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Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for Foreign Economic and Technical Cooperation



Promulgating Date: 12/09/2005

Effective Date: 12/09/2005


颁布机关: 财政部; 商务部

实施时间: 12/09/2005


Article 1   These Measures are specially formulated in accordance with the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant provisions on administration of financial budget, for the purposes of implementing the strategy of "going out", encouraging and guiding enterprises with comparative advantages to carry out all kinds of foreign economic and technical cooperation, strengthening and regulating the administration of special funds for foreign economic and technical cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "Special Funds") and improving efficiency of using funds.

       第一条  为实施“走出去”发展战略,鼓励和引导有比较优势的企业有序地开展各种形式的对外经济技术合作,加强和规范对外经济技术合作专项资金(以下简称专项资金)的管理,提高资金的使用效益,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》和财政预算管理的有关规定,特制定本办法。

  Article 2   The following principles shall be followed for the administration and use of Special Funds: 

(1) Exercising the administrative power in accordance with the law, and being open and transparent;

(2) Conforming to the guidelines of the State industrial policies;

(3) Conforming to the State policies on foreign economy and trade; and

(4) Being conducive to the promotion of economic development and technical progress of the country where the project is located.

       第二条  专项资金的管理和使用遵循以下原则:





  Article 3   For the purposes of these Measures, the scope of foreign economic and technical cooperation businesses shall include: overseas investment, overseas agricultural, forestry and fishery cooperation, contracted projects in other countries, foreign labor cooperation, hi-tech technical research and development platform in other countries, and overseas-oriented design consultancy, etc.

       第三条  本办法所称对外经济技术合作业务范围包括:境外投资,境外农、林和渔业合作,对外承包工程,对外劳务合作,境外高新技术研发平台,对外设计咨询等。

  Article 4   Special funds may be used to support the abovementioned foreign economic and technical cooperation by means of direct subsidy or interest discounts.

       第四条  专项资金对企业从事上述对外经济技术合作业务采取直接补助或贴息等方式给予支持。

  Article 5   Direct subsidy with the Special Funds shall include the relevant expenses incurred before a domestic enterprise registers any overseas enterprise in the country where the project is located or concludes foreign economic and technical cooperation agreements (contracts) with any organization of the country where the project is located for the purpose of obtaining the operation right to the project. Such expenses shall include legal, technical, and commercial consultancy fees for engaging a third party, fees for preparation of feasibility study report on the project, translation fees for normative documents and bidding documents, fees for purchasing normative documents, bidding documents and other materials, fees for foreign labor cooperation, hi-tech technical development platform in other countries, operation costs for overseas-oriented design consultancy project, etc. Interest discount with Special Funds shall include mid- and long-term loans from domestic banks incurred for overseas investment, cooperation and contracted project in other countries.

       第五条  专项资金直接补助内容包括境内企业在项目所在国注册(登记)境外企业之前,或与项目所在国单位签订境外经济技术合作协议(合同)之前,为获得项目而发生的相关费用,包括聘请第三方的法律、技术及商务咨询费、项目可行性研究报告编制费、规范性文件和标书的翻译费用;购买规范性文件和标书等资料费;对外劳务合作,境外高新技术研发平台,对外设计咨询项目运营费用等。专项资金贴息内容包括境外投资、合作和对外工程承包等项目所发生的境内银行中长期贷款。

  Article 6   The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce shall, by means of "notice", determine the fields and scope which shall be given priority while allocating Special Funds for the then-current year.

       第六条  财政部、商务部以“通知”形式,另行确定当年专项资金重点支持的领域和范围。

  Article 7   An applicant enterprise shall meet the following basic conditions: 

(1) Having registered within the territory of the People's Republic of China and having independent legal person qualification; 

(2) Having obtained written documents of the relevant State departments for the approval (verification and approval or record filing) of carrying out foreign economic and technical cooperation; 

(3) Having not committed major illegal or irregular act or malicious default of governmental funds in the last five years; and 

(4) Having submitted statistical materials as required.

       第七条  申请企业应具备以下基本条件:





  Article 8   A project under application shall meet the following basic conditions: 

(1) Having been approved, registered or filed for record by the relevant State departments; 

(2) Having been registered or filed for record by the country where the project is located and the project has been initiated; 

(3) The contractual sum for a contracted project in other countries shall be not be less than USD5 million (or equivalent currencies); the investment amount of the Chinese party for an overseas investment project and an agricultural, forestry or fishery cooperation project shall not be less than USD1 million (or equivalent currencies); and the contractual sum for foreign labor cooperation, hi-tech technical development platform in other countries and overseas-oriented design consultancy shall not be less than USD 500,000 (or equivalent currencies) in principle.

(4) The project that applies for interest discount for mid- and long-term loans shall meet the the following conditions: 

(a) The loan for which appliation is filed for interest discount shall be one-year and above mid- and long-term loan from domestic banks in China. 

(b) The loan shall be used for construction and operation of foreign economic and technical cooperaiton project; 

(c). Amount of a single loan shall be not less than RMB3 million (or equivalent foreign currencies); 

(d) The aggregate amount of the loans for which application is filed for interest discount for each project shall not be more than the total investment or contractual sum of the Chinese Party; 

(e) One project may be granted with interest discount support for not more than five years on a cumulative basis. 

(5) With regard to projects of high and new technical development platform in other countries, foreign labor cooperation and overseas-oriented design consultancy, the method of fixed operation cost aid shall apply and the conditions shall be seperately prescribed.

       第八条  申请项目应具备的基本条件:











  Article 9   Direct subsidy expenses shall, in principle, not be more than 50% of the actual expenses paid by the applicant enterprise. One project is only entitled to support for one time.

       第九条  直接补助费用比例原则上不超过申请企业实际支付费用的50%,一个项目只能享受一次支持。

  Article 10   Standards of interest discount for mid-term and long-term loans:

(1) Interest discount rate for Renminbi loan shall not be greater than the benchmark interest rate issued by the People's Bank of China and, if the actual interest rate is lower than the benchmark interest rate, it shall not be greater than the actual interest rate. 

(2) Annual interest discount rate for foreign currency loan shall not be greater than 3% or not be greater than the actual interest rate if the actual interest rate is lower than 3%.

       第十条  中长期贷款的贴息标准:



  Article 11   Special Funds shall be calculated and paid in Renminbi.

       第十一条  专项资金以人民币计算并支付。

  Article 12    The following materials shall be submitted when applying for Special Funds:

(1) Application report, including basic information of the project, loan and expenses of the project, expected profit of the project, etc.

(2) The document of the State approving the foreign economic and technical cooperation;

(3) Annual audit report of the applicant enterprise for the last three years;

(4) Expense voucher or interest payment list (affixed with the official stamp if photocopies are submitted);

(5) Written opinions issued by the relevant economic and commercial counsellor's office of the Chinese embassy (consulate); and

(6) Other matetials as required to be submitted.

       第十二条  申请专项资金应提供如下申报材料:







  Article 13   The materials in foreign languages in connection with the application submitted by an enterprise shall be accompanied with the Chinese translations simultaneously. All the application materials shall be bound into a book in the sequence specified in the preceding article.

       第十三条  企业报送的材料凡与申请有关的外文资料,须同时报送中文译本,并将所有申请资料按上述顺序装订成册。

  Article 14   Application and report procedures 

(1) Local enterprises shall submit the application materials as specified in these Measues and the "Notice" to the provincial financial and commercial deparments. The provincial financial and commercial deparments shall, after primarily examining the application materials according to the provisions ofNotice of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce on Printing and Distributing the "Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for Foreign Economic and Technical Cooperation", jointly submit them to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce before the specified date.

(2) The central level enterprises shall submit the application materials as specified in these Measues and the "Notice" to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce before the specified date.

       第十四条  申报程序



  Article 15   The Ministry of Finance, together with the Ministry of Commerce, shall entrust an intermediary agency to examine and verify the application materials submitted by the central level enterprises and local enterprises and determine the subsidy amount and interest discount amount.

       第十五条  财政部会同商务部委托中介机构对中央企业和地方上报的申请材料进行审核,确定费用补助金额和贴息金额。

  Article 16   Special Funds shall be allocated by the Ministry of Finance, according to the level of finance budget.

       第十六条  专项资金按照财政预算级次由财政部拨付。

  Article 17   An enterprise shall, after receiving the Special Funds, handle such funds in accordance with the relevant financial regulations.

       第十七条  企业收到专项资金后,按相关财务规定处理。

  Article 18   The related enterprises shall manage and use the finance Special Funds in accordance with the provisions of the State and voluntarily accept supervision and examination of the finance, commercial, and audit departments, and other departments.

       第十八条  各有关企业要严格按国家规定管理和使用财政专项资金,并自觉接受财政、商务、审计等部门的监督检查。

  Article 19   The related organizations shall apply for the Special Funds strictly in accordance with the scope and time of the Special Funds specified by the State. No organization shall swindle and withhold Special Funds in any way. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce shall recover the Special Funds in full amount obtained by an enterprise in violation of these provisions. The violating enterprise shall be disqualifed for application for the following years and shall be punished in accordance with the Regulation on Penalties and Sanctions against Illegal Financial Acts.

       第十九条  各有关单位要严格按国家规定的专项资金支持范围和时间等申报。任何单位不得以任何形式骗取和截留专项资金,对违反规定的,财政部、商务部将全额收回财政专项资金,取消以后年度申请资格,并按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》处理。

  Article 20  The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

       第二十条  本办法由财政部、商务部解释。

  Article 21   These Measures shall take effect as of the promulgation date.

       第二十一条  本办法自发布之日起施行。




中英双语-对外经济技术合作专项资金管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-11 15:24:56