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Administrative Measures for Development Funds for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Engaged in Industries with Local Characteristics



Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Finance

Document Number:Cai Qi [2013] No.67

Promulgating Date:04/27/2013

Effective Date:05/01/2013


文      号:财企[2013]67号




Chapter 1: General Provisions

  第一章  总则

  Article 1    With a view to regulating and strengthening the administration of the development funds for small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in industries with local characteristics and improving the efficiency of fund utilization, these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China and other pertinent provisions.

       第一条  为了规范和加强地方特色产业中小企业发展资金管理,提高资金使用效益,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》等有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    For the purpose of these Measures, development funds for small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in industries with local characteristics (hereinafter referred to as the "Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics") refer to the funds allocated from the central financial budget pursuant to the Several Opinions of the State Council on Further Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Guo Fa [2009] No. 36) and the Opinions of the State Council on Further Promoting the Healthy Development of Small and Micro-sized Enterprises (Guo Fa [2012] No. 14), that are specially used for supporting the technological advancement, energy saving and emission reduction, cooperation and coordination and brand building of, and promoting the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure of small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly small and micro-sized enterprises, in industry clusters with local characteristics (including cluster areas, the same below).

       第二条  本办法所称地方特色产业中小企业发展资金(以下简称特色产业资金)是指根据《国务院关于进一步促进中小企业发展的若干意见》(国发〔2009〕36号)、《国务院关于进一步支持小型微型企业健康发展的意见》(国发〔2012〕14号),由中央财政预算安排,专门用于支持地方特色产业集群(含聚集区,下同)内中小企业特别是小型微型企业技术进步、节能减排、协作配套、品牌建设,促进产业结构调整和优化的资金。

  Article 3    For the purpose of these Measures, industry clusters with local characteristics refer to market-oriented, large-scale, intensive and chain-style production and operation groups formed based on regional and resource advantages and focusing on the production, sale and services in respect of specialty products.

       第三条  本办法所称地方特色产业集群是指以地域和资源优势条件为基础,围绕特色产品的生产、销售、服务等而形成的市场化、规模化、集约化和链条化的生产经营群体。

  Article 4    The classification of medium, small and micro-sized enterprises shall be governed by relevant provisions of the State.

       第四条  中型、小型、微型企业的划分标准,按照国家有关规定执行。

  Article 5    The use and management of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics shall follow the principles of openness, transparency, directional use, scientific management and close supervision, to ensure that the Funds are used in conformity with the standard, safely and efficiently, and with preferences given to the central and western regions.

       第五条  特色产业资金的使用和管理应当遵循公开透明、定向使用、科学管理、加强监督的原则,确保资金使用规范、安全和高效,并向中西部地区倾斜。

 Chapter 2: Items and Methods of Support

   第二章  支持内容及方式

  Article 6    The Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics shall mainly be used in the following:

(1) To promote technological innovation and commercialization of achievements in scientific research by small and medium-sized enterprises: priority shall be given to supporting the technological innovation projects and the projects for commercialization of achievements in scientific research complying with the industrial technology policies of the State, having a high innovation level and strong market competitiveness, being expected to yield good economic returns and social benefits and having clear intellectual property rights, which are carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises in industry clusters with local characteristics;

(2) To promote energy saving and emission reduction by small and medium-sized enterprises: priority shall be given to supporting the technological transformation projects carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises in industry clusters with local characteristics for producing or applying energy-saving and emission-reduction products, and the construction, reconstruction, expansion and technological transformation projects for comprehensive control and utilization of waste water, waste gas, waste residue and other wastes in the clusters;

(3) To strengthen the specialized cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises and backbone enterprises: priority shall be given to supporting the key product technological transformation, reconstruction and expansion projects carried out by leading and backbone small and medium-sized enterprises in industry clusters with local characteristics that have a strong cooperative and coordinative relationship with each other, and the technological transformation, reconstruction and expansion projects carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises for the purpose of establishing and strengthening their cooperative and coordinative relationship with leading and backbone enterprises, and improving their level of specialized production;

(4) To promote industrial upgrading and extension by small and medium-sized enterprises: priority shall be given to supporting the industrial upgrading and transformation carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises in industry clusters with local characteristics, the project construction and technological transformation carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in strategic emerging industries, and the technological transformation projects carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in leading industries in the clusters for the purpose of extending towards the front-end and back-end of the industry chain that have high added-value;

(5) To support small and medium-sized enterprises in building their proprietary brands: priority shall be given to supporting the establishment and cultivation of proprietary brands with self-owned intellectual property rights, participation in national and regional exhibitions and shows of proprietary brands, advertising and promotion of proprietary brands, training of talents in building proprietary brands and other proprietary brand-related projects carried out by small and medium-sized enterprises in industry clusters with local characteristics;

(6) To improve the service environment for small and medium-sized enterprises: priority shall be given to supporting projects for providing research and development, design, testing & inspection, experimental verification, quality certification, intellectual property protection, engineering and technological management, business information exchange, brand planning and advertising and other public services to small and medium-sized enterprises in industry clusters with local characteristics;

(7) To support the establishment of venture capital guiding funds: priority shall be given to supporting the establishment of venture capital guiding funds specially used for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in industry clusters with local characteristics by regions where necessary conditions are satisfied (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Funds"); and

(8) Others: all regions are encouraged to carry out other pilot projects favorable to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in industry clusters with local characteristics.

       第六条  特色产业资金主要用于以下几个方面:









  Article 7    The Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics shall be provided by three methods, specifically, free financial aid, subsidy for loan interest and capital investment.

The method of capital investment shall be adopted for projects supported by the Guiding Funds. The method of free financial aid or subsidy for loan interest shall be adopted for other projects.

An enterprise or entity (hereinafter referred to as "Project Entity") may apply for one item and one method of support mentioned above in the same year.

       第七条  特色产业资金采用无偿资助、贷款贴息、资本金投入三种支持方式。



  Article 8    The amount of free financial aid provided by the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics shall not exceed RMB 3 million per project.

The amount of subsidy for loan interest provided by the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics shall be determined according to the amount of loan obtained by the project involved and the benchmark loan interest rate published by the People's Bank of China for the corresponding period. The term of subsidy for loan interest provided to a project shall not be longer than 2 years, the rate of subsidy for loan interest shall not exceed the benchmark loan interest rate for the corresponding period, and the amount of subsidy for loan interest shall not exceed RMB 3 million.

The amount of capital investment provided by the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics shall not exceed 30% of total amount of the Guiding Funds.

       第八条  特色产业资金无偿资助的额度,每个项目不超过300万元。



Chapter 3: Application for the Funds of a Project

    第三章  项目资金的申请

  Article 9    To apply for the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics (except for the Guiding Funds), a Project Entity shall meet all of the following requirements:

(1) It is located in an industry cluster with local characteristics;

(2) It has independent legal personality;

(3) It has a sound financial management system;

(4) Its accounting information is accurate and complete and it has a good tax-paying credit and a good bank credit; and

(5) The project it declares meets the requirements of support under these Measures.

       第九条  申请特色产业资金的项目单位须同时具备下列条件(引导基金除外):






  Article 10    Application materials for the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics (except for the Guiding Funds) shall generally include the following:

(1) Written application for the Funds;

(2) Project feasibility report;

(3) Information of production and business operations or business development situations;

(4) Financial report audited by certified public accountants;

(5) Duplicate of corporate business license and articles of association of the Project Entity (copies thereof); and

(6) Other materials that may be required.

       第十条  特色产业资金的申报材料一般应包括(引导基金除外):







  Chapter 4: Declaration and Review of Projects and Allocation of the Funds

  第四章  项目申报、审核及资金拨付

  Article 11    The financial departments in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities separately designated in the State plan and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as "Provincial-level Financial Departments") shall be responsible for organizing the declaration and review of projects applying for the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics in their respective administrative regions and establishing project libraries.

Each Provincial-level Financial Department shall publish its special telephone lines and e-mails for reporting anti-corruption information in the documents on the organization of project declaration, and the discipline inspection or supervisory body in its department shall participate in the whole process of organization and review of projects so that the whole process is under all-round supervision.

       第十一条  各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及新疆生产建设兵团财政(财务)部门(以下简称省级财政部门)负责组织本地区特色产业资金的项目申报、评审工作,并建立项目库。


  Article 12    Each Provincial-level Financial Department shall, according to the requirements of these Measures and in light of the overall plan for national economic development and the development plan for characteristic industries in its region, research and put forward an annual implementation plan for the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics in its region, which shall cover the priority of financial support, support plans and capital requirements, and submit the same as well as the performance assessment report on the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics for the preceding year to the Ministry of Finance prior to the end of March of each year.

       第十二条  省级财政部门按照本办法要求,结合本地区国民经济发展总体规划和特色产业发展规划等,研究提出本地区年度特色产业资金实施方案,包括资金支持重点、支持计划和资金需求等,连同上年度特色产业资金绩效评价报告,在每年3月底前上报财政部。

  Article 13    The Ministry of Finance shall review the implementation plans submitted by the Provincial-level Financial Departments, draw up the fund allocation plan according to the factor method based on the budget for the current year, economic and social development indicators in all regions and the progress of the work, and grant budget quotas to the Provincial-level Financial Departments in a timely manner.

       第十三条  财政部对省级财政部门上报的实施方案进行审核,根据当年预算规模、各地区经济社会发展指标、工作开展情况等,按照因素法确定资金分配方案,并及时向省级财政部门下达预算指标。

  Article 14    Each Provincial-level Financial Department shall, according to the budget quota granted by the Ministry of Finance and the results of review of projects declared, put forward an annual plan for the use of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics in its region, which shall cover, among other things, names of entities and projects to be supported, items of support, the industries they are engaged in, the regions where they are located, the industry clusters they belong to, proposed methods of support and the amount of the Funds to be provided, and announce the same to the public for not less than 7 working days.

       第十四条  省级财政部门根据财政部下达的预算指标和项目申报评审情况,提出本地区特色产业资金年度使用计划,具体包括:计划支持单位和项目名称、支持内容、归属产业、地区、产业集群名称、计划支持方式及金额等,向社会公示不少于7个工作日。

  Article 15    Each Provincial-level Financial Department shall, after the expiration of the period of public announcement, submit its annual plan for the use of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics in its region to the Ministry of Finance for the record and send a copy thereof to the finance commissioner's office of the Ministry of Finance in its region prior to the end of June of that year.

       第十五条  省级财政部门在公示结束后,将本地区特色产业资金年度使用计划在当年6月底前上报财政部备案,同时抄送财政部驻各地财政监察专员办事处。

  Article 16    Each Provincial-level Financial Department shall, after submitting its annual plan for the use of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics in its region to the Ministry of Finance for the record, allocate the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics to relevant Project Entities in a timely manner according to relevant provisions regarding budget management.

       第十六条  省级财政部门将本地区特色产业资金年度使用计划报财政部备案后,按照预算管理的有关规定,及时将特色产业资金拨付至项目单位。

  Article 17    A Project Entity shall, after receipt of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics, report the time of availability of the Funds, amount of the Funds allocated, accounting treatment and other relevant information to the competent Provincial-level Financial Department in writing within 10 working days.

       第十七条  项目单位收到特色产业资金后,应在10个工作日内将资金到位时间、额度以及账务处理等信息以书面形式向省级财政部门反馈。

Chapter 5: Supervision and Administration

    第五章  监督管理

  Article 18    Each Provincial-level Financial Department shall be responsible for the administration and supervision of the use of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics and the implementation of relevant projects in its region.

       第十八条  省级财政部门负责对本地区特色产业资金的使用情况和项目实施情况进行管理和监督。

  Article 19    The Ministry of Finance shall conduct spot checks on the organization of project declaration, project review, use and administration of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics in all regions on a non-regular basis. The finance commissioner's offices of the Ministry of Finance in all regions shall supervise and inspect the allocation and use of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics and the implementation of relevant projects on a non-regular basis.

       第十九条  财政部对各地区特色产业资金组织申报、项目评审、使用和管理工作进行不定期抽查。财政部驻各地财政监察专员办事处对特色产业资金的拨付使用情况及项目实施情况进行不定期的监督检查。

  Article 20    The Ministry of Finance shall review the items and methods of support and the amount of the Funds allocated according to the annual plans for the use of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics submitted by the Provincial-level Financial Departments for the record, and if any problems are discovered, promptly notify relevant Provincial-level Financial Departments to make adjustments, and where necessary, recover the Funds already allocated and take this as one of the grounds for reducing the amount of the Funds allocated to such Provincial-level Financial Departments for the next year.

       第二十条  财政部根据省级财政部门上报备案的本地区特色产业资金年度使用计划,对支持内容、支持方式及金额等进行审查。如发现问题,及时通知有关省级财政部门予以调整,必要时收回已拨付资金,并列入下年度资金分配的扣减因素。

  Article 21    The Ministry of Finance shall establish a performance assessment system for the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics, assess the use of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics and the implementation of relevant projects and the effects thereof, and announce the results of assessment to the public at the opportune moment.

       第二十一条  财政部建立特色产业资金绩效评价制度,对特色产业资金使用情况、项目实施情况及效果进行考核评价,适时向社会公布评价结果。

  Article 22    Each Provincial-level Financial Departments shall, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Finance, conduct the performance assessment of the use of the Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics and of the implementation of relevant projects in its region, and truthfully write a performance assessment report, which shall cover the implementation of the budget in the preceding year, implementation effect, problems existed, and policy suggestions.

       第二十二条  省级财政部门按照财政部要求,对本地区特色产业资金使用和项目实施情况进行绩效评价,并如实撰写绩效评价报告,具体包括:上年度预算执行情况、实施效果、存在问题及政策建议等。

  Article 23    The Funds for Industries with Local Characteristics shall be used in the direction and for the priority of support as stipulated. Use of the Funds in violation of these Measures or getting the Funds by fraud shall be punished pursuant to the Regulations on the Punishments and Disciplinary Actions against Finance-related Illegal Acts and other applicable provisions of the State.

       第二十三条  特色产业资金应当用于规定的支持方向和重点。对违反本办法规定使用、骗取资金的行为,依照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》等国家有关规定进行处理。

Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions

    第六章  附则

  Article 24    The Provincial-level Financial Departments shall, according to relevant requirements of these Measures, study and formulate specific operational measures in light of their local situations, and promptly report the same to the Ministry of Finance for the record and announce the same to the public.

       第二十四条  省级财政部门根据本办法的有关要求,研究制定符合本地区实际的具体操作办法,及时上报财政部备案,并向社会公布。

  Article 25    These Measures shall come into effect on May 1, 2013. The Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Printing and Distributing the Interim Administrative Measures for the Development Funds for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Engaged in Industries with Local Characteristics (Cai Qi [2010] No. 103) shall be simultaneously repealed.

       第二十五条  本办法自2013年5月1日起施行。《财政部关于印发<地方特色产业中小企业发展资金管理暂行办法>的通知》(财企〔2010〕103号)同时废止。




中英双语-地方特色产业中小企业发展资金管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-11 14:57:40