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Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Printing and Issuing Measures for Administration of Central Financial Interest Discount for Loans of Raw Milk Purchase.




Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Jin [2008] No. 107

Promulgating Date: 09/26/2008

Effective Date: 09/26/2008

Revision History: This document has been declared repealed pursuant to the Decision of the Ministry of Finance on Announcing the Catalog of Regulations and Normative Documents on Finance to be Repealed or Ineffective (Batch Ⅺ) promulgated on February 21, 2011.

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财金[2008]107号

颁布时间: 09/26/2008

实施时间: 09/26/2008

修订记录: 根据2011年2月21日发布的《财政部关于公布废止和失效的财政规章和规范性文件目录(第十一批)的决定》,此文件被宣布废止。


To departments (Bureaus) of finance in various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and cities specially designated in the state plan, financial bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, financial ombudsman office of the Ministry of Finance in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, cities specifically designated in the state plan:

In order to help dairy farmers to reduce their losses, protect their interests, revive their confidence, stabilize the cow amount, and promote the sound development of the dairy industry, the Central Finance shall implement the interest discount policy to diary enterprises for loans of raw milk purchase according to the instructions issued by leaders of Central Committee of Communist Party of China and the State Council, and the spirit of executive meeting of the State Council held on September 17, 2008. To ensure the implementation of the interest discount policy, to regulate the management of the central financial capital of interest discount and to raise efficiency of the interest discount capital, Measures for Administration of Central Financial Interest Discount for Loans of Purchasing Raw Milk is hereby printed and issued for implementation.

As the policy on interest discount for loans of raw milk purchase has a bearing on the vital interests of dairy farmers, all relevant departments must attach great importance to highly publicize it widely, ensure that dairy farmers and enterprises to fully understand the policy, and at the same time to strengthen organization and leadership, offer a clear division of responsibilities, formulate work plans, carry out the work of interest discount effectively, and place the interest discount capital available in time and ensure the safety of interest discount capital.




Annex 1:

Measures for Administration of Central Financial Interest Discount for Loans of Raw Milk Purchase



  Article 1    According to the instructions issued by leaders of Central Committee of Communist Party of China and the State Council and the spirit of executive meeting of the State Council, September 17, 2008, in order to encourage dairy enterprises to buy raw milk, help dairy farmers to pull through difficulties, reduce losses, and revive their confidence as well as promote the sound development of dairy industry, the Central Finance shall implement the policy on interest discount for loans of raw milk purchase. The promulgation of the present Measures aims at regulating the management of the central financial capital of interest discount, and raising efficiency of the interest discount capital.

       第一条  根据党中央、国务院领导批示和2008年9月17日国务院常务会议精神,为鼓励奶制品企业收购生鲜奶,帮助奶农减少损失、渡过难关,恢复奶农信心,促进奶业健康发展,中央财政对奶制品企业原料奶收购贷款实施贴息政策。为规范中央财政贴息资金管理,提高贴息资金使用效益,制定本办法。

  Article 2    The applicable dairy enterprises of the present Measures are determined by the Ministry of Industry and Information and relevant departments, and the specific list shall be released separately.

       第二条  纳入本贴息办法的奶制品企业名单由工业和信息化部会同有关部门确定,具体名单另行发布。

  Article 3    The term of interest discount for loans of raw milk purchase in the present Measures refers to that the Central Finance gives an interest discount in a certain period and at a certain ratio to borrowers for their credited loans of raw milk purchase. Interest discount capital is allocated from the central financial budget.

       第三条  本办法所称原料奶收购贷款贴息,是指中央财政对借款人承贷的原料奶收购贷款,给予一定期限和比例的利息补贴。贴息资金由中央财政从预算中安排。

  Article 4    The term of managing bank in the present Measures refers to financial institutions that grant loans for raw milk purchase, such as state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, city commercial banks, rural credit cooperatives and so on.

       第四条  本办法所称经办银行是指发放原料奶收购贷款的国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、城市商业银行、农村信用合作社等金融机构。

  Article 5    The period providing interest discount is determined temporarily from October 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. During this period, the borrower who adds new loans for raw milk purchase shall be provided interest discount according to the actual duration of the loan if the loan period is no longer than 3 months, and 3 months interest discount will be provided if the loan period is longer than 3 months.

       第五条  贴息期限暂定为2008年10月1日至2008年12月31日。在此期间借款人新增的原料奶收购贷款,贷款期限不长于3个月的,按实际贷款期限贴息;贷款期限长于3个月的,按3个月贴息。

  Article 6    The interest discount rate of the loans for raw milk purchase should determined by 1/2 of the benchmark lending rate over 6 months of 6.21% (i.e. 3.105%) set by the People’s Bank of China.

       第六条  原料奶收购贷款贴息率按中国人民银行规定的6个月期贷款基准利率6.21%的1/2(即3.105%)确定。

  Article 7    During the period of interest discount, providing that borrowers of the loans for raw milk purchase fail to repay the principals on schedule or other breach of contract occurs, the resulting interest on overdue loans, adding interest, penalty interest, the interest discount shall not be provided.

       第七条  贴息期内,原料奶收购贷款借款人发生未按期偿还本金及其他违约行为,并由此产生的逾期贷款利息、加息、罚息,不在贴息范围内。

  Article 8    Providing that the dairy enterprises eligible for the interest discount policy (determined according to Article Two of the present Measures) apply for interest discount funds, it shall be transacted in accordance with the procedure as follows:

(1) Prior to April 30, 2009, the dairy enterprises may apply for interest discount to the local financial department with materials confirmed by the managing bank such as the certificate of interest settlement,loan agreement.

(2) After receiving the application materials of interest discount funds, the local financial departments should give a careful examination and gather materials in every level, then report to the provincial financial department.

(3) After collecting the received application materials of the interest discount, and sending it to the local Financial Ombudsman Offices (hereinafter referred to as FOO) of the Ministry of Finance for examining and verifying, the provincial financial departments apply to the Ministry of Finance for appropriation of the interest discount funds, along with calculation form of interest discount (See Annex 2).

(4) Subsequent to the examination and verification of the application materials submitted by provincial finance departments, the Ministry of Finance shall verify the budget for special funds, allocate to provincial finance department the interest discount funds assuming by the central government and included as expenditure in the level of provincial government.

(5) After receiving the interest discount funds allocated by the Central Finance, the provincial financial departments carry out the treasury concentrated payment to the discount funds, and pay it directly to the enterprises applied the interest discount in time.

       第八条  符合贴息条件的奶制品企业(按本办法第二条确定)申请贴息资金,按如下程序办理:






  Article 9    The application of interest discount for loans of raw milk purchase should contain the name of the borrower and the address of work place, amount of each loan, the granting time, duration, contracts of interest rate, the actual payment of interest, the amount of interest discount to apply, along with copy of the loans contract, voucher of the granted loan, the certificate of interest settlement, and so on.

       第九条  原料奶收购贷款贴息申请应载明借款人名称和单位所在地、每笔贷款金额、发放时间、期限、合同利率、实际支付利息、申请贴息金额,并附贷款合同复印件、贷款发放凭单、结息凭证等内容。

  Article 10    In order to ensure the implementation of the interest discount policy on loans for the raw milk purchase, the relevant units should fulfill the obligation of examining, verifying and appropriating the interest discount funds, and strengthen the supervision and management of the interest discount funds.

       第十条  为确保原料奶收购贷款贴息政策落实,各有关单位要认真履行贴息资金审核、拨付义务,切实加强贴息资金的监督和管理工作。

  Article 11    Since the funds of interest discount of loans for raw milk purchase are earmarking for special usages, financial departments at all levels and managing banks should guarantee that these funds shall be used only for the special purpose, instead of being used for other purposes, or intercepted or misappropriated in any form or for any reason, to ensure that funds are in place timely.

       第十一条  原料奶收购贷款贴息资金是专项资金,各级财政部门、经办银行应确保贴息资金专款专用,不得以任何形式、任何理由截留、挪用贴息资金,保证贴息资金及时到位。

  Article 12    The specific operating procedures of the local interest discount funds should be developed by the financial department of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, cities specifically designated in the state plan jointly with FOO based on the actual local situation.

       第十二条  各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政部门可会同专员办根据本地实际情况制定贴息资金的具体操作程序。

  Article 13    In addition to the interest discount provided by the Central Finance, local financial departments may formulate some supporting policies on interest discount, the required funds for interest discount provide by local financial budget.

       第十三条  除中央财政安排贴息外,地方财政可根据实际情况安排配套贴息政策,所需贴息资金由当地财政预算安排。

  Article 14    The present Measures shall be implemented as of the date of its promulgation.

      第十四条  本办法自印发之日起施行。

Annex 2

Collection Form of the Central Financial Interest Discount for Loans of Raw Milk Purchase(omitted)





中英双语-财政部关于印发《原料奶收购贷款中央财政贴息管理办法》的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-08 18:03:10