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Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the General Administration of Customs on Publicly Soliciting Opinions regarding the "Measures for the Administration of Government Procurement of Domestic Products (Draft for Comments)"



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Commerce; ; General Administration of Customs

Promulgating Date: 05/26/2010

颁布机关: 财政部; 商务部; 发展和改革委员会; 海关总署

颁布时间: 05/26/2010


In order to regulate government procurement activities, maintain the order of the market, in accordance with the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the General Administration of Customs jointly drafted the Measures for the Administration of Government Procurement of Domestic Products (Draft for Comments), and hereby release the draft and openly solicit opinions and comments for it from all sectors of society. We appreciate comments and suggestions for amendments from all walks of life through the Internet, or by means of letters, facsimiles, emails, etc.

(1) Log onto the official website of the Ministry of Finance to read the full text in the column of "Circulars and Announcements".

(2) Log onto http://www.chinalaw.gov.cn, and submit comments through the "Comments Solicitation System for Ministerial Regulation Drafts" on the left-hand side of the homepage.

(3) Email address: xiaofan@mof.gov.cn

(4) Facsimile No.: 010-68552871 Contact person: Xiao Fan

(5) Address: Department of Exchequer under the Ministry of Finance, No. 3, Lane 3, Sanlihe South, Yuetan South Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 100820

Please send your opinions and comments to us prior t o June 21, 2010, and we appreciate your comments and your support to us.

Annex: Measures for the Administration of Government Procurement of Domestic Products (Draft for Comments)

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Commerce

National Development and Reform Commission

General Administration of Customs














Measures for the Administration of Government Procurement of Domestic Products

 (Draft for Comments)




Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1   These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China for the purposes of regulating government procurement activities and maintaining the order of the market.

       第一条  为规范政府采购行为,维护市场秩序,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》,制定本办法。

  Article 2   These Measures shall be applicable to the purchasing activities conducted with fiscal funds by State organs, public institutions, and public organizations at all levels (hereinafter referred to as the "procuring entities"), where the goods concerned are in the centralized procurement catalogue complied in accordance with the law or the value of the goods exceeds the respective prescribed procurement thresholds.

       第二条  本办法适用于各级国家机关、事业单位、团体组织(以下统称采购人),使用财政性资金采购依法制定的集中采购目录以内或者采购限额标准以上的货物项目。

  Article 3   A procuring entity that intends to purchase goods shall purchase domestic products, unless otherwise stipulated by these Measures.

       第三条  采购人采购货物的,应当采购本国产品。但本办法另有规定的除外。

  Article 4   No organization or individual shall obstruct or restrict free access of domestic products to the government procurement market of their local region or their industry, or apply differentiated or discriminating treatment to domestic products by imposing unreasonable conditions.

       第四条  任何单位和个人不得阻挠和限制本国产品自由进入本地区和本行业的政府采购市场,不得以不合理条件对本国产品实行差别或者歧视待遇。

  Article 5   The financial departments of people's governments at all levels shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of government procurement of domestic products. 

The relevant departments of the people's governments at all levels shall perform the supervisory and administrative duties and responsibilities relating to government procurement of domestic products in accordance with the law.

       第五条  各级人民政府财政部门负责政府采购本国产品的监督管理。


Chapter 2: Recognition of Domestic Products

第二章  本国产品认定

  Article 6   For the purposes of these Measures, domestic products shall mean final products which are manufactured within the customs territory of China and for which the proportion of domestic production cost exceeds 50%.

       第六条  本办法所称本国产品是指在中国关境内生产,且国内生产成本比例超过50%的最终产品。

  Article 7   For the purposes of these Measures, proportion of domestic production cost shall be calculated according to the following formula:

Proportion of domestic production cost =(production cost of a final product – value of non-China originating materials)/production cost of the final product * 100%

       第七条  本办法所称国内生产成本比例按下列公式计算:


  Article 8   For the purposes of these Measures, production cost of final products shall mean the cost for manufacturing the final products which are used by suppliers to perform the government procurement contracts.

       第八条  本办法所称最终产品生产成本,是指供应商履行政府采购合同的最终产品的生产成本。

  Article 9   For the purposes of these Measures, non- China originating materials shall mean the materials or parts imported for directly manufacturing or assembling final products. 

Raw materials or parts of undetermined origin shall be deemed non-China originating materials.

       第九条  本办法所称非中国原产材料是指进口直接用于制造或装配最终产品的原料或零部件。


  Article 10   The value of non-China originating materials shall be the CIF value thereof.

       第十条  非中国原产材料价值是指非中国原产材料的到岸价(CIF)。

  Article 11   The value of the production cost of final products and that of the non-China originating materials shall be calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of China's prevailing accounting standards.

       第十一条  最终产品生产成本和非中国原产材料价值,应按我国现行会计准则的相关规定予以核算。

Chapter 3: Procurement of Domestic Products

第三章  本国产品采购

  Article 12   Procuring entities shall require the suppliers to provide domestic products to participate in government procurement activities.

       第十二条  采购人应当要求供应商提供本国产品参加政府采购活动。

  Article 13   The procuring entities shall specify in the procurement documents (including negotiation documents, price inquiry and quotation documents, single-source price quotation documents, sic passim) that the suppliers shall submit, together with their bid documents, the Declaration on Final Manufacturing Place of Products (hereinafter referred to as the "Declaration") and the Letter of Commitment on Compliance with the Requirements on Proportion of Domestic Production Cost of Final Products (hereinafter referred to as the "Letter of Commitment") which are issued by the manufacturers.

       第十三条  采购人应当在采购文件(含谈判文件、询价报价文件、单一来源报价文件,下同)中载明,供应商应在投标文件中提交生产厂家出具的《产品最终生产地声明》(以下简称声明)和《最终产品国内生产成本比例达标承诺书》(以下简称承诺书)。

  Article 14   Where a procuring entity intends to purchase integrated items, it shall require the suppliers to provide a Declaration and a Letter of Commitment issued by the manufacturer for the components any of which alone accounts for 20% of the total price.

       第十四条  采购人采购集成项目的,应当要求供应商对所有占报价20%以上的单一组件,提供生产厂家出具的声明和承诺书。

  Article 15   Where domestic products are not available or not available through reasonable business conditions within the customs territory of China, the procuring entities shall first turn to final products which are manufactured within the customs territory of China, and shall, within seven working days after the conclusion of a procurement contract, submit a duplicate of the contract to the government procurement supervision and administration department and other relevant departments at the same level for record filing.

       第十五条  本国产品在中国关境内无法获取或者无法以合理的商业条件获取的,采购人应当优先采购在中国关境内生产的最终产品,并在采购合同签订之日起7个工作日内,将合同副本报同级政府采购监督管理部门和有关部门备案。

Chapter 4: Supervision and Administration

第四章  监督检查

  Article 16   The financial departments of the people's governments at all levels shall strengthen the supervision and administration of government procurement of domestic products. 

The relevant governmental departments which bear the administrative supervision obligations for government procurement according to relevant laws and administrative regulations shall strengthen the supervision of government procurement of domestic products according to the division of duties and responsibilities.

       第十六条  各级人民政府财政部门应当加强对政府采购本国产品的监督检查。


  Article 17   The procuring entities shall require the suppliers to confirm the proportion of domestic production cost of domestic products when accepting such products.

       第十七条  采购人在验收时,应当要求供应商确认本国产品国内生产成本比例。

  Article 18   If the suppliers participating in government procurement activities hold any opposition against the implementation of these Measures, they may question or file complaints in accordance with the law but shall bear the burden of proof.

       第十八条  参加政府采购活动的供应商对本办法的执行情况有异议的,可以依法提出质疑或投诉,但应当承担举证责任。

  Article 19   The financial department shall check and verify the disputes over the recognition of any domestic product in collaboration with the customs.

       第十九条  本国产品认定存在争议的,由财政部门会同海关核定。

  Article 20   Any organization or individual has the right to file a lawsuit or accusation against any procurement activity which has violated the provisions of these Measures, and the relevant department and organs shall handle the lawsuit or accusation in a timely manner according to their own duties and responsibilities.

       第二十条  任何单位和个人对违反本办法规定的采购行为,有权控告和检举,有关部门、机关应当依照各自职责及时处理。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 21   With regard to the procurement of imported products by procuring entities, the relevant prevailing provisions on the administration of government procurement of imported products shall apply.

       第二十一条  采购人采购进口产品的,应按照现行政府采购进口产品管理有关规定执行。

  Article 22   With regard to the procurement of products from countries with which China have entered into multilateral or bilateral agreements on reciprocal access to government procurement market, the relevant provisions of those agreements shall apply.

       第二十二条  采购与我国签署相互开放政府采购市场多边或双边协议国家生产的产品,依照协议有关规定执行。

  Article 23   The Ministry of Finance shall, in collaboration with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, and the General Administration of Customs, be responsible for the interpretations of these Measures.

       第二十三条  本办法由财政部会同国家发展改革委、商务部、海关总署解释。

  Article 24   These Measures shall become effective on__ __, 2010.

       第二十四条  本办法自2010年 月 日起施行。




中英双语-财政部、商务部、发展改革委、海关总署关于《政府采购本国产品管理办法(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见的公告(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-12-20 14:51:48