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Measures on the Administration of National Reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea



Promulgating Institution: State Development Planning Commission; Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Order No. 22 of the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance

Promulgating Date:06/14/2002

Effective Date: 06/14/2002


颁布机关:国家发展计划委员会; 财政部

文      号: 国家发展计划委员会、财政部令第22号

颁布时间: 06/14/2002

实施时间: 06/14/2002


(Promulgated under Order No. 22 of the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance on June 14,2002)

(2002年6月14日国家发展计划委员会 财政部令第22号公布)

Chapter 1 General Principles

第一章  总 则

  Article 1    In order to strengthen the administration of national reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea, and to guarantee the stable market supply of Bianxiao Brick Tea, these Measures are hereby enacted.

       第一条  为加强边销茶国家储备管理,保证边销茶市场稳定供应,制定本办法。

  Article 2    Reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea are divided into reserves of raw materials and reserves of finished products.

       第二条  边销茶储备分为原料储备和成品储备。

Reserves of raw materials of Bianxiao Brick Tea include raw dark green tea, Laoqing Brick Tea, and black tea. Reserves of finished products of Bianxiao Brick Tea include Fuzhuan Brick Tea, Kangzhuan Brick Tea, Qingzhuan Brick Tea, Jinjian Brick Tea, Huazhuan Brick Tea, Heizhuan Brick Tea, and Mizhuan Brick Tea.


  Article 3    Bianxiao Brick Tea producing areas' appointed manufacturers shall store reserved raw materials of Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission, and the distribution areas' supply and marketing cooperatives shall store reserved finished products of Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission.

       第三条  边销茶原料储备由产区定点生产企业代储,边销茶成品储备由销区供销社主营公司代储。

Chapter 2 Sending down and Executing Reserves Plans

第二章  储备计划下达与执行

  Article 4    The State Development Planning Commission shall, after consulting with the Ministry of Finance and All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, send down the plans for national reserves and supply as well as marketing of Bianxiao Brick Tea to enterprises that store such reserves on commission.

       第四条  边销茶国家储备、动销计划由国家计委商财政部、中华全国供销合作总社(以下简称供销总社)后下达到代储企业。

All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives shall be responsible for organizing the implementation of plans for national reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea, and make timely reports on execution of such plans to the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance for their record.


  Article 5    Prices for purchase and sale of national reserved Bianxiao Brick Tea shall be determined by the State Development Planning Commission, after consulting with the Ministry of Finance, according to the market conditions.

       第五条  国家储备边销茶的收储、动销价格,由国家计委商财政部后,根据市场情况确定。

  Article 6    According to the national plans for reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea, the producing areas' appointed manufacturers shall organize purchase and storage of raw materials of Bianxiao Brick Tea as reserves in good seasons each year.

       第六条  根据国家下达的边销茶储备计划,边销茶原料储备由产区代储的定点生产企业在每年生产旺季组织收购、储存。

The finished products of Bianxiao Brick Tea that have been stored as reserves must be purchased from the appointed manufacturers by agencies that store such reserved Tea on commission, and must be products that have passed the quality inspection of the legal quality supervision institutions. The inspection expenses shall be calculated and included in the purchase costs, and the State Development Planning Commission shall consult with the Ministry of Finance to otherwise formulate the specific standards.


Chapter 3 Administration of Reserves

第三章  储 备 管 理

  Article 7    Agencies that store reserved Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission shall accomplish safekeeping of the national reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea, be responsible for selling the old tea and saving the new tea, promptly replace them, guarantee the quantity and the quality, and ensure the demand of the market.

       第七条  代储单位要认真做好边销茶国家储备的保管工作,负责推陈储新,及时轮换,保证数量和质量,确保调控市场需要。

  Article 8    Agencies that store reserved Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission shall strictly arrange the specialized storehouses, accounts, and personnel to manage national reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea, and shall, within 10 days after the end of each quarter, report the supply and market cooperatives' purchase, sale, and storage of Bianxiao Brick Tea of the prior quarter's months to All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives. All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives shall collect and report such information to the State Development Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance within 20 days after the end of each quarter.

       第八条  代储单位对边销茶国家储备要严格做到专库、专账、专人管理,要在每季后10天内将上季度各月分库点购、销、存情况报供销总社审核,供销总社汇总并于季后20天内报国家计委和财政部。

  Article 9    The State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Finance and All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives shall check national reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea each year.

       第九条  国家计委、财政部和供销总社每年对边销茶国家储备情况进行检查。

  Article 10    Agencies that store reserved Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission, if keeping the Tea inappropriately, or failing to complete tasks of purchase (sale) of finished products of Bianxiao Brick Tea, shall be disqualified for storage agency, and have their interest subsidies deducted correspondingly.

       第十条  代储单位保管不善,或未能完成边销茶成品收储(动销)任务的,取消其代储资格,并相应扣减其利息补贴款。

Chapter 4 Financial Management

第四章  财 务 管 理

  Article 11    The interest of loans needed for national reserves of raw materials and finished products of Bianxiao Brick Tea shall be borne by the central finances.

       第十一条  国家储备边销茶原料和成品所需贷款利息由中央财政负担。

  Article 12    Regarding the funds required for national reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea, agencies that store reserved Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission shall apply for loans to the local deposit banks. All deposit banks shall give support in terms of extension of loans, guarantee the supply of loans, and collect interest according to different circumstances. Agencies that store reserved Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission shall pay interest on schedule. The base rate of loan interest for normal operating funds shall prevail in terms of loans for reserves of finished products of Bianxiao Brick Tea.

       第十二条  边销茶国家储备所需资金由代储单位向当地开户银行申请贷款解决,各开户银行在贷款安排上应给予支持,保证供应,并区别情况计收利息。代储单位按时支付利息款。

The interest rate of loans for trade among minority nationalities and production of articles of minority nationalities shall prevail in terms of loans for reserves of raw materials of Bianxiao Brick Tea.


  Article 13    Agencies that store reserved Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission shall, within 10 days after the second and the fourth quarters each year, respectively make reports on the first half and the second half's monthly storage loans' interest expenditures to the local deposit banks and financial supervisory agencies of the Ministry of Finance for examination and affixation with opinions, and, within 15 days after the second and the fourth quarters, respectively make such reports to All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives. All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives shall collect and submit such reports as well as materials submitted by such storage agencies to the Ministry of Finance within 20 days after the end of second and fourth quarters respectively.

       第十三条  代储单位应在第二、四季度后10天内分别将上半年和下半年分月储存贷款利息支出情况经所在开户银行和财政部驻当地财政监察专员办事处审核并签注意见后,于第二、四季度后15天内报供销总社,供销总社审核汇总连同代储单位上报材料一并于季后20天内报财政部。

All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives shall, according to agencies' storage of Bianxiao Brick Tea, make the first half and the second half's application reports on interest subsidies for reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea, and submit them to the Ministry of Finance within the first 20 days of the third and the fourth quarters respectively.


  Article 14    The Ministry of Finance shall, according to Bianxiao Brick Tea storage agencies' actual storage capacities within the plan, occupation of loans, and interest expenditures, allocate or pre-allocate in two times the interest subsidies to All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives in the middle and at the end of each year. All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives shall, within five working days upon receipt of financial interest subsidies, sub-allocate funds to agencies that store reserved Bianxiao Brick Tea on commission in time.

       第十四条  财政部根据代储单位计划内实际储存及其贷款占用、利息开支等情况,在年中和年末分两次将贴息款核拨(或预拨)给供销总社。供销总社在收到财政贴息款的5个工作日内将资金及时转拨给代储单位。

  Article 15    All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives shall, within 30 days after the end of each year, make liquidation report on interest subsidies for national reserves of Bianxiao Brick Tea to the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Finance shall make liquidation according to the relevant provisions, and settle accounts of such subsidies according to the facts.

       第十五条  供销总社应在年度终了后30天内,编制边销茶国家储备利息补贴清算报告报财政部,财政部按规定进行清算,据实结算。

Chapter 5 Supplementary Rules

第五章  附 则

  Article 16    The power of interpretation of these Measures shall be vested in the State Development Planning Commission jointly with the appropriate authorities.

       第十六条  本办法由国家计委会同有关部门负责解释。

  Article 17    These Measures shall take effect as of the promulgation date.

       第十七条  本办法自发布之日起执行。




中英双语-边销茶国家储备管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-11-30 17:26:58