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Administrative Measures for Transfer Payment Funds for Border Areas



Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Yu [2012] No.43

Promulgating Date: 04/20/2012

Effective Date: 04/20/2012

Revision History: This document has been repealed pursuant to the Administrative Measures for Transfer Payment Funds for Border Areas promulgated on June 15,2013 and taken effect from June 15,2013.


文      号:财预[2012]43号

颁布时间: 04/20/2012




Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    With a view to strengthening the administration of border and marine affairs, promoting the harmonious development of social undertakings in border and coastal areas, further standardizing the administration of transfer payment funds for border areas and increasing the use efficiency of the funds, these Measures are hereby formulated.

       第一条  为加强边境和海洋事务管理,促进边境沿海地区各项社会事业和谐发展,进一步规范边境地区转移支付资金管理,提高资金使用效益,制定本办法。

  Article 2    The transfer payment funds for border areas mentioned in these Measures refer to the funds for general transfer payment set up by the Central Government and used to administer border and marine affairs, improve the livelihood in border and coastal areas and promote the development of border trade.

       第二条  本办法所称边境地区转移支付资金,是指中央财政设立,主要用于边境和海洋事务管理、改善边境沿海地区民生、促进边境贸易发展的一般性转移支付资金。

  Article 3    Transfer payment funds for border areas shall be administered and used under the principles of "specifying purposes, stressing key points, being open and transparent and valuing actual effects".

       第三条  边境地区转移支付资金的管理和使用应当遵循明确用途、突出重点、公开透明、注重实效的原则。

Chapter 2: Funds Allocation and Issuance

第二章  资金分配和下达

  Article 4    The Central Government shall appropriate transfer payment funds for border areas from the annual budget, and transfer payment funds used to support the development of border trade and the capacity building of small trade enterprises in border areas shall be subject to the mechanism of moderate growth linked with factors such as the amount of cargo release of ports.

       第四条  中央财政在年度预算中安排边境地区转移支付资金,其中用于支持边境贸易发展和边境小额贸易企业能力建设的转移支付资金实行与口岸过货量等因素挂钩的适度增长机制。

  Article 5    Financial departments of all provinces, autonomous regions and cities specifically designated in the State plan (hereinafter referred to as “provincial financial departments”) may, in light of local actualities, appropriate funds for use together with transfer payment funds issued by the Central Government. County finance supporting is not required for transfer payment funds for border areas.

       第五条  省、自治区、计划单列市财政部门(以下统称省级财政部门)可以根据本地区实际情况,安排资金与中央财政下达的转移支付资金一并使用。边境地区转移支付资金不要求县级财政配套。

  Article 6    Objects of allocation of transfer payment funds for border areas shall be areas that have land borders, engage in small border trade and undertake special affairs of border and marine administration.

       第六条  边境地区转移支付资金分配对象是有陆地边境线、存在边境小额贸易以及承担特殊边境和海洋管理事务的地区。

  Article 7    The Ministry of Finance shall, based on results of performance evaluation on the administration and use of transfer payment funds for border areas by local areas, allocate such funds to provincial financial departments in accordance with factors such as the length of land borders, the number of border counties, the total population of border counties, the number of administrative villages, the number of personnel release and the amount of cargo release at category-1 ports in border areas, and border trade volume.

The Ministry of Finance shall, prior to May 31 of each year, issue the transfer payment funds for border areas in the current year to provincial financial departments; and shall, prior to September 30 of each year, inform provincial financial departments of the budget for transfer payment funds for border areas for the next year in advance based on the amount actually issued in the current year.

       第七条  财政部按照陆地边境线长度、边境县个数、边境县总人口、行政村个数、边境一类口岸人员通关量和过货量、边境贸易额等因素,结合各地区管理和使用转移支付资金的绩效评价结果,对省级财政部门分配边境地区转移支付资金。


  Article 8    When issuing transfer payment funds for border areas to financial departments below the provincial level, provincial financial departments shall, in light of local actualities, determine the scope of subsidization, and consider results of performance evaluation on the administration and use of transfer payment funds by financial departments below the provincial level. Provincial financial departments shall allocate transfer payment funds used to support border trade development and the capacity building of small trade enterprises in border areas to cities and counties (municipal districts) engage in small border trade for appropriation and use.

Provincial financial departments shall, prior to June 30 of each year, issue the transfer payment funds for border areas in the current year to financial departments below the provincial level, and shall, prior to November 30 of each year, inform financial departments below the provincial level of the budget for transfer payment funds for border areas for the next year in advance.

       第八条  省级财政部门对省以下财政部门下达边境地区转移支付资金,应当根据本地区实际情况,确定补助范围,同时考虑对省以下财政部门管理和使用转移支付资金情况的绩效评价结果。省级财政部门应当将用于支持边境贸易发展和边境小额贸易企业能力建设的转移支付资金分配落实到有边境小额贸易的市、县(市辖区),由其安排使用。


  Article 9    Financial departments below the provincial level shall list the full amount of transfer payment funds for border areas, of which they are informed in advance by provincial financial departments, into the budget at the beginning of the year.

       第九条  省以下财政部门应当将省级财政部门提前通知的边境地区转移支付预算,全额列入年初预算。

Chapter 3: Funds Administration and Use

第三章  资金管理和使用

  Article 10    Use of transfer payment funds for border areas shall be administered level by level. Administrative responsibilities of financial departments below the provincial level shall be determined by provincial financial departments.

       第十条  边境地区转移支付资金的使用实行分级管理。省以下各级财政部门的管理职责由省级财政部门确定。

  Article 11    Provincial financial departments shall be responsible for formulating local policies for transfer payment funds for border areas and distributing and issuing the transfer payment funds to financial departments below the provincial level; and shall organize the performance evaluation, supervision and inspection of the administration and use of transfer payment funds by financial departments below the provincial level.

Financial departments below the provincial level shall be responsible for administering, appropriating and using transfer payment funds for local border areas.

       第十一条  省级财政部门负责制定本地区边境地区转移支付政策,向省以下财政部门分配、下达转移支付资金;组织实施对省以下财政部门管理和使用转移支付资金的绩效评价和监督检查。


  Article 12    Transfer payment funds for border areas shall be primarily used for discharging the powers and responsibilities of central government and settling the expenditures of border and coastal areas, as well as the prominent problems existing in the social and economic development of special areas such as first-tier border areas and sea islands. Local financial departments shall study and determine the use scope of special transfer payment funds for border areas in line with the overall plans for local economic and social development, and extensively solicit opinions from relevant departments.

       第十二条  边境地区转移支付资金重点用于解决边境沿海地区承担的中央事权、具有显著区域特点的支出责任,以及边境一线地区、海岛等特殊区域社会经济发展中存在的突出问题。地方财政部门在研究确定边境地区专项转移支付资金使用范围时,应与本地区经济社会发展的总体规划相衔接,广泛征求相关部门意见。

  Article 13    Transfer payment funds for border areas are mainly used in the following aspects:

(1) Border and marine affairs administration, including boundary construction and neighboring environment clean-up, erection and maintenance of boundary markers and tablets, boundary river embankment and channel clean-up, coastline protection, island infrastructure construction, establishment of subsidy mechanisms for borderers and militia, etc.

(2) Improvement of the people’s livelihood in border and coastal areas, including raising the subsidy standards for living expenses of boarding school students at the stage of compulsory education in rural areas and expanding the scope of subsidization on the basis of the national uniform policies of “two exemptions and one subsidization”; constructing entertainment rooms and transforming dangerous and dilapidated houses village by village; establishing and perfecting the village health room system, and strengthening the construction of public welfare infrastructure such as roads, bridges, safe drinking facilities for humans and animals, homes for the aged and rural primary and secondary schools; intensifying grass-roots political power building and improving the working conditions of grass-roots governments, etc.

(3) Promoting border trade development and the capacity building of small trade enterprises in border areas, including operating category-1 border ports, improving customs clearance conditions and constructing infrastructures such as border trade warehousing facilities and transportation facilities; creating a favorable production and operation environment for border trade enterprises, arranging loan discounts, and supporting the capacity building of enterprises, such as corporate technical training, research, innovation, talent introduction and service enhancement.

       第十三条  边境地区转移支付资金主要用于以下方面:




  Article 14    For transfer payment funds used to support border trade development and the capacity building of small trade enterprises in border areas, governments at all levels shall not use such funds for other border matters. When appropriating such funds, local financial departments shall solicit opinions from commerce departments, tax departments, customs and other relevant departments at the same level.

       第十四条  对于支持边境贸易发展和边境小额贸易企业能力建设的转移支付资金,各级政府不得调剂用于其他边境事项。地方财政部门在安排用于支持边境贸易发展和边境小额贸易企业能力建设的转移支付资金时,应当征求同级商务、税务、海关等部门的意见。

Chapter 4: Performance Evaluation and Supervision & Inspection

第四章  绩效评价和监督检查

  Article 15    The Ministry of Finance shall, under the principles of "objectivity and fairness of procedures, simplicity and high efficiency of operations and horizontal comparability of results", conduct performance evaluation on the allocation, issuance and administration of transfer payment funds for border areas by provincial financial departments as well as the administration and use of such funds by border and coastal areas under the jurisdiction.

Provincial financial departments shall, in accordance with the unified arrangements of the Ministry of Finance, conduct performance evaluation on the administration and use of transfer payment funds for border areas by financial departments below the provincial level.

       第十五条  财政部依据程序客观公正、操作简便高效、结果横向可比的原则,对省级财政部门分配、下达、管理边境地区转移支付资金情况,以及所辖边境沿海地区管理和使用边境地区转移支付资金情况进行绩效评价。


  Article 16    The Ministry of Finance shall, based on work needs, supervise and inspect the administration and use of transfer payment funds for border areas by border and coastal areas.

Provincial financial departments shall, at least once a year, supervise and inspect the administration and use of transfer payment funds for border areas by financial departments below the provincial level, and duly report the supervision and inspection results to the Ministry of Finance.

       第十六条  财政部根据工作需要,对边境沿海省区管理和使用边境地区转移支付资金情况进行监督检查。


  Article 17    For violations in administration and use of transfer payment funds for border areas, legal liabilities shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Punishments and Sanctions on Financial Violations (Order No. 427 of the State Council).  

       第十七条  对边境地区转移支付资金管理和使用中的违法行为,依照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)等有关规定追究法律责任。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 18    Provincial financial departments shall, in accordance with these Measures, based on the requirements of scientific and refined financial administration and in light of actualities, formulate specific local regulations on administration of transfer payment funds for border areas and file them with the Ministry of Finance for the record.

       第十八条  省级财政部门应当依据本办法,按照财政管理科学化、精细化的要求,结合实际情况,制定本地区边境地区转移支付资金管理的具体规定,报财政部备案。

  Article 19    These Measures shall come into effect from the date of promulgation. The Administrative Measures for Special Transfer Payment Funds for Border Areas (Cai Yu [2009] No. 31) promulgated by the Ministry of Finance on March 31, 2009 shall be repealed simultaneously.

       第十九条  本办法自公布之日起实施。2009年3月31日财政部公布的《边境地区专项转移支付资金管理办法》(财预[2009]31号)同时废止。




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发布于 2020-11-30 16:47:14