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Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and National Development and Reform Commission on the Pilot Implementation of Subsidies for Private Purchase of New Energy Automobiles


Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Science and Technology; Ministry of Industry and Information; National Development and Reform Commission

Document Number: Cai Jian [2010] No.230

Promulgating Date:05/31/2010

Effective Date: 05/31/2010


颁布机关: 财政部; 科学技术部; 工业和信息化部; 国家发展和改革委员会

文      号: 财建[2010]230号

颁布时间: 05/31/2010

实施时间: 05/31/2010



The finance departments (bureaus), science and technology departments (science and technology commissions), administrative departments of industry and information technology and development and reform commissions of all the relevant provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the State plan, 

In order to thoroughly implement the decisions of the 91th executive meeting of the State Council, expedite the technological progress of the automobile industry, focus on cultivating strategic emerging industries and promote energy conservation and emission reduction, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and National Development and Reform Commission will commence the work regarding the pilot implementation of subsidies for private purchase of new energy automobiles in accordance with the Request for Instruction about the Expansion of Demonstrative Promotion of Energy Saving and New Energy Automobiles (Cai Jian [2010] No.41) approved by the State Council. Based on the foundation of the automobile industry, the purchasing power of the residents and the relevant requirements, the four ministries and commission select five cities for which plans for the pilot implementation of subsidies for private purchase of new energy automobiles are formulated and organize experts to verify the implementation plans. Pilot implementation will commence after verification. The pilot Subsidy Funds are managed in accordance with the Interim Measures on the Management of the Pilot Financial Subsidy Funds for Private Purchase of New Energy Automobiles (see Appendix).

In order to ensure that the pilot work is carried out successfully, the competent departments of finance, science and technology, industry and information technology and development and reform in all the pilot cities and their provinces shall strengthen organization and leadership, insist on relying on technology, emphasize on independent innovation and practically and properly manage the pilot work in accordance with the provisions of this Notice and the relevant documents. These departments shall also track the operation status of the pilot scheme for new energy automobiles and report to the four ministries and commission in writing the effects of the pilot implementation, the arrangement and use of the subsidies and the problems discovered in the pilot work in a timely manner. 

Appendix: Interim Measures on the Management of the Pilot Financial Subsidy Funds for Private Purchase of New Energy Automobiles

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Science and Technology

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

National Development and Reform Commission

May 31, 2010










Interim Measures on the Management of the Pilot Financial Subsidy Funds for Private Purchase of New Energy Automobiles


Chapter 1   General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1   In order to thoroughly implement the arrangements and requirements of the State Council in the cultivation of strategic emerging industries and promote energy conservation and emission reduction, the central finance arranges special fund to support the pilot implementation of subsidies for private purchase of new energy automobiles. With the view to strengthening the management of the pilot financial subsidy funds (hereinafter referred to as the Subsidy Funds) for private purchase of new energy automobiles and improve the utilization efficiency of the fund, these Measures are formulated. 

       第一条  为贯彻落实国务院关于培育战略性新兴产业和加强节能减排工作的部署和要求,中央财政安排专项资金,支持开展私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点。为加强私人购买新能源汽车试点财政补助资金(以下简称补助资金)管理,提高资金使用效益,特制定本办法。

  Article 2   For the purposes of these Measures, new energy automobiles shall mean plug-in hybrid passenger cars or pure electric passenger cars. 

       第二条  本办法所称新能源汽车主要指插电式(plug-in)混合动力乘用车和纯电动乘用车。

  Article 3   The Subsidy Funds shall be arranged and used according to the scientifically reasonable, impartial and transparent principles and such arrangement and use shall be supervised by all sectors of the society.

       第三条  补助资金按照科学合理、公正透明的原则安排使用,并接受社会各方面监督。

Chapter 2   Scope, target and method of subsidy

第二章  补助范围、对象和方式

  Article 4   The central finance grants one-off subsidies for private purchase, registration and use of new energy automobiles in pilot cities, grant appropriate subsidies for the standardized development of basic facilities such as power batteries and battery charging stations and arrange certain funds for catalogue review, examination and checking.

       第四条  中央财政对试点城市私人购买、登记注册和使用的新能源汽车给予一次性补助,对动力电池、充电站等基础设施的标准化建设给予适当补助,并安排一定工作经费,用于目录审查、检查检测等工作。

  Article 5   Private purchase and use of new energy automobiles are in three forms, namely direct private purchase, automobile leasing and battery leasing.

(1) Direct purchase: The central finance grant subsides to car manufacturing enterprises. The car manufacturing enterprises then sell the new energy automobiles to private users at prices after deducting the subsidies.

(2) Automobile leasing: The central finance grants subsidies to the car manufacturing enterprises. The car manufacturing enterprises then sell the new energy automobiles to leasing enterprises at prices after deducting the subsidies.

(3) Battery leasing: The central finance grants subsidies to the battery leasing enterprises. The battery leasing enterprises then lease the batteries for new energy automobiles to private users at prices after deducting the subsidies and provide battery maintenance, repair and replacement services.

       第五条  私人购买和使用新能源汽车包括私人直接购买、整车租赁和电池租赁三种形式。




  Article 6   The local finance arrange certain funds mainly to support the construction of ancillary facilities such as the battery charging stations, the purchase of new energy automobiles and the repurchase of batteries.

       第六条  地方财政安排一定资金,重点对充电站等配套基础设施建设、新能源汽车购置和电池回购等给予支持。

Chapter 3   Support conditions

第三章  支持条件

  Article 7   The governments of the pilot cities are the subjects that implement and take responsibility for the pilot scheme with respect to the private purchase of new energy automobiles, and shall meet the following conditions: 

(1) The number of new energy automobiles under promotion shall reach a certain scale and the basic facilities that correspond to the application scale shall be constructed.

(2) Determine the business operation model of new energy automobiles and establish at least one model for new energy automobile or battery leasing. 

(3) Formulate ancillary policy measures such as the provision of local financial subsidies, concessionary tariff and dedicated parking spaces. 

(4) Place emphasis on the uniform technological standard of the basic facilities such as the power batteries and the battery charging stations, the construction of the basic facilities such as the battery charging stations shall meet the relevant standard formulated by the State. 

(5) Establish and improve the dumping and recycling system for new energy automobiles and batteries.

(6) Create a liberalized market environment that is favorable to fair competition, and no restriction shall be imposed on the brands, models, production places and distributors of the subsidized automobiles. 

(7) Properly manage the linkup with the demonstrative promotion of energy saving and new energy automobiles in the public service sectors.

       第七条  试点城市政府是私人购买新能源汽车试点的实施主体和责任主体,须满足以下条件:








  Article 8   Car manufacturing enterprises and their new energy automobiles that apply for subsidies shall meet the following conditions: 

(1) If a new energy automobile is included in the Catalogue of Cars Recommended for the Application Project for the Demonstrative Promotion of Energy Saving and New Energy Automobiles, the enterprise shall guarantee that the automobile for sale is consistent with the catalogue product.

(2) The energy of the power battery pack of a pure electric passenger car shall not be less than 15 kWh. The energy of the power battery pack of a plug-in hybrid passenger car shall not be less than 10 kWh (The continued driving mileage under the pure electric mode shall not be less than 50km). Power battery does not include lead-acid battery.

(3) Enterprises that manufacture automobiles and key parts such as power batteries shall have a certain production capacity scale and a sound after-sales service system, provide warranty for not less than 5 years or 100,000km (whichever is earlier) for key parts such as power batteries and undertake to repurchase the automobiles and power batteries based on a certain depreciation rate. 

(4) Automobile enterprises selling new energy automobiles shall guarantee to the consumers the product performance parameters tested by the testing method prescribed by the relevant State standard: the maximum 30-minute speed of automobiles driving in the pure electric mode, the maximum hourly speed of the plug-in hybrid automobiles, 0 – 50 km/h acceleration time, maximum gradability, 100 km power consumption (mode test method), continued driving mileage (mode test method), type of motor and power, type of power battery and total power storage, charging (fast charge, slow charge) methods and time, power of on-board charger and input voltage.

       第八条  申请补助的汽车生产企业及其新能源汽车产品须符合下述条件:





Chapter 4   Subsidy rate and scale

第四章  补助标准与规模

  Article 9   Subsidy rate shall be determined on the basis of the energy of the power battery pack. New energy automobiles that meet the support conditions will be given a subsidy of RMB3000/kWh. The maximum subsidy for plug-in hybrid passenger cars is RMB50,000/car, while the maximum subsidy for pure electric passenger cars is RMB60,000/car. 

       第九条  补助标准根据动力电池组能量确定。对满足支持条件的新能源汽车,按3000元/千瓦时给予补助。插电式混合动力乘用车最高补助5万元/辆;纯电动乘用车最高补助6万元/辆。

  Article 10   The decrement mechanism is adopted for government subsidies. During the pilot period (2010-2012), when the sales of plug-in hybrid passenger cars and pure electric passenger cars of each enterprise reach 50,000 respectively, the central finance will lower the subsidy rate as appropriate. 

       第十条  财政补助采取退坡机制。试点期内(2010-2012年),每家企业销售的插电式混合动力和纯电动乘用车分别达到5万辆的规模后,中央财政将适当降低补助标准。

  Article 11   The central finance gives subsidy based on the criteria of the private purchase amount and requirements in the pilot cities. The subsidy amount of enterprises that lease batteries will be determined according to the number of new energy automobiles that they serve.

       第十一条  中央财政根据试点城市私人购买数量和规定的标准给予补助。采用电池租赁方式的企业,补助数量按其服务的新能源汽车数量确定。

Chapter 5   Fund declaration and transfer to a lower level

第五章  资金申报与下达

  Article 12   According to the verified implementation plans of the pilot cities and the application for funds, the Ministry of Finance pre-allocates the Subsidy Funds to the pilot cities through the finance departments at the provincial level. 

       第十二条  根据试点城市论证通过的实施方案和资金申请,财政部通过省级财政部门将补助资金预拨给试点城市。

  Article 13   The finance departments of the pilot cities allocate the Subsidy Funds based on the status of the private purchase and use of new energy automobiles, and report the monthly allocation status to the Ministry of Finance within 10 days after the end of the month. The specific measures for the management of the Subsidy Funds shall be formulated by the pilot cities based on the local situations and shall be reported to the Ministry of Finance for filing. 

       第十三条  试点城市财政部门根据私人购买、使用新能源汽车情况,据实拨付补助资金,并在月度终了后10日内将月度拨付情况上报财政部。补助资金具体管理办法,由试点城市结合本地实际情况自行制定,并报财政部备案。

  Article 14   Within 30 days after the end of the year, the pilot city shall seriously conclude the promotion status for the whole year, prepare the clearing report for Subsidy Funds which will be submitted to the Ministry of Finance after audited by the finance department at the provincial level. The Ministry of Finance shall clear the Subsidy Funds based on the situation reported by the local authority and the specialized examination results.

       第十四条  年度终了后30日内,试点城市要认真总结全年推广情况,编制补助资金清算报告,由省级财政部门审核后上报财政部,财政部根据地方上报情况和专项核查结果对补助资金进行清算。

Chapter 6   Supervision and administration

第六章  监督管理

  Article 15   The relevant departments shall regularly organize and commence specialized examination and evaluate the technological standard and operation effect of the new energy automobiles. 

       第十五条  有关部门定期组织开展专项检查,对新能源汽车技术水平和运行效果进行评估。

  Article 16   Enterprises shall take responsibility for the authenticity of the declaration materials and the consistency of the products. If the product is not consistent with the declaration materials, the performance indicators are not reached or false information is provided so as to obtain subsidy by fraud, the application enterprise will be imposed penalties such as the return of Subsidy Fund, the circulation of notices of criticism or the revocation of qualification depending on the severity of the case. 

       第十六条  企业对申报材料的真实性和产品一致性负责。对产品与申报材料不符,性能指标没达到要求,以及提供虚假信息、骗取补助资金的,将视情节轻重对申请企业给予追缴补助资金、通报批评、取消资格等处罚。

  Article 17   The Subsidy Funds shall be specific funds for specific uses and no entity shall retain the fund for other uses or misappropriate the fund for whatever reasons and in whatever forms. In case of violation of the provisions, the entity and personnel concerned shall be pursued with liabilities in accordance with the law and the relevant provisions such as the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions against Illegal Financial Acts (No. 427 of the State Council Order).

       第十七条  补助资金必须专款专用,任何单位不得以任何理由、形式截留、挪用。对违反规定的,将依照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)等有关规定,依法追究有关单位和人员的责任。

Chapter 7   Supplementary provisions

第七章  附则

  Article 18   These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and National Development and Reform Commission. 

       第十八条  本办法由财政部、科技部、工业和信息化部、国家发展改革委负责解释。

  Article 19   These Measures shall come into force on the date of publication.

       第十九条  本办法自印发之日起施行。




中英双语-财政部、科技部、工业和信息化部、国家发展改革委关于开展私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
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