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Reporting and Approving Procedures for Large Export Credit and Export Credit Insurance Projects



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; Ministry of Finance; The People's Bank of China

Document Number: Wai Jing Mao Ji Dian Fa [2001] No.282

Promulgating Date: 06/11/2001

Effective Date: 06/11/2001


颁布机关: 对外贸易经济合作部; 财政部; 中国人民银行

文      号: 外经贸机电发[2001]282号

颁布时间: 06/11/2001

实施时间: 06/11/2001

These Procedures are formulated in accordance with the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China in order to further regulate and strengthen the administration of large export credit and export credit insurance projects, effectively prevent and control project risks, put an end to the reversed transmission of pressure for easing monetary condition, rationalize the working relationship, improve work efficiency, establish a normal export order, safeguard the national interests as well as the lawful rights and interests of export enterprises, encourage competent enterprises to expand globally and compete internationally, promote the export of large and complete sets of equipment as well as the healthy, sustainable and stable development of foreign project contracting.


  Article 1   For the purposes of these Procedures, "large export credit and export credit insurance projects" shall mean projects involving the export of large and complete sets of equipment and overseas contracting with a contractual amount of USD 100 million or above, requiring the provision of export credit and export credit insurance by the State.

       第一条  本程序中大型出口信贷及出口信用保险项目特指合同金额在1亿美元以上(含1亿美元),需由我国提供出口信贷及出口信用保险的大型和成套设备出口项目及对外承包工程项目。

  Article 2   The qualification verification of export enterprises of large and complete sets of equipment and foreign contract enterprises

(1) Any enterprise applying for a large export credit and export credit insurance project shall have qualifications for undertaking the export of large and complete sets of equipment and foreign project contracting by leveraging the export credit. Specific application procedures and verification measures shall be subject to the Notice of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the People's Bank of China on the Implementation of Qualification Verification for Foreign Project Contracting and Export of Complete Sets of Equipment by Leveraging Export Credit '(Wai Jing Mao Zheng Fa [2000] No. 30) and the Supplementary Notice of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on Issues Concerning the Implementation of Qualification Verification for Foreign Project Contracting and Export of Complete Sets of Equipment by Leveraging Export Credit (Wai Jing Mao Zheng Shen Han Zi [2000] No. 437).

(2) The export price of large and complete sets of equipment or key equipment involving personal safety, production safety and environmental protection shall be subject to verification, and the specific measures shall be separately formulated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation in conjunction with relevant authorities.

       第二条  大型和成套设备出口企业及对外承包工程企业的资格审定



  Article 3   Any enterprise intending to apply for a large export credit and export credit insurance project (hereinafter referred to as "enterprise") shall file its bidding or tender discussion application with a relevant trade association at least 60 days prior to the bid closing day or within 20 days of signing with a foreign party meeting minutes of tender discussion or a cooperation agreement or memorandum. 

Coordinative functions of relevant trade associations shall be divided in accordance with the Letter of Opinions on the Re-division of Project Coordination Functions of Trade Associations of Electromechanics and Contractors Associations promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (Wai Jing Mao Ban Zi [1999] No. 72), that is to say, trade associations of electromechanics are responsible for the coordination of industrial (production-oriented) projects involving the export of complete sets of equipment, and contractors associations are responsible for the coordination of non-industrial (production-oriented) projects involving the export of complete sets of equipment.

       第三条  拟申请大型出口信贷和出口信用保险项目的企业(以下简称企业),必须在对外投标截标日的至少60天前,或在与国外业主签订议标的会谈纪要或合作协议(备忘录)后的20天内,向有关商会提交项目的投、议标申请。


  Article 4   After receiving bidding or tender discussion applications of enterprises, relevant trade associations shall produce recommendation name lists (excluding projects subject to tender discussion) of qualified enterprises within 20 working days after they have fully solicited opinions from expert committees and embassies (consulates) of countries where the projects are located, and shall, upon verification and consent of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, submit such name lists to handling banks (hereinafter referred to as "banks"), export credit insurance institutions (hereinafter referred to as "insurance institutions") and all the enterprises included in the name lists, and at the same time submit said name lists to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance and State Economic and Trade Commission for record. The aforesaid departments shall inform the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of their objections (if any) within ten working days for its coordination and determination. To improve the work efficiency, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation plans to establish a system of joint consultation in conjunction with relevant departments so as to convene meetings of relevant departments and entities to probe into and solve project problems.

With regard to overseas project contracting, enterprises shall undergo project permission formalities in compliance with the Interim Measures for the Overseas Project Contracting Bidding (Tender Discussion) Permit (Wai Jing Mao He Fa [1999] No. 699).

With regard to projects involving technologies of which the export is restricted by the State, enterprises shall go through procedures for the Proposal for Technology Export License of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Export-Restricted Technologies promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and Ministry of Science and Technology (Wai Jing Mao Ji Fa [1998] No. 803); with regard to export projects of technologies involving national secrets, enterprises shall obtain the Approval for the Confidentiality Examination of National Secret Technology Export in accordance with the Provisions for the Examination of National Secret Technology Export promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets and Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (Guo Ke Fa Ji [1998] No. 425).

       第四条  有关商会收到企业的投、议标申请后,在充分听取专家委员会的意见和征求项目所在国使(领)馆意见的基础上,在20个工作日内提出符合条件的企业的推荐名单(不含议标项目),经外经贸部审核同意后,分别送交出口信贷经办银行(以下简称银行)、出口信用保险机构(以下简称保险机构)和推荐名单内的各个企业,同时报送外交部、财政部、国家经贸委备案。上述部门如有异议,在10个工作日内反馈外经贸部,由外经贸部协调确定。为提高工作效率,外经贸部拟会同有关部门建立联合磋商机制,可根据具体情况召集有关部门和单位开会听取项目的情况介绍,研究、协调项目中存在的问题。



  Article 5   After obtaining recommendations of participation in bidding or tender discussion or project permission from relevant trade associations, enterprises may apply for export credit and export credit insurance with banks and insurance institutions. Such banks and insurance institutions shall, in accordance with regulations of the State on the administration of export credit and export credit insurance, conduct the preliminary examination of such applications, and issue letters of intent of loan granting and letters of intent of insurance provision if the examination indicates a positive result, and shall send copies of such letters to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State Economic and Trade Commission, begin to officially involve themselves in such projects, participate in relevant negotiations, and guide said enterprises in their relevant activities. In the absence of letters of intent of loan granting and insurance provision from banks and insurance institutions, enterprises shall not engage in overseas bidding and execute contracts without approval.

       第五条  企业在得到有关商会参加对外投、议标的推荐或项目许可后,即可向银行和保险机构申请出口信贷和出口信用保险。银行和保险机构按照国家出口信贷和出口信用保险管理的规定,对企业的申请进行预审,对预审合格的出具项目承贷意向书和承保意向书,同时抄送外经贸部、财政部、外交部、国家经贸委,并开始正式介入项目,参与有关谈判,指导企业开展相关工作。银行、保险机构未予出具承贷和承保意向书的企业,不得擅自对外投标和签订合同。

  Article 6   After enterprises win bids, enterprises under the administration of local governments shall, according to the relationship of administrative jurisdiction and upon credit and qualification examination by local governments at the provincial level or above, submit project applications and preliminary analysis reports to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and send copies thereof to the Ministry of Finance; centrally administered enterprises shall directly submit project applications and preliminary analysis reports to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and send copies thereof to the Ministry of Finance.

       第六条  企业中标后,地方政府管理的企业按隶属关系,由具有省级管理权限的地方人民政府对其进行资信及资格审查后提交项目申请和项目的初步分析报告报送外经贸部,抄报财政部;中央管理的企业,直接将项目申请和项目的初步分析报告报送外经贸部,抄报财政部。

  Article 7    After receiving project applications and reports, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall solicit opinions from as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, State Economic and Trade Commission, banks and insurance institutions, and other relevant entities. Banks and insurance institutions shall review such projects pursuant to relevant provisions, and submit loan granting plans to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and send copies thereof to the Ministry of Finance if the export credit review indicates a positive result, and submit insurance provision plans to the Ministry of Finance and send copies thereof to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation if the export credit insurance review indicates a positive result. After taking into consideration opinions of all of the foresaid entities, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall submit said projects to the State Council for examination and approval.

       第七条  外经贸部收到项目申请报告后,分别征求外交部、财政部、国家经贸委、银行、保险机构等单位的意见。银行和保险机构依据有关规定分别对项目进行复审,对出口信贷复审合格的向外经贸部报送承贷方案并抄报财政部;对出口信用保险复审合格的向财政部报送承保方案并抄报外经贸部。外经贸部综合各单位审核意见后,将项目上报国务院审批。

  Article 8   Upon approval by the State Council, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall notify relevant local governments, or centrally administered enterprises and banks of such approval, the Ministry of Finance shall notify insurance institutions of such approval before banks and insurance institutions officially go through credit and insurance formalities.

       第八条  项目经国务院批准后,按部门职责分工,外经贸部通知相关的地方政府或中央管理的企业及银行,财政部通知保险机构,由银行和保险机构正式办理信贷和保险手续。

  Article 9   In the event that enterprises conclude business contracts prior to project approval by the State Council, they shall indicate in such contracts "effective upon approval by relevant authorities of the Chinese government". The business contracts may enter into effect after the approval of the State Council.

       第九条  企业在项目得到国务院批准前签订商务合同,须在合同中写明"以中国政府有关部门批准为生效条件"。在项目得到国务院批准后,商务合同方可对外生效。

  Article 10   These Procedures shall take effect as of the date of promulgation. In the event of any conflict between previously-formulated provision and provisions hereof, provisions hereof shall prevail.

       第十条  本程序自发布之日起执行。以前制定的有关规定,与本程序的规定相抵触的,以本程序的规定为准。

  Article 11   The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Finance and People's Bank of China shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Procedures.

       第十一条  本程序由对外贸易经济合作部、财政部和中国人民银行共同解释。




中英双语-关于大型出口信贷及出口信用保险项目的报批程序(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-14 10:53:47