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Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the People's Bank of China on Budget Management in the Pilot Project for Replacing Business Tax with Value-Added Tax in Shanghai


Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; State Administration of Taxation; The People's Bank of China

Document Number: Cai Yu [2011] No.538

Promulgating Date: 11/28/2011

Effective Date: 01/01/2012

Revision History: This document has been repealed pursuant to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, People's Bank of China, and State Administration of Taxation on Budget Administration Related to the Pilot Program of Replacing Business Tax with Value-Added Tax promulgated on June 28,2013 (Effective from August 1,2013).


颁布机关: 财政部; 国家税务总局; 中国人民银行

文      号: 财预[2011]538号

颁布时间: 11/28/2011

实施时间: 01/01/2012

修订记录: 根据2013年6月28日发布的《财政部、中国人民银行、国家税务总局关于营业税改征增值税试点有关预算管理问题的通知》(实施时间:2013年8月1日),此文件被宣布废止。



To Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau, Shanghai Municipal Office of State Administration of Taxation, Shanghai Local Taxation Bureau, Shanghai Headquarters of People's Bank of China and the Fiscal Supervisor Office of the Ministry of Finance in Shanghai:


According to relevant provisions of the Scheme for Pilot Project for Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax (Cai Shui [2011] No. 110) approved by the State Council, and with a view to properly replacing business tax with value-added tax (VAT) and strengthening the budget management for VAT after the replacement (hereinafter referred to as "Replacement"), relevant matters are hereby notified as below:


1. Revenue attribution for the Replacement. The attribution of the Replacement revenue during the pilot period remains unchanged, that is to say, the business revenue which was attributed to Shanghai is still attributable to Shanghai after it is replaced by VAT, and the fines for overdue payment of the Replacement and fines are also attributable to Shanghai. The Replacement revenue is not included in the base for the Central Government's VAT and consumption tax rebates to Shanghai. Any losses or gains in financial revenue due to the implementation of the pilot project shall be shared by the Central Government and the Shanghai municipal government in accordance with relevant provisions of the current financial system.


2. Revision to Replacement items. To accurately reflect and calculate the Replacement revenue, subjects "Replacement" and "Replacement Export Refund", numbered 1010104 and 1010105 respectively, will be added in the Classification of Government Revenue and Expenditure from the year 2012. Under the former subject, the item 01"Replacement Revenue", item 20 "Fines for Overdue Payment of Replacement and Fines" and item 29 "Replacement Domestic Refund" will be added. See Annex for details.


3. Payment of the Replacement to the Treasury. When handling the payment of the Replacement revenue to the treasury, Shanghai national tax departments at all levels shall formulate an independent covering warrant in accordance with the declaration information of taxpayers and choose a corresponding item under the subject 1010104 for filling in the budget account and fill "local" as the budgetary level. The concrete submission flow shall be in conformity with the Rules for the Implementation of National Treasury Regulations of the People's Republic of China (Cai Yu Zi [1989] No. 68). The electronic payment of tax revenues to the treasury shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations followed by finance departments, taxation authorities, the treasury and commercial banks. A supplementary payment and refund of business tax collected before the implementation of this Notice shall be handled in accordance with the revised items and payment measures of this Notice.


4. Replacement revenue refund from the treasury. The Replacement refunded in accordance with the policies of refund upon collection shall be borne by the financial department of Shanghai Municipal Government and the refunding shall be carried out in accordance with procedures for the refunding of current VAT and listed into the item 101010429 "Domestic Replacement Refund". The percentage of VAT export refund to be borne by the Municipality of Shanghai and handling procedures will be formulated separately.


5. Other matters. Where taxpayers are involved in the sales of taxable services and goods or labors, to which, the general tax computing methods are applicable, the tax amount payable shall be divided into and turned over to the treasury as the Replacement and the current VA based on the proportion of VAT on sales. .

All financial and tax departments at all the levels in Shanghai and the treasury unit of the People's Bank of China shall do their upmost in the collection and payment of Replacement and clearly differentiate the revenue of the Replacement and that of the current VAT to avoid confusions and ensure the smooth execution of the pilot program. The Fiscal Supervisor Office of the Ministry of Finance in Shanghai shall strengthen its role in supervision and inspection and hold those responsible that violate this Notice in accordance with relevant provisions in the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions against Illegal Fiscal Acts (Decree No 427 of the State Council).

This Notice shall come into force on January 1, 2012

Annex: Revision of the Classification of Government Revenue and Expenditure 2012

Ministry of Finance

State Administration of Taxation

People's Bank of China

November 28, 2011














中英双语-财政部、国家税务总局、中国人民银行关于上海市开展营业税改征增值税试点有关预算管理问题的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-12-04 10:53:18