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Notice on Carrying out Golden Sun Pilot Projects



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Science and Technology; National Energy Bureau

Document Number: Cai Jian [2009] No. 397

Promulgating Date: 07/16/2009

Effective Date: 07/16/2009


颁布机关: 财政部; 国家能源局; 科学技术部

文      号: 财建[2009]397号

颁布时间: 07/16/2009

实施时间: 07/16/2009



To departments (bureaus) of finance, departments (commissions) of science and technology and development and reform commissions (bureaus of engery resources) at the level of province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, the Bureau of Finance, the Bureau of Science and Technology and the Development and Reform Commission of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and relevant central enterprises:

In order to promote technological advancement and large-scale development of the photovoltaic power generation industry and foster new strategic industries, in accordance with the Renewable Energy Law of the People's Republic of China, the National Medium and Long-Term (2006-2020) Program Outline for Scientific and Technological Development (Guo Fa [2005] No. 44 ), the Long-Term Program for Renewable Energy (Fa Gai Neng Yuan [2007] No. 2174) and the Administrative Measures for Special Funds Dedicated to the Development of Renewable Engergy (Cai Jian [2006] No. 237), the central finances may allocate certain amount of investment from special funds for renewable engery to support the pilot application of photovoltaic power generation technology in various sectors, as well as the industrialization of key technologies (hereinafter, "Goden Sun Pilot Projects" ). We have formulated the Interim Administrative Measures for Government Subsidies for Goden Sun Pilot Projects (hereinafter, the "Measures") to strengthen the administration of fiscal funds, make better use of funds, and standardize project management. The Measures is printed and circulated to you for your compliance and implementation.  

For the purpose of ensuring the smooth implementation of Golden Sun Pilot Projects, the authorities of finance, science and technology and energy resources in the provinces shall strengthen leadership, organize relevant entities (e.g. power grid entities) to promptly work out implementation programs (2009-2011) for Golden Sun Pilot Projects (inclusive of projects enjoying government subsidies in accordance with the Interim Administrative Measures for the Use of Government Subsidies for Solar Energy Photoelectric Architecture ( Jian Cai [2009] No. 129)) in line with this Notice and other relevant State provisions, and submit such program to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Energy Bureau prior to August 31, 2009. Basically, the total scale of all the pilot projects shall not exceed 20MW per province (including cities specifically designated in the State plan). In addition, relevant local authorities shall track the progress of the construction and operation of Golden Sun Pilot Projects, and make regular reports to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Energy Bureau with respect to pilot operation, utilization of government subsidies so allocated, as well as problems arising in the course of demonstration and popularization.

Appendix: Interim Administrative Measures for Government Subsidies for Goden Sun Pilot Projects

Ministry of Finance 

Ministry of Science and Technology

National Energy Bureau

July 16, 2009










Interim Administrative Measures for Government Subsidies for Goden Sun Pilot Projects




Chapter 1: General Provisions

    第一章  总则

  Article 1   Pursuant to the Law of Renewable Energies, the National Medium and Long-Term Program Outline for Scientific and Technological Development, the Medium and Long-Term Program for Renewable Energy Development and the Administrative Measures for the Special-purpose Fund for Renewable Energy Development (Cai Jian [2006] No. 237), part of the special-purpose fund for renewable energy development is allocated by the Central Finance to support the implementation of the Golden Sun Pilot Project. These Measures are hereby formulated for the purpose of strengthening the management of financial fund, improving the capital efficiency and regulating management of the Projects.

       第一条  根据《可再生能源法》、《国家中长期科技发展规划纲要》、《可再生能源中长期发展规划》和《可再生能源发展专项资金管理办法》(财建〔2006〕237号),中央财政从可再生能源专项资金中安排部分资金支持实施金太阳示范工程。为加强财政资金管理,提高资金使用效益,规范项目管理,特制定本办法。

  Article 2   The Golden Sun Pilot Project, which combines governmental financial subsidy, technological support and driving force of the market, aims to speed up the industrialization and scale-based development of domestic photovoltaic power generation and promote the technical progress of photovoltaic power generation industry.

       第二条  金太阳示范工程综合采取财政补助、科技支持和市场拉动方式,加快国内光伏发电的产业化和规模化发展,以促进光伏发电技术进步。

  Article 3   The arrangement and utilization of such governmental financial subsidy shall be scientific, rational, fair and transparent, and shall be subject to the supervision of the general public.

       第三条  财政补助资金按照科学合理、公正透明的原则安排使用,接受社会各方面监督。

Chapter 2: Scope of Support

第二章  支持范围

  Article 4   The scope of the governmental financial subsidy includes:

(1) The pilot projects of user grid-connected photovoltaic power generation, built by utlizing the existing conditions at large-scale industrial and commercial enterprises and public welfare institutions.

(2) The pilot projects of photovoltaic, wind-photovoltaic, and water-photovoltaic power generation, built to improve the power supply in remote areas and to meet the demands of communities without access to power supply.

(3) The pilot projects of large-scale grid-connected photovoltaic power generation, built in the areas with rich solar energy resources.

(4) The pilot projects of key technology industrialization of photovoltaic power generation, including the industrialization of such key technologies as the purification of silicon materials, the inverter control, and the grid-connected operation.

(5) The basic capacity construction of photovoltaic power generation, including the construction of solar energy resource assessment system, the photovoltaic power generation product and grid-connection technology standard and norms, as well as the related testing and certification systems.

(6) The pilot application of solar energy photoelectric architecture shall be implemented in accordance with the Interim Administrative Measures for the Use of Government Subsidies for Solar Energy Photoelectric Architecture (Cai Jian [2009] No. 129), excluded from the scope of support by the financial subsidy, but included into the implementation program of Golden Sun Pilot Project for summary report.

(7) The photovoltaic power generation projects that have been included into the policy on allocation of electricity price of national renewable energy resources shall be excluded from the scope of support under these Measures.

       第四条  财政补助资金支持范围包括:








Chapter 3: Conditions of Support

第三章  支持条件

  Article 5   The Projects supported by such financial subsidy must meet the following conditions:

(1) Have been included into the local implementation program of Golden Sun Pilot Project.

(2) The installed capacity of a single project shall not be less than 300kWp.

(3) The period of construction of the project shall not be longer than one year and the period of operation shall not be less than twenty years.

(4) Regarding the grid-connected photovoltaic power generation projects, the total assets of owner units shall not be less than one billion Yuan, and the project capital shall not be less than 30% of the total investment. Regarding the independent photovoltaic power generation project, the owner unit shall have the capacity to guarantee the long-term operation of the Project.

(5) The project must meet the following technical requirements:

(a) The photovoltaic power generation product and system integration shall be technologically advanced;

(b) The photovoltaic components, controller, inverter, batteries and other major equipments adopted therein must be certified by a certification institution duly qualified by the State;

(c) A grid-connected project shall meet the relevant technical standards and requirements on grid-connection;

(d) The metering equipment of electricity generation data shall be operational under normal operation.

       第五条  财政补助资金支持的项目必须符合以下条件:










  Article 6   The system integrator of photovoltaic power generation projects and the key equipments shall be selected through tendering.

       第六条  光伏发电项目的系统集成商和关键设备应通过招标的方式择优选择。

Chapter 4: Subsidy Standard and Grid Support

第四章  补助标准和电网支持

  Article 7   The upper limit of subsidy per unit investment shall be determined by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Energy Bureau in accordance with the level of advanced technology used, the state of market development and so on for each pilot project. Regarding the grid-connected photovoltaic power generation projects, the subsidy shall be granted at the rate of 50% of the total investment in the photovoltaic power generation system and its transmission and distribution projects in principle, and the subsidy for independent photovoltaic power generation systems in remote areas of the country that have no access to electricity supply shall be granted at the rate of 70% of the total investment therein.

The appropriate discount interests or subsidies shall be granted to the key technology industrialization of photovoltaic power generation and the construction project of such basic capacity.

       第七条  由财政部、科技部、国家能源局根据技术先进程度、市场发展状况等确定各类示范项目的单位投资补助上限。并网光伏发电项目原则上按光伏发电系统及其配套输配电工程总投资的50%给予补助,偏远无电地区的独立光伏发电系统按总投资的70%给予补助。


  Article 8   The local grid enterprises shall actively support the construction of grid-connected photovoltaic power generation projects, and provide the conditions necessary for grid-connection.

The electricity generated by user grid-connected photovoltaic power generation project shall be used by the users themselves in principle, and the surplus electricity and the electricity generated by large-scale photovoltaic power generation Projects incorporated into public grid shall be acquired in total sum by the local benchmarking grid-connected electricity price of desulfurization coal-fired units.

       第八条  各地电网企业应积极支持并网光伏发电项目建设,提供并网条件。


  Article 9   Regions with the necessary conditions may arrange financial support for such projects.

       第九条  有条件的地方可安排一定资金给予支持。

Chapter 5: Declaration and Allocation of Fund

第五章  资金的申报和下达

  Article 10   The provincial finance, science and technology, and energy departments shall compile an implementation program of Golden Sun Pilot Project (according to the format in Appendix 1 hereto), which shall define the construction areas, content and schedule of such project shall be defined and shall be submitted to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Energy Bureau for record-filing.

       第十条  省级财政、科技、能源部门按要求编制金太阳示范工程实施方案(格式见附1),明确示范项目建设地区、建设内容、进度安排等,联合报财政部、科技部、国家能源局备案。

  Article 11   Where a project is included in the implementation program, an application for financial subsidy (please refer to Appendix 2 hereto for the format of the application) shall be submitted to the provincial finance, science and technology, and energy departments by the principle of territory, after project establishment, system integration and tendering of key equipments of the project are completed and the grid connection approval is issued to the project by local grid enterprise.

       第十一条  纳入实施方案的项目,完成立项和系统集成、关键设备招标,并由当地电网企业出具同意接入电网意见后,提出财政补助资金申请报告(格式见附2),按属地原则,报省级财政、科技、能源部门。

  Article 12   The provincial finance, science and technology, and energy departments are responsible for the review and consolidation of applications for financial subsidy (please refer to Appendix 3 hereto for the format thereof) and, by the end of every February and August, make joint report to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Energy Bureau.

       第十二条  省级财政、科技、能源部门负责组织对财政补助资金申请报告进行审查汇总后(格式见附3),于每年2月底和8月底前联合上报财政部、科技部、国家能源局。

  Article 13    The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Energy Bureau shall verify the technical programs, construction conditions, fund–raising and other materials of such projects which applied for financial subsidy. The Ministry of Finance shall determine the amount of the subsidy to be allocated to each project on the basis of the investment therein and subsidy standard of the project and a budgetary fund equivalent to 70% of the aforementioned amount shall be allocated to the project. After the project is completed, the project owner unit shall timely apply to the provincial finance, science and technology, and energy departments for project verification and subsidy liquidation. The Ministry of Finance shall calculate and deliver the remaining subsidy payable to the project on the basis of the actual project investment.

       第十三条  财政部、科技部、国家能源局组织对各省上报项目的技术方案、建设条件、资金筹措等材料进行审核。财政部根据项目的投资额和补助标准核定补助金额,并按70%下达预算。项目完工后,项目业主单位及时向省级财政、科技、能源部门提出项目审核及补助资金清算申请。财政部根据项目实际投资清算剩余补助资金。

  Article 14   The financial departments at all levels shall allocate the subsidy in accordance with State treasury management system and other relevant provisions.

       第十四条  各级财政部门按照财政国库管理制度等有关规定,拨付补助资金。

Chapter 6: Supervision and Administration

第六章  监督管理

  Article 15   The provincial finance, science and technology, and energy departments shall be responsible for the supervision and inspection of the implementation of pilot projects.

       第十五条  地方财政、科技、能源部门负责对示范项目实施情况进行监督检查。

  Article 16   After the completion of each project, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Energy Bureau shall entrust related institution to carry out assessment of the project.

       第十六条  项目完工后,财政部、科技部、国家能源局委托有关机构对项目进行评审。

  Article 17   The grid enterprises shall keep timely statistics of power generation of pilot Projects, and monitor the operation of the grid-connected photovoltaic power generation projects.

       第十七条  电网企业负责按期统计示范项目发电量,并对并网光伏发电项目运行情况进行监控。

  Article 18   The owner unit of a pilot project shall be responsible for the authenticity of the declaration materials; where such owner unit commits fraud to obtain financial subsidy, then such financial subsidy so obtained by the unit shall be recalled, and the qualification of the owner unit to apply for financial subsidy shall be cancelled.

       第十八条  示范项目业主单位对项目申报材料的真实性负责,对弄虚作假、骗取财政补助资金的单位,将扣回补助资金,并取消申请财政补助资金的资格。

  Article 19   The financial subsidy must be used for the specified purposes, and no forms of interception or misappropriation for any reason may be permitted. Those who violate this provision shall be punished in accordance with the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions against Illegal Fiscal Acts (State Council Decree No. 427) and other relevant regulations.

       第十九条  财政补助资金必须专款专用,任何单位不得以任何理由、任何形式截留、挪用。对违反规定的,按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)等有关规定处理。

Chapter 7: Supplementary Provisions

第七章  附则

  Article 20   These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Energy Bureau.

       第二十条  本办法由财政部会同科技部、国家能源局负责解释。

  Article 21   These Measures shall come into effect from the date of printing and circulation.

       第二十一条  本办法自印发之日起施行。




中英双语-财政部、国家能源局、科学技术部关于实施金太阳示范工程的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-12-04 10:36:18