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Measures of Beijing Municipality on the Administration of Patent Supporting Funds



Promulgating Institution: Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office; Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau

Promulgating Date: 09/28/2014

Effective Date: 09/28/2014

颁布机关: 北京市知识产权局; 北京市财政局

颁布时间: 09/28/2014

实施时间: 09/28/2014



Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    For the purposes of implementing innovation-driven development strategy, encouraging invention and independent innovation, promoting the scientific, economic and social development and improving the level of administration and efficiency of utilization of patent supporting funds (hereinafter referred to as the "Supporting Funds") of Beijing Municipality, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations of Beijing Municipality for Patent Protection and Promotion.

       第一条  为实施创新驱动发展战略,鼓励发明创造和自主创新,促进科技、经济和社会发展,提高北京市专利资助金(以下简称“资助金”)的管理水平和使用效益,根据《北京市专利保护与促进条例》的相关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    Supporting Funds shall mainly be used for supporting the relevant activities of patent creation in Beijing Municipality.

       第二条  资助金主要用于资助本市专利创造的相关活动。

  Article 3    Supporting funds shall be granted to the entities that are registered in Beijing Municipality or the individuals that possess work and residence permits in Beijing Municipality. Where there are several holders of the rights to the patent supported by the Supporting Funds, the Supporting Funds shall be granted to the first right holder.

       第三条  资助金资助对象是指注册或登记地在本市的单位和户籍在本市或具有本市工作居住证的个人。资助涉及的专利具有多个权利人的,必须是第一权利人。

  Article 4    The Supporting Funds shall be included into the municipal fiscal budget and be jointly managed by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Finance Bureau) and the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Intellectual Property Office).

       第四条  资助金纳入市财政预算,由市财政局和市知识产权局共同管理。

  Article 5    Supporting Funds shall be used in accordance with the principles of "fairness and transparency, prioritized support, partial grant and total amount control".

       第五条  资助金的使用坚持“公正透明,支持重点,部分资助,总量控制”的原则。

Chapter 2: Responsibilities of Management Organs

第二章  管理机构的职责

  Article 6    The Municipal Finance Bureau, being the regulatory department of Supporting Funds, shall have its main responsibilities as follows:

(1) determining the principles for use of the Supporting Funds;

(2) examining, verifying and approving the annual budget and final accounts of Supporting Funds;

(3) inspecting and supervising the management and operation of the Supporting Funds; and

(4) organizing and conducting performance appraisal of major programs.

       第六条  市财政局是资助金的监管部门,其主要职责是:(一)确定资助金的使用原则;




  Article 7    The Municipal Intellectual Property Office, being the department in charge of the Supporting Funds, shall have its main responsibilities as follows:

(1) determining the supporting orientation of the Supporting Funds;

(2) preparing the annual budget and final accounts of the Supporting Funds;

(3) organizing examination and evaluation of applications for the Supporting Funds;

(4) inspecting and supervising the management and use of the Supporting Funds; and

(5) carrying out performance appraisal of the utilization of the Supporting Funds.

       第七条  市知识产权局是资助金的主管部门,其主要职责是:(一)联合市财政局确定资助金的支持方向;





Chapter 3: Supporting Scope and Standards

第三章  资助范围和标准

  Article 8    Patent supporting is to partially subsidize relevant expenses incurred during application and maintenance of granted patents.

       第八条  专利资助是对授权专利在申请和维持过程中发生的相关费用所给予的部分资助。

  Article 9    The Supporting Funds shall be granted to subsidize:

(1) part of the application fee for a domestically granted invention patent, utility model patent or design patent;

(2) service charge and the annual fee for the seventh or eighth year of a domestically granted invention patent as well as the annual fees for the first three years after the grant of a small or micro enterprise invention patent;

(3) part of the application fee for an invention (standards) patent that is submitted to Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan region of China and is granted (registered);

(4) fees incurred for an invention patent for which foreign invention patent application is made via PCT or Paris Convention and is granted; and

(5) Other patent charges deemed necessary to be subsidized.

Applicants whose patents have already been subsidized by the special funds from the Central budget or municipal budget shall not apply for the Supporting Funds.

       第九条  资助范围







  Article 10    The granted patents for the projects involving the municipal strategic emerging industries, the projects researched and developed through cooperation between enterprises and institutions of higher education and scientific research institutions as well as other projects that need prioritized support shall be given priority in funding:

       第十条  涉及本市战略性新兴产业的项目,企业与高校、科研院所合作研究开发的项目,以及其它需要重点支持项目的授权专利可优先获得资助。

  Article 11    Subsidy for domestic patents

After an invention patent is granted, an entity applicant shall be granted RMB1,500 for each application and individual applicant shall be granted RMB1,000 for each application.

After a utility model patent or design patent is granted, RMB150 shall be granted for each application.

RMB1,000 shall be granted to subsidize the service charges for each of the domestic invention patents that the municipal patent agency is authorized to handle relevant matters after the patent is granted.

Merit-based support shall be given to the annual fee for the seventh or eighth year of a domestically granted invention patent with the amount not more than RMB500 for each patent each year; support shall be given to the first three-year annual fees of a small or micro enterprise invention patent after being granted at the amount standard after reduction and postponement.

Support shall be given to the patents (standards) that are submitted to Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan region and are granted at the supporting standard for a domestic invention patent.

The annual amount of the patent Supporting Funds obtained under this Article shall not exceed RMB 2 million for an entity applicant and not exceed RMB100,000 for an individual applicant.

       第十一条  国内专利的资助







  Article 12    Subsidy for internationally filed patents

For the invention patents that are granted in United States, Japan or European patent office, an amount not more than RMB 20,000 shall be granted for each patent in each country; for the invention patents that are granted in any other countries, an amount not more than RMB 10,000 shall be granted for each patent in each country. For one invention patent, the subsidy shall be limited to five countries.

The expenses as subsidized shall include the officially prescribed fees paid by applicants to relevant patent review departments and the service charges paid to the domestic patent agencies for agency services for patents.

The annual amount of the patent Supporting Funds obtained under this Article shall not exceed RMB 1 million for an entity applicant and not exceed RMB 100,000 for an individual applicant.

       第十二条  向国外申请专利的资助




Chapter 4: Application and Acceptance

第四章  申报与受理

  Article 13    The Municipal Intellectual Property Office shall appoint the Beijing Branch of the Patent Office of State Intellectual Property Office to be the implementing department which shall, in accordance with the requirements of these Measures, formulate relevant implementing rules and plans and properly handle the specific work relating to the acceptance and review of applications for and release of Supporting Funds.

       第十三条  市知识产权局委托国家知识产权局专利局北京代办处作为执行部门,按照本办法要求,制定相关实施细则和实施方案,做好资助金申报受理、审核、发放的具体工作。

  Article 14    Applications for Supporting Funds shall be filed on a centralized basis. An applicant for Supporting Funds shall file application in accordance with the provisions of these Measures and the requirements of implementing rules and no application shall be accepted beyond the prescribed time limit.

Applicants for Supporting Funds for projects shall submit appropriate application forms and supporting materials and fill in relevant information truthfully.

       第十四条  资助金申请集中申报。资助金申请人应当根据本办法规定和实施细则要求按时申报,逾期不予受理。


Chapter 5: Administration and Supervision

第五章  管理与监督

Article 16    Supporting Funds shall be used for designated purposes. The use of Supporting Funds shall be subject to the special audit and performance appraisal by relevant departments to ensure the standardized, safe and effective operation of patent support.

Expenses other than those used for the management, examination, evaluation, inspection and acceptance of supported projects shall not be disbursed from the Supporting Funds.

       第十五条  资助金必须专款专用。资助金的使用,接受有关部门的专项审计和绩效评价,确保专利资助规范、安全和有效运行。


Article 16    The Supporting Funds applicants that practice fraud in the course of application and fraudulently obtain Supporting Funds shall return the granted funds within the specified time limit and shall be disqualified from applying for Supporting Funds for three years. If such applicants violate the provisions of the law, they shall be subject to criminal liability in accordance with the law.

       第十六条  资助金申请人在申请资助过程中弄虚作假,套取资金的,限期交回已拨付的资金,取消三年内申请资助金的资格,违反法律规定的,依法追究法律责任。

Article 17    Any of the patent agencies and other service institutions that practices fraud in the course of applying for Supporting Funds as entrusted or performing relevant work shall be disqualified and subject to sanctions by relevant departments upon request. If such agency or institution violates the provisions of the law, it shall be subject to legal liability.

       第十七条  专利代理等服务机构受委托办理资助金申请或者承担工作过程中,弄虚作假的,停止办理资助资格,并提请有关部门给予惩戒,违反法律规定的,依法追究法律责任。

Article 18    If the staff members handling the matters relating to Supporting Funds commit any acts of abusing power, neglecting duties or practicing favoritism for personal gains, producing bad influence, they shall be handled in accordance with relevant provisions. If they violate the provisions of the law, they shall be subject to legal liability in accordance with the law.

       第十八条  办理资助的工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,造成恶劣影响的,依据有关规定处理;违反法律规定的,依法追究法律责任。

Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions

第六章  附则

Article 19    These Measure shall come into effect on the date of promulgation. The Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality for Administration of Patent Application Supporting Funds (Jing Cai Wen [2006] No. 3101) and the Interim Measures of Beijing Municipality for Administration of Patent Application Supporting Funds (Supplementary Provisions) (Jing Cai Wen [2009] No. 850) shall be simultaneously repealed.

       第十九条  本办法自发布之日起施行。《北京市专利申请资助金管理暂行办法》(京财文〔2006〕3101号)、《北京市专利申请资助金管理暂行办法(补充规定)》(京财文〔2009〕850号)同时废止。




中英双语-北京市专利资助金管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-11-30 16:40:53