股份购买协议中Restrictions on Tranfer条款的一般表述及翻译

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Restrictions on Tranfer意思是“转让限制”,是股份购买协议(share purchase agreement)中的核心条款,是对所购买或转让的股份的限制性规定,其内容及翻译如下:


Restrictions on Transfer转让限制

Except pursuant to the written consent of the Grantor, the Restricted Shares and the rights and interests, voting rights and privileges conferred hereby shall not be transferred or granted to any third party to execute prior to granting and vesting. Any above-mentioned action without the written consent of the Grantor shall be null and void from the beginning.

在标的股票授予和行权之前,未经发售人书面同意,购买人不得以任何形式转让本协议项下其获得的限制性股票或其获得限制性股票的权利,或者将限制性股票的权益、 投票权授予任何第三方行使,未经发售人书面同意的上述行为自始无效。

In the event of a transfer of part or all of the Restricted Shares under this Agreement held by the Grantee as consented to by the Grantor, the Grantee shall have the obligation to ensure that the transferee will be subject to and comply with the terms under this Agreement.

若发售人书面同意购买人转让任何本协议项下的限制性股票的,则购买人有义务使 其受让人受到本协议条款的约束。 

发布于 2020-04-30 10:48:18