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Interim Measures on Administration of the Special Fund for Public Business Information Services



Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance

Document Number:Shang Cai Fa [2006] No. 362

Promulgating Date:08/08/2006

Effective Date:08/08/2006


颁布机关:商务部; 财政部

文      号:商财发[2006]362号




Article 1   These Measures are formulated to strengthen and standardize the use and management of the special fund for public business information services, and improve efficiency in its use.

       第一条  为加强和规范公共商务信息服务专项资金的使用和管理,提高资金使用效益,特制定本办法。

  Article 2   For the purposes of these Measures, "public business information services" shall mean public service products, which target urban and rural markets, enterprises and general public, adopt the major means of business information collection and release, aim to the promote domestic urban-rural circulation and foreign trade development, and are characterized by public welfare and non-profit. The "special fund for public business information services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Special Fund") shall mean the special fund under the Foreign Trade Development Fund which is appropriated for the provision of public business information services.

       第二条  本办法所称的公共商务信息服务是以城乡市场、企业和社会公众为服务对象,以收集发布商务信息为主要方式,以促进国内城乡流通、发展对外贸易为主要目的,以公益性、非盈利性为基本特征的公共服务产品。公共商务信息服务专项资金(以下简称“专项资金”),是指为完成公共商务信息服务工作,在外贸发展基金中安排的专项资金。

  Article 3    The use and management of the Special Fund shall follow the principles of public finance, comprehensive arrangement, government procurement, contract management, scientific decision-making and effectiveness tracking.

       第三条  专项资金的使用和管理遵循公共财政、统筹安排、政府采购、合同管理、科学决策、追踪问效的原则。

  Article 4   Scope of support by the Special Fund. 

(1) Information collection, collation, processing and release in the process of constructing the public business information service system, mainly including:  

a) collecting data and information about products, production capacity, quantity of production, sales, export & import and price of relevant departments, urban and rural markets and designated industries and enterprises at home and abroad;   

b) collecting economic information related to domestic and international markets, including statistics concerning cargo, technology, and service trades; 

c) conducting special investigation based on specific targets and collecting data and information with respect to specific areas; 

d) collecting laws, regulations and other information with respect to business areas; 

e) checking authenticity of information and materials collected, and processing and collating qualified data for the purpose of standardization; 

f) conducting scientific analysis and forecasting to the obtained data through well-designed index system, mathematical model, expert evaluation system and other methods; 

g) releasing processed and analyzed data.  

(2) Construction, operation and maintenance of relevant information dissemination media such as the website set up by the Ministry of Commerce and its authorized organizations for the purpose of carrying out public business information services. 

(3) Capacity building on public business information collection and promotion, including: provision of necessary assistance and inquiry and advisory services for public business information users; carrying out necessary publicity and promotional activities for public business information service projects.   

(4) Other relevant public business information services.

       第四条  专项资金的支持范围。












  Article 5   In accordance with the needs of public business information services and the provisions of these Measures, the Ministry of Commerce separately shall issue regulatory documents, specify the working requirements for public business information service projects, formulate uniform standards and procedures for public business information service projects and regulatory measures concerning public tender and merit-based selection, determine public information service projects, and select the contractor for specific projects (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor").

       第五条  根据公共商务信息服务工作的需要及本办法规定,商务部另行下发规范性文件,明确公共商务信息服务项目的工作要求,制定统一的公共商务信息服务项目标准和程序、公开招投标及择优选择等规范办法,确定公共信息服务项目,以及选定具体项目承办者(以下简称承办单位)。

  Article 6    Local public business information service projects are specifically organized and implemented by local competent commerce authorities in accordance with uniform requirements. The proposed projects shall be submmitted to the competent finance authorities at the same level for approval. Subject to the approval of the said authorities, such projects shall then be reported to the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance (MOF) for filing.

       第六条  对地方实施的公共商务信息服务项目,由各地商务主管部门根据统一要求,具体负责组织实施。拟实施项目在报请同级财政部门同意后上报商务部、财政部备案。

  Article 7   Public business information service projects implemented by the Ministry of Commerce shall be specially organized and implemented by it in accordance with the existing project management measures, and shall be reported to the Ministry of Finance for filing.

       第七条  对商务部实施的公共商务信息服务项目,由商务部根据现行的项目管理办法具体组织实施,报财政部备案。

  Article 8   Local competent commerce authorities shall select Contractors through regular methods such as public tender or merit-based selection, and enter into contracts (agreements) with the Contractors, specifying the rights, liabilities and obligations of both parties.

       第八条  各级商务部门在组织实施具体项目时,应通过公开招标或择优委托等规范方式选择承办单位,并与承办单位签订合同(协议),明确双方权利、责任和义务。

  Article 9   After verifying projects submitted by local authorities, the Ministry of Commerce shall report the said projects to the Ministry of Finance for examination and ratification. Support fund shall be appropriated by the Ministry of Finance to provincial finance authorities, and then by provincial finance authorities to project implementation entities according to the budget management system.

       第九条  商务部对地方上报的项目进行审核后报请财政部核定。支持资金由财政部拨付至省级财政部门。再由省级财政部门按预算管理级次拨付至项目执行单位。

  Article 10   Commerce and finance authorities at all levels shall enhance the supervision and regulation of the Contractors, promptly allocate the Special Fund, and urge the Contractors to timely and accurately complete assignments. Fraud, unwarranted diversion and embezzlement of the Special Fund are strictly prohibited.

       第十条  各级商务、财政部门要加强对承办单位的监督管理,及时拨付专项资金,督促承办单位及时、准确地完成任务,严禁骗取、挤占、挪用专项资金。

  Article 11    The Contractor shall, after receiving the Special Fund, make relevant accounting arrangements in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.

       第十一条  承办单位在收到专项资金后,应按国家的相关规定进行财务处理。

  Article 12   If Contractors fail to complete the projects in a timely and accurate manner, the competent commerce authorities at different levels shall give a warning and order to such contractors requiring them to make necessary corrections within the prescribed time limits until the appropriated funds are recovered by working with the finance authorities.

       第十二条  各级商务主管部门对不能及时、准确完成任务的承办单位,应给予警告并限期改正,直至会同财政部门追回已拨付资金。

  Article 13   Recovered Special Fund, with the approval of the financial authorities at the same level, shall be arranged by the competent commerce authorities according to the principle of merit-based selection after reporting to the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance for filing.

       第十三条  对追回的专项资金,各级商务主管部门在征得同级财政部门同意,并报请商务部、财政部备案后,另行择优、安排使用。

  Article 14   Competent commerce authorities at all levels shall summarize and analyze the use of Special Fund in their respective local areas on a yearly basis, and report to the finance authorities at the same level by the end of March of the following year.

       第十四条  各级商务主管部门应每年对本地区的专项资金使用情况进行总结分析,并于次年3月底前报同级财政部门。

  Article 15   No department or organization may change the use of Special Fund without authorization. Departments and organizations found in violation of these Measures shall be handled in accordance with Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions for Fiscal Violations (Decree No. 427 of the State Council).

       第十五条  任何部门和单位不得擅自更改专项资金的用途,对违反本办法规定的部门及单位,按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)进行处理。

  Article 16    These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

       第十六条  本办法自发布之日起执行。

  Article 17   These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance.

       第十七条  本办法由商务部、财政部解释。




中英双语-公共商务信息服务专项资金管理暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
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