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Measures for Budget Management of Local Government Bonds in 2009


Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Yu [2009] No. 21

Promulgating Date: 02/18/2009

Effective Date: 02/18/2009


颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财预[2009]21号

颁布时间: 02/18/2009

实施时间: 02/18/2009


  Article 1   These Measures are formulated in accordance with relevant provisions of the State Council for the purposes of actively implementing financial policies and enhancing local capabilities to arrange supporting funds and expand government investment.

       第一条  为实施好积极的财政政策,增强地方安排配套资金和扩大政府投资的能力,根据国务院有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2   For the purpose of these Measures, local government bonds refer to the 2009 local government bonds issued upon approval of the State Council. Subject to the approval, the governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the State plan shall be the principal source of issuance and redemption of the bonds, whereas the Ministry of Finance shall act as the agent in issuing the bonds, paying principals and interests thereon, and paying the issuance expenses.

       第二条  本办法所称地方政府债券,是指经国务院批准同意,以省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市政府为发行和偿还主体,由财政部代理发行并代办还本付息和支付发行费的2009年地方政府债券。

  Article 3   Income from local government bonds may be used for direct expenditure of governments at provincial level (including cities specifically designated in the State plan, hereinafter the same) or be lent to governments at city or county level.

       第三条  地方政府债券收入可以用于省级(包括计划单列市,下同)直接支出,也可以转贷市、县级政府使用。

  Article 4   Income from or expenditure on local government bonds shall be subject to budget management. Income from local government bonds shall be fully brought under provincial budget management. In case governments at city or county level use income from bonds, such income shall be lent by governments at provincial level and shall be brought under the financial budget at city or county level. Expenditures paid by income from local government bonds shall be brought under financial budget management at all local levels.

Departments and entities which arrange expenditures out of income from local government bonds shall bring such expenditures into the budget of the department or entity and manage the same in strict compliance with budget rules.

       第四条  地方政府债券收支实行预算管理。地方政府债券收入全额纳入省级财政预算管理,市、县级政府使用债券收入的,由省级财政转贷,纳入市、县级财政预算。地方政府债券收入安排的支出纳入地方各级财政预算管理。


  Article 5   Income from local government bonds shall be subject to the quota approved by the State Council upon application of governments at provincial level. Financial departments at city or county level shall appropriate the income from local government bonds on the basis of the sub-loan amount approved by financial departments at provincial level.

Local government bond expenditures shall be planned in light of expenditures arranged by local finance at all levels out of bond income or sub-loan income. Budget expenditures on local government bonds shall fully meet the requirements of scientific outlook on development and promote economic structure adjustment and development mode transfer. The funds shall be mainly used as expenditures to support local public construction projects invested into by the Central finance and other public construction projects facing difficulty in drawing social investments. Investment of the funds in projects which are capable of financing through market activities shall be placed under strict control, and the funds may not be arranged for recurrent expenditures. The funds can be used for: government-subsidized housing projects, projects concerning the well-being of rural residents and rural infrastructure facilities, infrastructure facilities concerning social causes such as medical and health care, education and culture, ecological construction projects, recovery and reconstruction after earthquake and other construction and ancillary projects concerning the well-being of the public.

       第五条  地方政府债券收入根据省级政府报请国务院批准同意的额度编制。市、县级财政根据省级财政核准的转贷额度编列地方政府债券转贷收入。


  Article 6   In case the 2009 government budget is not examined and approved by the people's congress at the same level, income from local government bonds or bond re-lending revenue and expenditures shall be brought within the budget, and it shall be submitted to the people's congress at the same level for examination and approval. In case the 2009 government budget is examined and approved by the people's congress at the same level, a budget adjustment scheme shall be formulated timely according to the plan for income and expenditure of local government bonds, which shall be submitted to the standing committee of the people's congress at the same level for examination and approval.

       第六条  2009年度政府预算未报经本级人民代表大会审查批准的,要将本地区地方政府债券收入或者债券转贷收入和支出纳入预算,报请同级人民代表大会审查批准。2009年度政府预算已经报本级人民代表大会审查批准的,要根据地方政府债券收支计划及时编制预算调整方案,报同级人民代表大会常务委员会审查批准。

  Article 7   Local finance departments at all levels shall reply to relevant departments and entities concerning expenditure on the bonds according to the approved budget. Relevant departments and entities shall, in strict compliance with the budget as approved by the reply, arrange budget expenditures and implement project management, but they may not change the use of funds at will.

       第七条  各级地方财政部门根据批准的预算,将债券支出批复相关部门和单位。各相关部门和单位要严格按照批复的预算,安排预算支出,实行项目管理,不得随意变更资金用途。

  Article 8  Section 01, Domestic Debt Income under Category 105 of Debt Income in the governmental income and expenditure category (the category note shall be revised as "revenue co-used by the Central finance and local finance") shall be added to Item 04, Income from local Government Bonds Issued by the Ministry of Finance as the Agent, the note of which shall be "local income, indicating the income from the 2009 local government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance as the agent." Under Category 110, Transfer Revenue, Section 11, Bond Re-lending Revenue shall be created with Item 01, Relent Revenue from Income of Local Government Bonds Issued by the Ministry of Finance as the Agent added thereunder, the note of the category shall be "indicating the revenue from local government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance as an agent re-lent by superior governments to governments at lower levels."

Section 12, Payment of Principal on Local Government Bonds Issued by the Ministry of Finance as the Agent shall be added under the Expenditure Category 228, State Bond Issues, the note of which shall be "indicating local government's expenditures for paying principals on the 2009 local government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance as the agent." Section 13, Payment of Interest on Local Government Bonds Issued by the Ministry of Finance as the Agent, the note of which shall be "indicating local government's expenditures for paying interests on the 2009 local government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance as the agent." Under Category 230, Transfer Expenditure, Section 11, Bond Re-lending Expenditure shall be created with Item 01, Re-lending Expenditure on Income from Local Government Bonds Issued by the Ministry of Finance as the Agent added thereunder, the note of which shall be "indicating expenditures on re-lending of the income from local government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance as the agent by superior governments to governments at lower levels." While arranging for income from local government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance as the agent, local governments shall list the revenues under corresponding categories of governmental revenue and expenditure based on actual use.

       第八条  在政府收支分类科目收入分类105类“债务收入”01款“国内债务收入”(科目说明修改为“中央与地方共用收入科目”)下新增04项“财政部代理发行地方政府债券收入”,科目说明为“地方收入科目。反映财政部代理发行的2009年地方政府债券收入。”在110类“转移性收入”下新增11款“债券转贷收入”01项“转贷财政部代理发行地方政府债券收入”,科目说明为“反映下级政府收到上级政府转贷的财政部代理发行地方政府债券收入。”


  Article 9   Local finance department at all levels shall, according to budget arrangement and construction process of the projects, promptly allocate funds and supervise budget implementation, detect and solve problems arising from budget implementation in a timely manner, and carry out the income and expenditure accounting for total financial budget.

       第九条  各级地方财政部门要根据预算安排、项目建设进度,及时拨付资金,监控预算执行情况,及时发现和处理预算执行中出现的问题,并做好财政总预算会计收支核算工作。

  Article 10    As an agent, the Central finance shall redeem local government bonds at maturity. Local finance shall arrange full funds for repaying the principals and interests of local government bonds, and submit funds for repaying the principals, interests and issuance expenses of local government bonds to the Central finance in a timely manner. If it is really difficult to repay the principals at the time, local governments, upon approval, may issue new bonds with a term of one to five years in certain proportion to the unpaid principals, and redeem all bonds in separate years. In case funds for repaying principals, interests and issuance expenses of local government bonds fail to be submitted to the Central finance in a timely manner, the Central finance shall calculate default interests based on actual circumstances and deduct the same when conducting settlement between Central finance and local finance.

       第十条  地方政府债券到期后,由中央财政统一代办偿还。地方财政要足额安排地方政府债券还本付息所需资金,及时向中央财政上缴地方政府债券本息、发行费等资金。如果届时还本确实存在困难,经批准,到期后可按一定比例发行1-5年期新债券,分年全部归还。对于未按时上缴的,中央财政根据逾期情况计算罚息,并在办理中央与地方财政结算时如数扣缴。

  Article 11    Finance departments shall strengthen administration and supervision over the incomes from and expenditures out of local government bonds, establish and improve systems of debt declaration, examination and approval, performance assessment and supervision, carry out fund management in a more scientific and sophisticated manner, and may not divert, intercept or embezzle debt funds.

       第十一条  财政部门要加强对地方政府债券收支的管理和监督,建立和完善债务项目申报、审批、绩效考评和监督等制度,提高资金管理的科学化、精细化水平,不得挤占、截留和挪用债务资金。

  Article 12   These Measures shall become effective from the date of promulgation.

       第十二条  本办法自公布之日起执行。




中英双语-2009年地方政府债券预算管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-12-11 09:20:47