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Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China Regarding Printing and Distribution of the Rules for Bidding and Bid for Commercial Bank Time Deposits under Central Treasury Cash Management in Year 2012



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; The People's Bank of China

Document Number: Cai Ku [2012] No.34

Promulgating Date: 04/12/2012

Effective Date: 04/12/2012

颁布机关: 财政部; 中国人民银行

文      号: 财库[2012]34号

颁布时间: 04/12/2012

实施时间: 04/12/2012


To the banks participating in the business of commercial bank time deposits under central treasury cash management from 2012 to 2014,

In order to regulate the conducts of bidding and bid for commercial bank time deposits under central treasury cash management and to promote healthy development in the business of commercial bank time deposits under central treasury cash management, the Rules for Bidding and Bid for Commercial Bank Time Deposits under Central Treasury Cash Management in Year 2012 is formulated by the Ministry of Finance jointly with the People's Bank of China. The Rules is hereby promulgated. You are requested to diligently implement it.

Appendix: Rules for Bidding and Bid for Commercial Bank Time Deposits under Central Treasury Cash Management in Year 2012

Ministry of Finance

People's Bank of China

April 12, 2012


Rules for Bidding and Bid for Commercial Bank Time Deposits under Central Treasury Cash Management in Year 2012

In order to regulate the conducts of bidding and bid for commercial bank time deposits under central treasury cash management and to promote the healthy development of the business of commercial bank time deposits under central treasury cash management, these Rules are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the State.










  Article 1    For the purposes of these Rules, the commercial bank time deposits under central treasury cash management (hereinafter referred to as the "time deposits under central treasury cash management") refer to the transactional behaviors of placing the treasury cash with the commercial banks and the commercial banks obtaining the deposits with national debts as the pledge and paying interest to the Ministry of Finance.

       第一条  本规则所称中央国库现金管理商业银行定期存款(以下简称中央国库现金定期存款),是指将国库现金存放在商业银行,商业银行以国债为质押获得存款并向财政部支付利息的交易行为。

  Article 2    The bidding for time deposits under central treasury cash management shall be carried out through the bidding system for the business of commercial bank time deposits under central treasury cash management (hereinafter referred to as the "bidding system").

       第二条  中央国库现金定期存款招标通过中央国库现金管理商业银行定期存款业务招标系统(以下简称招标系统)进行。

  Article 3    Mode of bidding. Bidding by way of single price (Dutch mode) shall be adopted in time deposits under central treasury cash management. The subject matter of the bidding shall be interest rate. The interest rate for marginal winning bid shall be the interest rate on time deposits under central treasury cash management for the current period.

       第三条  招标方式。中央国库现金定期存款采用单一价格(荷兰式)方式招标,招标标的为利率,边际中标利率为当期中央国库现金定期存款利率。

  Article 4    Bid position and restriction of bid amount.

(1) Variation range for bid position. The minimum variation range for bid position shall be 0.01%. Non-successive bids are permitted. The minimum bid limit for every bid position of each participating bank shall be 10 million Yuan. The variation range for bid amount shall be the integral multiple of 10 million Yuan.

(2) Restriction of bid amount. The bid amount for each participating bank shall not exceed 20% of the bidding amount of time deposits under central treasury cash management for the current period.

       第四条  投标标位、投标额限定。



  Article 5    Principles of bid winning.

(1) Raising of funds. Where the total amount of bid for the session is smaller or equal to the bidding amount for the current period, full amount shall be raised. Where the total amount of bid is larger than the bidding amount for the current period, funds shall be raised based on the principle of priority for high interest rate for each bid until the bidding amount is fully raised.

(2) Marginal winning bid. Where the bid amount for the bid position of marginal winning bid is larger than the remaining bidding amount, each participating bank in the said bid position shall be allocated equally based on the weight of the bid amount, to be rounded up to 10 million Yuan. The mantissa shall be allocated based on the principle of priority in bid time.

       第五条  中标原则。



  Article 6    Basic deposit amount and the lower limit of interest rate. Basic deposit amount shall not be set for time deposits under central treasury cash management. The deposit sum for the current period shall entirely be the competitive bidding volume. The lower limit of interest rate for bidding and bid for time deposits under central treasury cash management for each term shall be the interest rate on demand deposits for urban and rural residents and entities published by the People’s Bank of China on the day of bidding.

       第六条  基本存款额和利率下限。中央国库现金定期存款不设基本存款额,当期存款额全部为竞争性招标量。各期中央国库现金定期存款招投标利率下限为招标当日中国人民银行公布的城乡居民和单位活期存款利率。

  Article 7    Principle of interest rate conversion. The conversion of annual interest rate on time deposits under central treasury cash management to daily interest rate shall be calculated based on 365 days for a year.

       第七条  利率折算原则。中央国库现金定期存款年利率折算日利率时,一年按365天计算。

  Article 8    Time for bidding and bid. The time for competitive bidding and bid for time deposits under central treasury cash management shall be 30 minutes. The time for commencement of bidding and bid for time deposits under central treasury cash management for each term shall be specified in the operating instructions and the notice on bidding and bid for the current period.

       第八条  招投标时间。中央国库现金定期存款竞争性招投标时间为30分钟,各期中央国库现金定期存款招投标开始时间在当期操作指令及招投标通知中规定。

  Article 9    Emergency bid. Where a participating bank is unable to carry out normal bid through the bidding system, it may fill in the "Form of Emergency Bid for Time Deposits under Central Treasury Cash Management" and the "Form of Emergency Instructions on Settlement of Time Deposits under Central Treasury Cash Management" completely within the stipulated time and send it to the operation room for treasury cash management by facsimile in order to carry out emergency bid.

       第九条  应急投标。参与银行不能通过招标系统进行正常投标时,可在规定的时间内将填写完整的“中央国库现金定期存款应急投标书”和“中央国库现金定期存款结算应急指令书”传真至中央国库现金管理操作室,进行应急投标。

  Article 10    Others.

(1) With regard to any matters not covered in these Rules, relevant provisions and the documents such as the operating instructions on time deposits under central treasury cash management for each term and the notice on bidding and bid shall prevail.

(2) These Rules shall come into force on the day of promulgation, and shall be valid until December 31, 2012.

       第十条  其他。






中英双语-财政部、中国人民银行关于印发2012年中央国库现金管理商业银行定期存款招投标规则的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-12-28 16:34:48