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Interim Measures for Reserve Funds for Foreign Labor Service Cooperation



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Order No.7 2001 of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;Ministry of Finance

Promulgating Date: 11/27/2001

Effective Date: 01/01/2002

Revision History: This document has been revised pursuant to the Decision of the Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Finance on Revising the "Interim Measures for Reserve Funds for Foreign Labor Service Cooperation" promulgated on August 21, 2003.


颁布机关: 对外贸易经济合作部; 财政部

文      号: 对外贸易经济合作部、财政部令2001年第7号

颁布时间: 11/27/2001

实施时间: 01/01/2002

修订记录: 根据2003年8月21日发布的商务部、财政部关于修改《对外劳务合作备用金暂行办法》的决定,此文件被修订。



Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总 则

  Article 1   In order to regulate the business operation of enterprises engaged in foreign economic cooperation and safeguard lawful rights and interests of personnel dispatched abroad, in light of the practical situation of China's foreign labor service cooperation, enterprises engaged in foreign economic cooperation shall be subject to the system of reserve funds for foreign labor service cooperation.

       第一条  为规范对外经济合作企业的经营行为,保障我国外派劳务人员的合法权益,根据我国对外劳务合作业务的实际情况,对对外经济合作企业实行对外劳务合作备用金制度。

  Article 2   For the purposes of these Measures, "reserve funds for foreign labor service cooperation (hereinafter referred to "reserve funds")" shall mean special funds paid by enterprises engaged in foreign economic cooperation to tackle emergencies.

       第二条  对外劳务合作备用金(以下简称备用金)是指由对外经济合作企业交纳,用于解决突发事件的专用款项。

  Article 3   For the purposes of these Measures, "an enterprise engaged in foreign economic cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "enterprise") shall mean an enterprise that has obtained a business permit for foreign economic cooperation upon verification and approval by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to the "MOFTECT").

       第三条  对外经济合作企业(以下简称企业)是指经对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称外经贸部)核准取得对外经济合作经营资格的企业。

  Article 4   Enterprises engaged in foreign labor service cooperation shall pay reserve funds. Foreign trade authorities at the provincial level at the places where such enterprises are registered shall be responsible for the verification, utilization, refund and supplementation, and management of reserve funds of enterprises.

       第四条  开展对外劳务合作业务的企业必须缴纳备用金。企业备用金的核定、动用、退补、管理等由其注册地省级外经贸主管部门负责。

  Article 5   The principal and bank deposit interest of the reserve funds shall be owned by the enterprise that has paid such reserve funds.

       第五条  备用金本金及其银行存储利息为交纳的企业所有。

Chapter 2: Payment of Reserve Funds

第二章  备用金的交纳

  Article 6   The MOFTEC and the Ministry of Finance shall formulate the standard for reserve fund payment in light of the scope of foreign labor service cooperation for enterprises.

1. The scope of business operation covers:

(1) Dispatching a variety of laborers abroad, i.e., enterprises send a variety of laborers abroad; and

(2) Sending laborers in relevant industries (specific industry) abroad, i.e., enterprises send labors needed in relevant industries (including but not limited to overseas project contracting, designing, consulting, prospecting and construction control).

2. The standards for reserve fund payment:

(1) In the case of sending various laborers abroad, the payment of RMB 1 million is required;

(2) In the case of sending laborers in the relevant industries abroad, the payment of RMB 200,000 is required.

       第六条  外经贸部、财政部按照企业经营对外劳务合作业务的范围制订备用金交纳标准。







  Article 7   Competent foreign trade departments at the provincial level (including cities specifically designated in the State plan, sic passim) shall appraise and decide the amount of reserve funds in accordance with the standard set forth in Article 6 hereof.

       第七条  各省级外经贸主管部门(含计划单列市,下同)根据本办法第六条规定的标准,负责核定企业交纳备用金的金额。

  Article 8   For enterprises located in Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang, as well as the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Ethnicity Autonomous Prefectures of Hunan, Enshi Tujia and Miao Ethnicity Autonomous Prefectures of Hubei, and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin, standard for the payment of reserve funds may be reduced by 10%.

       第八条  内蒙、广西、四川、重庆、贵州、云南、西藏、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆及湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州、湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州、吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州的企业交纳标准可降低10%。

  Article 9    An enterprise shall deposit its reserve fund into the special account opened at a State-owned commercial bank by the competent foreign trade authority at the provincial level at the place where such enterprise is registered.

       第九条  企业将备用金存入注册地省级外经贸主管部门在国有商业银行开设的专门账户。

  Article 10   Any enterprise that is engaged in activities specified in Article 6 hereof and has obtained a business permit for foreign economic cooperation shall undergo formalities concerning the reserve fund payment within two months of the implementation of these Measures.

Any enterprise applying for business operations stipulated in Article 6 hereof shall, upon approval by the MOFTEC, undergo formalities concerning reserve fund payment within two months by presenting approving materials of the MOFTEC.

       第十条  已获得对外经济合作经营资格、从事本办法第六条规定业务的企业,应在本办法实施后的2个月内,办理备用金交纳手续。


  Article 11   When collecting the Qualification Certificate of Foreign Economic Cooperation and participating in the annual examination thereof, an enterprise shall provide the photocopy of the certificate of full payment of reserve funds issued by the relevant bank.

       第十一条  领取《对外经济合作经营资格证书》和进行《对外经济合作经营资格证书》年审时,企业应提供银行出具的交纳足额备用金进账单复印件。

  Article 12   In the event of changes to the scope of business, an enterprise shall supplement the reserve fund (or receive refund) by presenting the approval of the MOFTEC, and shall collect a new Qualification Certificate of Foreign Economic Cooperation by presenting the photocopy of a new certificate for reserve fund payment.

       第十二条  经营范围发生变化时,企业应凭外经贸部的批复补交(或退还)备用金,同时凭新的备用金付款凭证复印件换领《对外经济合作经营资格证书》。

  Article 13   Upon the termination of business operation of an enterprise, the competent foreign trade authority at the provincial level shall, after said enterprise makes appropriate arrangements for the laborers it has sent abroad, refund the reserve fund paid thereby.

       第十三条  企业终止经营时,相关省级外经贸主管部门应在企业妥善安置其外派劳务人员后,退还其交纳的备用金。

  Article 14    Enterprises shall pay the reserve fund in cash. Negotiable securities, asset-backed securities are not acceptable for the payment of reserve funds.

       第十四条  企业交纳的备用金应为现金,不得以有价证券或资产抵押等其他形式交纳。

  Article 15   An enterprise shall not pay the reserve fund with contract performance bonds or other cash pledges collected from the laborers it sends abroad. An enterprise shall not charge the laborers sent abroad of the management fees or any other additional fees due to the payment of the reserve fund.

       第十五条  企业不得用向外派劳务人员收取的履约保证金或其他押金交纳备用金。企业不得由此向外派劳务人员加收管理费或其他费用。

  Article 16   An enterprise shall not establish a guarantee in any form with the reserve fund, and any guarantee established on the strength of relevant certificates of reserve fund payment shall be null and void.

       第十六条  企业不得以备用金设定任何形式的担保,以交纳备用金的有关凭证设定的担保无效。

Chapter 3: Utilization of Reserve Funds

第三章  备用金的动用

  Article 17   In the event that an enterprise is unable to pay expenses for the necessary immediate repatriation of laborers due to an emergency, the competent foreign trade authority at the provincial level may utilize the reserve fund of said enterprise for payment.

       第十七条  企业无力支付因突发事件造成外派劳务人员须即刻回国而发生的遣返费用时,各省级外经贸主管部门方可动用该企业的备用金进行支付。

  Article 18   When an emergency necessitates the immediate repatriation of laborers sent abroad, but the enterprise is unable to pay repatriation expenses, the reserve fund shall be utilized according to the following procedure:

1. The embassy (consulate) of China shall inform the MOFTEC and relevant local governments of the emergency by phone as soon as possible;

2. Foreign trade authorities at the provincial level shall, according to the development of the situation and in consultation with finance authorities at the provincial level, decide within two days whether to utilize reserve funds;

3. If the MOFTEC decides to utilize reserve funds, it can make a decision in consultation with the Ministry of Finance within two days and require local foreign trade authorities to utilize reserve funds;

4. After utilizing reserve funds, foreign trade authorities at the provincial level shall report each utilization thereof to the MOFTEC and Ministry of Finance for record-filing, and send the written notice regarding reserve fund utilization to the relevant enterprises;

5. After the decision to utilize reserve funds is made, foreign trade authorities at the provincial level shall disburse funds and handle such matters as the receiving and sending of labors sent abroad on their own or by entrusted institutions. 

       第十八条  因发生突发事件,外派劳务人员须即刻回国而企业无力支付遣反费用时,备用金的动用程序为:






  Article 19   Reserve funds of an enterprise that are utilized by foreign trade authorities at the provincial level to make disbursements shall not exceed the total amount of reserve funds paid by said enterprise.

       第十九条  各省级外经贸主管部门动用企业的备用金进行支付时,不得超过该企业交纳的备用金总额。

  Article 20   Upon receipt of the written notice of reserve fund utilization, the enterprise concerned shall fully supplement the utilized reserve fund within two months.

       第二十条  企业接到动用备用金的书面通知后,应在2个月内将被动用的备用金全额补足。

  Article 21   With regard to an enterprise that has sound business operation and its reserve fund has not been utilized for three consecutive years, starting with the fourth year, the foreign trade authority at the provincial level shall return 10% of the appraised and decided reserve fund to said enterprise annually, provided that the total amount of the refund shall not 50% of such appraised and decided reserve fund.

       第二十一条  对经营良好且连续三年未动用备用金的企业,从第四年开始,省级外经贸主管部门每年将核定备用金的10%返还给该企业,最高返还金额不得超过核定备用金金额的50%。

  Article 22   Where an enterprise has received refund of its reserve fund but involves in circumstance where it shall utilize its reserve fund, the enterprise shall, within two months of receipt of the notice of reserve fund utilization, fully supplement the appraised and decided reserve funds.

       第二十二条  被返还备用金的企业如发生动用备用金事件,企业在接到动用备用金的书面通知后,应于2个月内将核定的备用金全额补足。

  Article 23   Where an enterprise disagrees the decision of the MOFTEC and foreign trade authorities at the provincial level, the enterprise may, within 60 days of the receipt of the notice, file a petition for administrative review pursuant to relevant provisions of the Law on Administrative Review. It shall implement decisions of the MOFTEC and foreign trade authorities at the provincial level prior to receipt of administrative review rulings.

       第二十三条  企业如对外经贸部、各省级外经贸主管部门的决定持有异议,可在收到通知后60天内,依照《行政复议法》的有关规定提出行政复议。在收到行政复议裁决前,须按外经贸部、各省级外经贸主管部门的决定执行。

Chapter 4: Reserve Funds and Management

第四章  备用金和管理

  Article 24   Reserve funds shall be deposited in special accounts and utilized for specific purposes.

Reserve funds shall be subject to utilization and management by competent foreign trade authorities at the provincial level. Finance authorities at the provincial level shall supervise such utilization and management and accept the audit by auditing departments.

The Ministry of Finance and MOFTEC shall examine and supervise the utilization and management of reserve funds.

       第二十四条  备用金实行专户存储,专款专用。



Chapter 5: Penalty Provisions

第五章  罚 则

  Article 25   In the event of any violation of these Measures by an enterprise, the MOFTEC shall impose a warning thereon. 

       第二十五条  对违反本办法规定的企业,外经贸部将视其情节,给予警告的处罚。

Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions

第六章  附 则

  Article 26   The MOFTEC and Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

       第二十六条  本办法由外经贸部、财政部负责解释。




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发布于 2021-01-11 15:28:47