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Interim Measures for the Administration of the Reserve Funds for Repaying the Loans from International Finance Corporation and Foreign Governments



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Ji [2008] No.3

Promulgating Date: 01/04/2008

Effective Date: 01/04/2008


颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财际[2008]3号

颁布时间: 01/04/2008

实施时间: 01/04/2008

Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1   In order to further regulate and strengthen the debt administration in respect of the loans granted by International Finance Corporation and foreign governments, guarantee the loan debts repayment on schedule and in full amount, and safeguard the national credit; these Measures are hereby formulated in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Loans and Grant from International Finance Corporation and Foreign Governments (Order No. 38 of the Ministry of Finance).

       第一条  为进一步规范和加强国际金融组织和外国政府贷款的债务管理工作,保证按时足额偿还贷款债务,维护国家信誉,根据《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款管理办法》(财政部令第38号),制定本办法。

  Article 2   These Measures shall apply to the administration of the loan repayment reserve funds of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, specially designated cities in the State plan and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as "Provincial Governments") that use the loans granted by International Finance Corporation and foreign governments (hereinafter referred to as "Loans").

       第二条  使用国际金融组织和外国政府贷款(以下简称贷款)的省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市人民政府,以及新疆生产建设兵团(以下简称省级政府)还贷准备金的管理工作适用本办法。

  Article 3   Provincial governments that use Loans shall establish the loan repayment reserve funds. The finance department at the provincial level, which assumes the liabilities and exercises the creditor's rights of the government at the same level, shall be responsible for establishing and administering the loan repayment reserve funds for the local Loans.

       第三条  使用贷款的省级政府应当建立还贷准备金。省级财政部门作为本级政府贷款的债权债务代表,负责设立并管理本地区贷款的还贷准备金。

  Article 4   For the purpose of these Measures, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below:

1. "Loans" refer to the loans, that are granted by International Finance Corporation and foreign governments, for the repayment of which the finance departments of the provincial level shall be responsible and provide guarantee; 

2. "Loans granted by the International Finance Corporation" refer to the loans which, upon the approval of the State Council, are unifiedly borrowed by the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the European Investment Bank and other international financial organization and which constitute government external debts and the joint financing concurrently used with the aforesaid loans. 

3. "Loans granted by foreign governments" refer to the loans which, upon the approval of State Council, are unifiedly borrowed by the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the State from foreign governments, the Nordic Investment Bank and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation and which constitute government external debts and the joint financing concurrently used with the aforesaid loans. 

4. "The loans repayment reserve funds" refer to the special fund borrowed, used, saved and administered by finance departments of the provincial level with the purpose of guaranteeing the loan debts repayment on schedule and in full amount.

       第四条  本办法下列用语的含义:





Chapter 2: Fund Resources and the Amount of the Loan Repayment Reserve Funds

第二章  还贷准备金的来源和规模

  Article 5   The loan repayment reserve funds may consist of the following fund resources:

1. Financial budget;

2. Loan which is repaid in advance;

3. Interest margin from re-lending;

4. Interest income in special account;

5. The appreciation of the loan repayment reserve funds; or

6. Other resources.

       第五条  还贷准备金可以包括以下资金来源:







  Article 6   The amount of the loan repayment reserve funds shall meet the need of revolving advancement of the loan debts that will be due in the next 12 months and shall not be lower than 5% of the balance of the local loan debts.

       第六条  还贷准备金的金额至少应当满足未来一年内到期贷款债务的周转垫付需要,其占本地区贷款债务余额的比例一般不低于5%。

Chapter 3: Use and Administration of the Loan Repayment Reserve Funds

第三章  还贷准备金的使用和管理

  Article 7   The loan repayment reserve funds shall be used for the revolving advancement of the loan debts at maturity. No entity or individual shall embezzle or misappropriate the loan repayment reserve funds.

       第七条  还贷准备金应当专项用于贷款到期债务的周转性垫付。任何单位和个人不得以任何理由挪用、挤占还贷准备金。

  Article 8   Without prejudice to the capability of repayment and advancement, the provincial finance department, upon the approval of people's government at the same level, shall use the loan repayment reserve funds to cancel after verification, reduce or release the Loan debts that cannot be recovered due to change in policy or other specific factors.

       第八条  在不影响还款垫付能力的前提下,省级财政部门报经本级人民政府批准后,可以使用还贷准备金核销或减免因政策变动等特殊因素而无法回收的贷款债务。

  Article 9   The finance department at the provincial level shall realize the maintenance and appreciation value of the loan repayment reserve funds on condition of ensuring their security and liquidity through bank deposits, investment in government bond or other measures.

       第九条  省级财政部门在确保还贷准备金安全性和流动性的前提下,可以采取银行存款或者投资国债等措施实现其保值增值。

  Article 10   The finance department at the provincial level, according to administrative provisions of the relevant government departments, shall optimize the currency, term or other structures of the loan repayment reserve funds to meet the need of repayment and risk prevention.

       第十条  省级财政部门可以按照国家有关部门的管理规定,根据还款及防范风险的需要优化还贷准备金的币种、期限等结构。

  Article 11   When choosing a bank to deposit the loan repayment reserve funds, the principles of competition and transparency shall be followed, the strength, credit and services shall be reviewed and the deposit accounts shall not be excessive and highly dispersed.

       第十一条  选择还贷准备金存款银行应当遵循竞争、透明原则,考察其实力、信誉和服务水平,避免存款账户过多、过于分散。

  Article 12    The finance department at the provincial level shall conduct financial accounting of the loan repayment reserve funds according to relevant provisions with the purpose of ensuring that the accounting information shall be true, complete and accurate.

       第十二条  省级财政部门应当按照有关规定对还贷准备金进行会计核算,确保会计信息真实、完整、准确。

Chapter 4: Supervision and Examination on the Loan Repayment Reserve Funds

第四章  还贷准备金的监督和检查

  Article 13   The Ministry of Finance shall supervise and examine the establishment and use of the loan repayment reserve funds and handle illegal acts of any organization or individual according to relevant provisions in the Regulations on Penalties and Disciplinary Measures against Illegal Fiscal Acts (Order No. 427 of the State Council).

       第十三条  财政部可以对还贷准备金的建立和使用情况进行监督和检查,并按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)的有关规定对单位或者个人的违法行为进行处理。

  Article 14   Any government that does not establish the loan repayment reserve funds according to the provisions and cannot repay the Loans on schedule and in full amount shall be punished by the Ministry of Finance according to Article 54 of the Measures for the Administration of Loans and Grant from International Finance Corporation and Foreign Governments (Order No. 38 of the Ministry of Finance). 


       第十四条  对于未按规定建立还贷准备金且不能按时足额还款的,财政部将依据《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款管理办法》(财政部令第38号)第五十四条的规定进行处理。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 15    The finance department at the provincial level shall formulate local measures for the administration on the loan repayment reserve funds in accordance with these Measures and local actual circumstances of using loans. Such local measures shall be filed to the Ministry of Finance for archival purpose. 


       第十五条  省级财政部门可以根据本办法并结合本地区利用贷款的实际情况,制定本地区的还贷准备金管理办法,并报财政部备案。

  Article 16   Relevant departments of the State Council, enterprise groups functioned as independent units under State plan and enterprises under the Central Government using the loans may establish and use the loan repayment reserve funds by referring to these Measures as a reference, and shall formulate specific measures which shall be filed with the Ministry of Finance for archival purpose. 


       第十六条  使用贷款的国务院有关部门、计划单列企业集团以及中央管理企业,可以参照本办法的规定建立和使用还贷准备金,制定具体实施办法,并报财政部备案。

  Article 17    These Measures shall be implemented from January 4, 2008. Interim Provisions on the Administration of the Reserve Funds for Repaying the Loans Granted by the World Bank (Cai Shi Zi [1995] No.135), Supplementary provisions on the Administration of the Reserve Funds for Repaying the Loans Granted by the World Bank (Cai Shi Zi [1998] No.93) and Opinions of the Ministry of Finance on Strengthening the Administration of the Reserve Funds for Repaying the Loans Granted by Foreign Governments to Support the First and Second Class Local Project (Cai Jin [2006] No.3) shall be abrogated simultaneously.

       第十七条  本办法自2008年1月4日起施行。《世界银行贷款还贷准备金管理暂行规定》(财世字〔1995〕135号)、《世界银行贷款还贷准备金管理补充规定》(财世字〔1998〕93号)以及《财政部关于加强外国政府贷款第一二类项目地方还贷准备金管理的意见》(财金〔2006〕3号)同时废止。




中英双语-国际金融组织和外国政府贷款还贷准备金管理暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-20 15:25:22