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Interim Measures of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for Administration of Expenses on Official Business Trip Abroad (Across the Border)



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Industry and Information

Promulgating Date: 08/24/2009

Effective Date: 08/24/2009


颁布机关: 工业和信息化部

颁布时间: 08/24/2009

实施时间: 08/24/2009


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    In order to strengthen administration of personnel’s expenses for extemporaneous official business trip abroad (across the border), intensify budgetary restraints, improve the utilization benefits of expenses and regulate the activities abroad (across the border) on official business by cadres of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as the “MIIT”), these Measures are hereby formulated according to the “Budget Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the other relevant provisions and in combination with the practical situation of this Ministry.

       第一条  为了加强临时因公出国(境)人员的经费管理,强化预算约束,提高资金使用效益,规范部机关干部因公出国(境)活动,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》及其他有关规定,结合我部的实际情况,制定本办法。

  Article 2    These Measures shall be applicable to the official business trip activities abroad (across the border) by public servants of the organs of the MIIT including visits, observation and study trips, trainings and participation in international conferences.

       第二条  本办法适用于部机关公务员因公出国(境)活动,包括访问、考察、培训、参加国际会议等活动。

  Article 3    All departments and bureaus under the MIIT shall, according to requirements of the Department of International Cooperation and in line with the principle of “thrifty work outside the country”, earnestly draw up plans for traveling abroad and expenditure budgets of the current year by the end of the previous year (or at the beginning of the current year) and then submit them to the Department of International Cooperation, among which the plans for training abroad and the expenditure budgets thereof shall be submitted to the Department of Personnel and Education. The Department of International Cooperation and the Department of Personnel and Education shall respectively consult with the Department of Finance to decide the plans for traveling abroad (across the border) of the MIIT of the whole year in light of the arrangement of budgetary resources and the urgency and necessity of the tasks abroad (across the border) and then implement such plans upon reporting to the leader of the MIIT.

       第三条  部机关各司局应按部国际合作司要求,遵照“勤俭办外事”的原则,于上年末(或当年初)认真编制当年出国计划和经费预算报部国际合作司,其中出国培训计划和经费预算报部人事教育司,分别由部国际合作司、人事教育司商财务司根据预算资金安排情况和出国(境)任务的紧迫性和必要性,拟定部全年的出国(境)计划,报部领导审批后执行。

  Article 4    All departments and bureaus under the MIIT shall not organize any group or team to travel abroad (across the border) in excess of budget or without budgeting, and shall not receive any financial assistance from an enterprise or public institution directly or in a disguised form or apportion or shift the expenses arising from traveling abroad (across the border) onto the organs at the same level, the organs at a lower level or the subordinate units.

       第四条  部机关各司局不得超预算或无预算安排出国(境)团组,不得接受或变相接受企事业单位资助,或向同级机关、下级机关和下属单位摊派、转嫁出国(境)费用。

Chapter II Procedures for Examining and Approving Tasks Abroad (Across the Border)

第二章  出国(境)任务审批程序

  Article 5    When filling in the “Examination and Approval Form for Tasks Abroad (Across the Border)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Task Examination and Approval Form”, a group-organizing unit shall make clear the source(s) of expenses for the current group or team traveling abroad (across the border) according to the plans for traveling abroad (across the border) of the MIIT.

The sources of expenses shall include: the expenses for external affairs of the MIIT and the special expenses in which there is departmental budget for external affairs arranged by respective department and bureau (hereinafter referred to as the “Special Expenses”). The Special Expenses shall not be used for traveling abroad (across the border) without exception if there is no budget for external affairs.

       第五条  组团单位根据部出国(境)计划,在填报《出国(境)任务审批表》(以下简称“任务审批表”)时,应明确本次出国(境)团组的经费来源。


  Article 6    With respect to a group or team traveling abroad (across the border) which is included in the annual plans for traveling abroad (across the border) of the MIIT and of which the source of expenses is from the expenses for external affairs of the MIIT (hereinafter referred to as the “Planned Programs”), the task examination and approval form thereof shall be reported to the Department of International Cooperation upon being signed by the leader of the department or bureau and the Department of International Cooperation shall examine and verify or examine and approve such form according to the relevant provisions.

       第六条  列入部出国(境)年度计划且经费来源为部机关外事费的出国(境)团组(简称“计划内项目”),任务审批表经本司局领导签发后报部国际合作司,由部国际合作司根据相关规定进行审核或审批。

  Article 7    With respect to a group or team traveling abroad (across the border) which is included in the annual plans for traveling abroad (across the border) of the MIIT and of which the source of expenses is from the Special Expenses, the specific program name shall be made clear in the task examination and approval form and such form shall be first reported to the Department of Finance for examination and verification upon being signed by the leader of the department or bureau. The Department of Finance shall examine that whether or not there is a budget at the beginning of the year, whether or not the special expenses budget include any expenses for traveling abroad (across the border) and whether or not the expenses for traveling abroad in the budget can meet the demands of the current task abroad (across the border).

The task examination and approval form shall, upon examination and verification of the Department of Finance, be reported to the Department of International Cooperation for examination and verification or examination and approval.

With respect to a group or team traveling abroad (across the border) for training of which the source of expenses is from the Special Expenses, the task examination and approval form thereof shall be reported to the Department of Personnel and Education for joint signature in advance prior to being submitted to the Department of Finance for examination and verification.

       第七条  列入部出国(境)年度计划且经费来源为专项经费的出国(境)团组,应在任务审批表中明确具体项目名称,经本司局领导签发后先报部财务司审核。部财务司审查内容包括是否有年初预算,专项经费预算中是否含有出国(境)经费,预算中的出国经费能否满足本次出国(境)任务的需要等。



  Article 8    The groups or teams traveling abroad (across the border) beyond the aforesaid scope shall not be organized in general. Where a group or team is really necessary to be organized due to the needs of work, the task examination and approval form thereof may be handled only if the situation regarding expenses has been taken into consideration and the consensus of the Department of International Cooperation and the Department of Finance has been acquired in advance, and the said form shall be examined and verified by the Department of Finance prior to being reported for approval.

       第八条  上述范围之外的出国(境)团组,一般不予安排。因工作需要确需安排的,需视经费情况,并事先征得部国际合作司和财务司的一致同意后,方可办理任务审批表,任务审批表报批前须经财务司审核。

Chapter III Flow of Accounting of the Expenses for Traveling Abroad (Across the border)

第三章  出国(境)经费核算流程

  Article 9    The groups or teams traveling abroad (across the border) on official business shall strictly implement the spending standards, carry out the work by adhering to the principles of being pragmatic, highly efficient, simple and thrifty and strive to improve the work efficiency and quality.

       第九条  因公出国(境)团组应严格执行各项费用开支标准,本着务实、高效、精简、节约的原则开展工作,努力提高工作效率和工作质量。

  Article 10    When handling the task examination and approval form, the personnel traveling abroad (across the border) shall earnestly complete the “Budget Sheet of the Delegation Group (Team) Traveling Abroad (Across the border) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology” at the same time and shall, upon the comments of the Department of International Cooperation, submit such Budget Sheet together with the official document for approval of the task abroad (across the border) of the MIIT (or the document of confirmation of the MIIT and the task notice of other ministries) to the Department of Finance for the handling of formalities for advance borrowing of expenses for traveling abroad (across the border).

The personnel traveling abroad (across the border) may borrow for the following expenses in advance: international travel expenses, meal expenses spent abroad (across the border), incidental expenses, hotel expenses, personal spending money and intercity transportation expenses etc.

       第十条  出国(境)人员在办理任务审批表的同时,需认真填写《工业和信息化部出国(境)代表团(组)预算表》,经部国际合作司签署意见后,连同部出国(境)任务批件(或部确认件和外部门的任务通知书)一起送部财务司办理出国(境)费用的预借手续。


  Article 11    The meal expenses and incidental expenses spent abroad (across the border) for the personnel traveling abroad (across the border) shall be given to individuals according to the standards prescribed by the State. The hotel expenses abroad (across the border) shall be claimed according to facts by virtue of valid bills within the standards prescribed by the State.

Where the hotel expenses exceed the standards prescribed by the State as a result of the participation in large international conference or the requirements of the organizing party for unified hotel arrangements, the formalities for pre-payment and reimbursement may be handled only if the group-organizing unit issues a statement about standards excess in advance and the examination and approval of the leader of the unit and the confirmation of the Department of International Cooperation and the Department of Finance have been acquired.

       第十一条  出国(境)人员在国(境)外的伙食费及公杂费按国家规定标准发给个人包干使用。国(境)外住宿费在国家规定标准之内凭有效票据据实报销。


  Article 12    The personnel traveling abroad (across the border) shall not present any gift or hold any feast abroad (across the border) in principle. Where it is necessary to present a gift or hold a feast, the situation shall be specified in the task examination and approval form and be reported for approval together with the form. The principles of thrift and simplicity shall be followed when presenting a gift and the standards prescribed by the State shall be adhered to. The standards for feasts holding shall be in line with the standards on board expenses for one person one day of the country involved and the expenses shall be claimed according to facts after returning the country.

       第十二条  出国(境)人员在国(境)外原则上不赠送礼品,不搞宴请。确需赠送礼品或宴请的,应在任务审批表中写明一并报批。赠送礼品应遵循节约、从简的原则,在国家规定标准内执行;宴请标准按照所在国家一人一天的伙食费包干标准掌握,回国后据实报销。

  Article 13    The personnel traveling abroad (across the border) shall choose corresponding international vehicles within the standards prescribed by the State on the basis of the approved task abroad (across the border) and claim the international travel expenses according to facts by virtue of valid bills.

       第十三条  出国(境)人员根据已批准的出国(境)任务在国家规定标准内选乘相应的国际交通工具,并凭有效票据据实报销国际旅费。

  Article 14    Where it is necessary for the personnel traveling abroad (across the border) to travel among several cities of the same country according to the needs of tasks, the situation shall be specified in the task examination and approval form and be reported for approval together with the form. The formalities for advance borrowing shall not be handled and the joint-way tickets among several cities or the intercity transportation expenses abroad shall not be claimed without approval.

       第十四条  出国(境)人员根据出访任务如需在一个国家多城市间旅行,应在任务审批表中写明一并报批。未经批准,不得办理预借手续,不得报销多个城市的联程机票或境外城市间交通费。

  Article 15    Within one week after returning the country, the group or team having gone abroad (across the border) shall, according to the practical expenditures on the expenses abroad (across the border), complete the "Final Accounting Form for Expenses of the Delegation Group (Team) Traveling Abroad (Across the border) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology" item by item and shall, together with the "Registration Form on the Drawing of Incidental Expenses, Personal Spending Money and Board Expenses Abroad of the Delegation Group (Team) Traveling Abroad (Across the border)" (necessary when there are 2 or more than 2 persons in a group or team), the relevant expenditure bills and the scheduling program abroad of the delegation group (team) traveling abroad (across the border), go through the formalities for reimbursement with the Department of Finance upon the signing and confirmation of the person-in-charge of the group (team) traveling abroad (across the border) and the examination, verification and confirmation of the Department of International Cooperation.

The group or team traveling abroad (across the border) shall fulfill the tasks abroad (across the border) strictly according to the examined and approved travel route, and shall not arbitrarily change the travel route, increase sojourning places and other unofficial tourist attractions or shall not increase the days for staying abroad (across the border), otherwise the Department of Finance is entitled to reject the reimbursement of the relevant expenses.

       第十五条  出国(境)团组在回国后的一周内,根据出国(境)费用的实际支出情况,逐项填写《工业和信息化部出国(境)代表团(组)费用决算表》,连同《出国(境)代表团(组)境外公杂费、个人零用费、包干伙食费领取登记表》(团组人数在2人或2人以上时使用)、相关支出票据和出国(境)代表团(组)境外日程安排表一起,经出国(境)团组的负责人签字确认并经部国际合作司审核确认后,到部财务司办理报销手续。


Chapter IV Supervision and Inspection

第四章  监督检查

  Article 16    The arrangements of the plans for traveling abroad (across the border) and the use of the expenses for external affairs of the MIIT shall be subject to inspection and supervision of the disciplinary investigation institution and the auditing institution stationed at the MIIT.

       第十六条  部出国(境)计划的安排和外事经费的使用接受驻部纪检监察机构和审计机构的检查监督。

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 17    If there is anything not prescribed by these Measures and there is any relevant expense standards, the relevant provisions of the State shall prevail.

       第十七条  本办法未能详尽部分及有关支出标准,遵照国家有关规定执行。

  Article 18    These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance.

       第十八条  本办法由部财务司负责解释。

  Article 19    These Measures shall be effective as of the promulgation date.

       第十九条  本办法自发布之日起实施。




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