007

实施时间: 02/10/2007


Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    The Beijing patent application supporting fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) is set up with a view to implementing the Opinions of the CPC Beijing Committee and the Beijing Municipal People's Government on Enhancing the Independent Innovation Capacity of Beijing and Building Beijing into an Innovation-based City, boosting scientific, economic and social development, encouraging invention and creation, and increasing and improving the quantity and quality of patent applications filed in Beijing municipality. These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Budget Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Implementing Regulations of the Budget Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, and by taking into consideration the actual conditions of Beijing, with a view to improving the management level of the Fund and increasing the utilization efficiency thereof.

       第一条  为贯彻落实《中共北京市委北京市人民政府关于增强自主创新能力建设创新型城市的意见》的精神,促进科技、经济和社会的发展,鼓励发明创造,提高北京市专利申请的数量和质量,设立北京市专利申请资助金(以下简称“资助金”)。为提高资助金的管理水平和使用效益,依据《中华人民共和国预算法》、《中华人民共和国预算法实施条例》等相关法律法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。

  Article 2    For the purpose of these Measures, the Fund shall refer to the funds granted to an entity or individual facing genuine financial difficulties who, being the first applicant for a certain patent, has its registered domicile/household registration in Beijing or who has the Beijing residence permit, mainly for supporting its application for a domestic invention patent, utility model patent or industrial design patent or, in the case of an entity, for a foreign invention patent.

       第二条  本办法所称的资助金,主要用于对专利第一申请人为本市确有困难的单位和户籍在本市或具有本市居住证的个人申请国内发明专利、实用新型专利、外观设计专利及单位向外国申请发明专利给予资助。

  Article 3    The Fund shall be managed according to the principles of “prioritized and merit-based support, and intended purpose only”, with invention patent applications being the priority.

       第三条  资助金实行“重点支持、择优资助、专款专用”的原则,重点资助发明专利申请。

  Article 4    The Fund shall be included into the municipal fiscal budget and be jointly managed by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Finance Bureau) and the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Intellectual Property Office).

       第四条  资助金纳入市财政预算,由北京市财政局(以下简称“市财政局”)和北京市知识产权局(以下简称“市知识产权局”)共同管理。

Chapter 2 Responsibilities and Authorities of the Fund Management Organs

第二章  资助金管理机构的职责和权限

  Article 5    The Municipal Finance Bureau, being the regulatory department of Fund, shall have its main responsibilities as follows:

to determine the principles for use of the Fund;

(2) to examine, verify and approve the annual Fund budget and final accounts;

to inspect and supervise the management and operation of the Fund; and

(4) to organize and conduct performance appraisal of major programs.

       第五条  市财政局是资助金的监管部门,其主要职责是:





  Article 6    The Municipal Intellectual Property Office, being the department in charge of the Fund, shall have its main responsibilities as follows:

to determine the supporting orientation of the Fund;

(2) to prepare the annual Fund budget and final accounts;

to organize examination and evaluation of applications for the Fund;

(4) to inspect and supervise the management and use of the Fund; and

(5) to carry out performance appraisal of Fund utilization.

       第六条  市知识产权局是资助金的主管部门,其主要职责是:






Chapter 3 Scope and Standards of Fund Subsidizing

第三章  资助金资助范围和标准

  Article 7    The Fund shall be granted to subsidize:

(1) the application fee, substantive examination fee and additional charges for an application for a domestic invention patent, utility model patent or industrial design patent;

(2) other patent charges deemed necessary to be subsidized by the department in charge of the Fund; and

(3) part of the application fees incurred for an application for a foreign invention patent via PCT or by other means; and

(4) applicants whose patent application fees and other related expenses have already been disbursed from the governmental project funds shall not apply for the Fund.

       第七条  资助金资助范围:





  Article 8    A patent application relating to the following projects may be given priority in funding:

(1) projects included in the key development programs and key development sectors of the Beijing municipality;

(2) projects of high and new technologies, and technological transformation projects;

(3) projects of entities participating in the pilot patent program of the Beijing Municipality and exemplary patent entities in Beijing; and

(4) invention patent projects.

       第八条  以下项目申请专利可优先获得资助:





  Article 9    The subsidizing standards for domestic patent applications are as follows:

(1) in the case of an entity participating in the pilot patent program of the Beijing Municipality, the maximum subsidy for an invention patent application is RMB 950 for the application fee and RMB 2,500 for the substantive examination fee. In the event that the actual expenditure is below the aforementioned sum, an amount equivalent to the actual expenditure shall be provided. The additional charges (including additional charges for the specification and claim of right) for an invention patent application shall be subsidized according to the actual expenditure.

The maximum subsidy for an application for utility model patent or industrial design patent shall be RMB 500. In the event that the actual expenditure is below the aforementioned sum, an amount equivalent to the actual expenditure shall be provided.

(2) in the case of an exemplary patent entity in Beijing, the maximum subsidy for an invention patent application shall be RMB 5,000, of which, RMB 950 for the application fee and RMB 2, 500 for the substantive examination fee. In the event that the actual expenditure is below the aforementioned sum, an amount equivalent to the actual expenditure shall be provided, with the remaining portion being used to subsidize the annual fee, registration fee, maintenance fee, stamp duty and other expenses incurred. The additional charges (including additional charges for the specification and claim of right) shall be subsidized according to the actual expenditure.

The maximum subsidy for an application for utility model patent or industrial design patent shall be RMB 500. In the event that the actual expenditure is below the aforementioned sum, an amount equivalent to the actual expenditure shall be provided.

(3) in the case of other entities or individuals, the maximum subsidy for an invention patent application is RMB 950 for the application fee and RMB 1,200 for the substantive examination fee. In the event that the actual expenditure is below the aforementioned sum, an amount equivalent to the actual expenditure shall be provided. The additional charges (including additional charges for the specification and claim of right) for an invention patent application shall be subsidized at half of the actual expenditure.

The maximum subsidy for an application for utility model patent or industrial design patent shall be RMB 150. In the event that the actual expenditure is below the aforementioned sum, an amount equivalent to the actual expenditure shall be provided.

(4) where an entity applicant has filed 100 or more invention patent applications in the same year, another RMB 1,000 shall be given for every patent applied at that very year from the 101st one, and another RMB 1,500 shall be subsidized for each invention patent granted at that year.

An accepting department having objections on the conditions of a patent application to be subsidized may suspend the subsidy for the time being until the patent has passed the preliminary examination.

       第九条  国内专利申请资助标准:










  Article 10    The subsidizing standards for foreign patent applications are as follows:

(1) where an entity applicant files a patent application with a foreign country via PCT, funding might be granted by stages. The subsidy for an application at the international stage is RMB 10,000/patent and that at the stage of a given country is RMB 10,000/country/patent.

(2) where an entity applicant files a patent application with a foreign country via other means, RMB 20,000/country/patent shall be provided.

When application for the same patent is filed in more than one (1) country, the expenses incurred in five (5) countries may be funded at the most. The maximum subsidy to an entity for foreign patent application shall be RMB 500,000 a year. 

Where an entity applicant files ten (10) or more foreign patent applications from January 1 to December 31 of a year, another RMB 10,000 shall be funded to each invention patent granted during that year.

       第十条  向外国申请专利:





Chapter 4 Application for, Acceptance of and Time Limit of the Fund

第四章  资助金的申报、受理和时限

  Article 11    An entity and individual that applies for the Fund for domestic patents shall submit the following materials for verification:

(1) the Application Form of Beijing Municipality for the Fund to Domestic Patent Applications

(2) the business license, introduction letter and the identity card of the application agent, applicable to an entity applicant; 

or the legal person qualification certificate, introduction letter and the identity card of the application agent, applicable where the applicant is a university or college, scientific research institute, State organ or other organization; 

or the Beijing resident identity card, household register or residence permit, as well as the identity card of the agent entrusted, if any, applicable to an individual applicant;

(3) the Notice of Acceptance of Patent Applications produced and the receipts issued by the Beijing Branch of the Patent Office of State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), and the Notice of Acceptance of Patent Applications and receipts issued by the SIPO in the case of divisional application and priority rights application;

(4) the Abstract of the Patent Specification included in the documents submitted for an invention patent application;

(5) apart from other required materials, the Notice of the Initiation of Substantive Examination Procedures for subsidizing the substantive examination fee of an invention patent;

(6) apart from other required materials, the Notice of Patent Grant and the corresponding receipts for the annual fee, maintenance fee, etc. for subsidizing the grant of an invention patent.

All the aforementioned documents shall be submitted in one original and one photocopy. Application documents submitted by an entity applicant shall be stamped with its official seal. The originals shall be returned once verified.

       第十一条  申请国内专利资助金的单位和个人须报验下列材料:










  Article 12    An entity that applies for patent to a foreign country shall submit the following materials to apply for patent subsidies:

(1) the Application Form of Beijing Municipality for the Fund to Foreign Patent Applications

(2) the business license, introduction letter and identity card of the application agent, applicable to an entity applicant; or the legal person qualification certificate, introduction letter and identity card of the application agent, applicable where the applicant is a university or college, scientific research institute State organ, or other organization;

(3) the Abstract of the Patent Specification (in Chinese);

(4) the Notice of Acceptance of Domestic Patent Applications;

application documents for a foreign patent application, specifically, the Notice of International Application Number and Date, the Notice of Payment of Required Fees and Charges, the Notice of Receipt of the Search Copy and the Notice of Receipt of Purported International Application Files in the case of a foreign patent application via PCT, as well as the acceptance notice of the corresponding country where the application has entered its domestic phase; or the

acceptance notice issued by the receiving country for a foreign patent application filed via other means. and 

(6) receipts for all kinds of expenses, including the invoices and detailed bills mailed by the PCT or other governmental authority as well as the invoices and detailed bills issued by foreign-related patent agencies; and

(7) apart from other required documents, the relevant patent certificate for subsidy for the granting fee.

All the aforementioned documents shall be submitted in one original and one photocopy, and shall be stamped with the official seal of the applicant. The originals shall be returned once verified. Photocopies of the invoices and detailed bills shall be stamped with the common seal or financial seal of the agencies.

       第十二条  向外国申请专利的单位申请专利资助时须报验下列材料:












  Article 13    An applicant shall submit the application materials specified in Article 14 or Article 15 herein to the Beijing Branch of the Patent Office of the SIPO for uniform acceptance.

       第十三条  申请人将第十四条或第十五条规定的申请材料交国家知识产权局专利局北京代办处统一受理。

  Article 14    The time limit for funding of a patent application is as follows:

(1) the time limit for a domestic patent application is from the date of application to the end of February of the following year, and that for invention patent substantive examination fee is from the date of receipt of the Notice of the Initiation of Substantive Examination Procedures to the end of February of the following year.

(2) the time limit for grant of a domestic patent is from the date of granting the patent to the end of February of the following year;

(3) the time limit for a foreign patent application is from the date of application to the end of December of the following year; and

(4) the time limit for grant of a foreign patent is from the date of grating the patent to the end of December of the following year.

       第十四条  专利申请的资助时限如下:





  Article 15    The Municipal Finance Bureau and the Municipal Intellectual Property Office shall be obliged to keep confidential any projects under the application for the Fund until their technical programs are made public by the SIPO.

       第十五条  市财政局和市知识产权局对申请资助金的项目,在其技术方案被国家知识产权局公开之前,负有保密责任。

Chapter 5 Supervision and Management of the Fund

第五章  资助金的监督与管理

  Article 16    The Municipal Intellectual Property Office shall entrust the Beijing Branch of the Patent Office of the SIPO to examine the patent subsidy projects accepted, and notify, in a timely manner, the applying entity or individual approved to given the funding to go through relevant procedures. The Fund for the entity approved to be funded shall be appropriated by bank transfer, while that for an individual so approved shall be drawn by the individual in person against his/her identity card, household register or residence permit. An entity that has been approved to be funded for foreign patent applications shall provide invoices of the Fund received when getting patent funding.

       第十六条  市知识产权局委托国家知识产权局专利局北京代办处对受理的专利资助项目进行审查,并及时通知被批准资助的单位或个人办理相关手续。被批准资助单位的资助金,以转账方式拨付;被批准资助的个人凭本人居民身份证、户口簿或居住证办理领款手续。被批准资助的向外国申请专利的单位办理专利资助时,需提交单位收款发票。

  Article 17    The Municipal Intellectual Property Office shall submit a report on the use of special funds in the previous year to the Municipal Finance Bureau in January each year.

       第十七条  市知识产权局于每年1月将上年度专项资金使用情况报告市财政局。

  Article 18    Project management costs for the management, examination, expert appraisal, inspection and final acceptance of a project may be disbursed from the Fund.

       第十八条  用于项目的管理、审查、专家评估、检查、验收等工作的项目管理费用可在资助金中安排。

  Article 19    An applicant that makes false application for, falsely claims, withholds, misappropriates or diverts the special fund or commits other fiscal or economic violations shall be ordered to make rectification within a prescribed time limit by the Municipal Finance Bureau, and shall be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions Against Fiscal Violations. If a criminal offense is constituted, the applicant shall be referred to judicial organs for investigation of criminal liabilities.

       第十九条  对于虚报、冒领、截留、挪用、挤占专项资金等违反财经法规的行为,由市财政局责令限期整改,同时按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》进行处理。构成犯罪的,依法移交司法机关追究其刑事责任。

Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions

第六章  附则

  Article 20    These Measures shall come into effect thirty (30) days following the date of promulgation. The Measures of Beijing Municipality for Subsidies and Incentives for Patent Application shall be simultaneously repealed.

       第二十条  本办法自发布之日起30日后施行。《北京市专利申请资助奖励办法》同时废止。

  Article 21    These Measures shall be interpreted by the Municipal Finance Bureau and the Municipal Intellectual Property Office

       第二十一条  本办法由市财政局和市知识产权局负责解释。




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