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Rules on the Land Development and Arrangement Project and the Building of an Honest and Clean Government in Fund Management Work


Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Land and Resources

Promulgating Date: 12/13/2001

Effective Date: 12/13/2001


颁布时间: 12/13/2001

实施时间: 12/13/2001

  Article 1    In order to regulate the behavior of the leaders and the cadres in the land development and arrangement project and the activities of fund management, to prevent the happening of all the various corruption phenomena and the unhealthy tendency during the work of development and arrangement of the land, these Rules are hereby enacted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the building of the honest and clean government and the party's work style, in combination with the reality of this Ministry.

       第一条  为规范领导干部在土地开发整理项目及资金管理活动中的行为,防止土地开发整理工作中各种腐败现象和不正之风的发生,根据党中央、国务院关于党风廉政建设有关规定,结合我部实际,特制定本规定。

  Article 2    The land and resources departments at all levels shall pay high attention to the management of the project and the fund, insist on the principle of taking the Project Management as the Head, the Fund Management as the Core, the System Building as the Guarantee, and shall strengthen the leadership, organize elaborately, assign the responsibilities, and manage strictly according to the requirements of Stressing It Meticulously, Stressing It Firmly, and Stressing It Well.

       第二条  各级国土资源管理部门要高度重视项目及资金管理,坚持以“项目管理”为龙头,“资金管理”为核心,“制度建设”为保障的原则,按照“抓紧、抓细、抓实、抓好”的要求,加强领导,精心组织,落实责任,严格管理。

  Article 3    We shall insist on administrating lawfully, and operating in accordance with the procedure in the project management. We shall insist on reporting level to level, arranging the sequence at the provincial level, and collectively making the decision for the application and establishment of the project. The application and reporting materiel of the unit that makes the application and reporting on the project shall be genuine and credible.

The unit that makes the application and reporting on the project shall be strictly prohibited from establishing relationship with, or getting in by the "back door" for the project from the competent authority by the unfair means, and from making falsification in application and reporting materiel, so as to put an end to the unhealthy tendency.

       第三条  项目管理坚持依法行政,按程序办事。项目的申报和立项,要坚持逐级上报,省级排序,集体决定;项目申报单位提供的申报材料必须真实可信。


  Article 4    The Ministry of Land and Resources shall establish the system of executing the documents at the special window, and set up the special window to accept the document submitted of the project. The project shall be subject to the system of one report a year and one decision a year, and the land and resources department at the provincial level shall uniformly make the report. The responsibility system of project examiner shall be established. The examination execution personnel of the project shall strictly abide by the principle of being objective and impartial, implement careful examination on the application and reporting materials of the project, and be responsible for the examination result. The system of joint examination shall be established. The drawing up of the project, the plan of the project and the budget of the fund shall be discussed and examined by the relevant departments jointly, then be reported to the leader in charge of this Ministry for approval or be reported to the meeting of a special topic of the Ministry for decision.

       第四条  国土资源部建立窗口办文制度,设专门窗口受理项目报件,项目实行一年一报和一年一定制度,由省级国土资源管理部门统一报送;建立项目审查人责任制度,项目审查经办人员要恪守客观、公正的原则,按规定对项目申报材料进行认真审查,并对审查结论负责;建立会审制度,项目的立项、项目计划和资金预算,必须由有关部门共同研究审核,报部主管领导同意或者报部专题会议确定。


  Article 5    When the unit that undertakes the project organizes to implement the project, it shall execute the system of project legal person, the system of project bid, and the system of project inspection and control. The implementation of the project shall adopt the method of management by contract. The determination of the planning and design unit, project construction unit shall adopt the means of invitation of the bidding from the whole society, and the contract shall be signed. The package facilities of the project shall adopt the system of government procurement, and the package facilities that are purchased by the project fund shall be managed as the fixed assets. The system of project publicity shall be established. The direct responsible project administration department, the undertaking unit, the construction task of the project, scale, investment, planning and design, construction unit, etc, shall implement site publicity. After the project is checked and accepted, it shall be publicized through the media, so as to increase the transparency, and forwardly accept the monitor of society.

       第五条  项目承担单位组织实施项目,要实行项目法人制、工程招投标制和工程监理制。项目实施采取合同管理方式,规划设计单位、工程建设单位的确定,必须面向社会公开招标,订立合同;项目配套设备实行政府采购制度,用项目资金购置的配套设备必须按固定资产进行管理;建立项目公告制度,项目主管部门、承担单位、项目建设任务、规模、投资、规划设计、施工单位等要实行现场公示,项目验收后要通过媒体予以公布,增加透明度,主动接受社会监督。

  Article 6    The land and resources departments at all levels shall perfect the fund financial management structure, establish and complete the system of fund management. The project fund shall be used in accordance with the regulated purpose, and shall be strictly subject to the system that special fund shall be earmarked for the designated purpose, separately managed, and independently checked and calculated.

Withholding, embezzling of or unauthorized payment out of the project fund shall be prohibited. No unit-owned exchequer shall be set up, and indiscriminate expenditure and unauthorized partition among the collective in disguised form shall be prohibited. No expenses that should be born by individuals shall be reimbursed out of the project fund.

       第六条  各级国土资源管理部门要完善资金财务管理机构,建立健全金管理制度。项目资金必须按规定的用途使用,严格实行专款专用,专项管理、单独核算。


  Article 7    The land and resources departments at all levels shall not, in name of the development and the arrangement of the land, set up and run the operational economic entity related to development and arrangement of the land. Those operational economic entity that have already been set up shall be disconnected to the land and resources departments, those not yet disconnected shall not participate in the construction of the project. The public institution that has the management function of land development and arrangement shall not participate in the project construction in any name.

       第七条  各级国土资源管理部门不得以土地开发整理的名义,兴办与土地开发整理有关的经营性经济实体。已经开办的经营性经济实体,必须与国土资源管理部门脱钩;没有脱钩的,不得参与项目工程建设。具有土地开发整理管理职能的事业单位,不能以任何名义参与项目的工程建设。

  Article 8    The company that is operated by the wife, and children of the cadre of the project management department and the leader and cadre at or above the department level of the land and recourses departments at all levels shall be strictly forbidden to undertake the project construction within the scope and the area under jurisdiction of the said cadres.

The department, unit and the relevant responsible personnel that are related to the project management are forbidden to gain illicit benefits for themselves or their relatives by abusing their authorities or position, are forbidden to take the cash, securities and payment voucher of the party serviced, are forbidden to occupy and use the vehicle, communication utilities and other valuable objects of the party serviced, are forbidden to take the gift, the present, banquet invitation, the offer of going-abroad (overseas) observation, and the offer of domestic travel that will influence impartial performance of official business, are forbidden to go to the entertainment, health activity of high expense paid by the public money, and are forbidden to take post, part-time post, and get pays from the contractor unit of planning and design and the project construction.

       第八条  严禁各级国土资源管理部门处级以上领导干部和项目管理部门干部的配偶、子女个人经营的公司,承担该领导干部管辖范围和管辖地区内项目的工程建设。


  Article 9    The supervision and examination shall be strengthened on the implementation of the project and the situation of the use of the project fund. The land development and arrangement administration department, financial department, disciplinary inspection and supervision departments at all levels of the land and resources system shall regularly or irregularly supervise and examine the duty fulfillment situation of the project management department, undertaking unit and the relevant responsible personnel, the project implementation situation, and the management and use situation of the project fund. The unlawful and discipline-violation behaviors of practicing of fraud and deception, withholding, embezzling and unauthorized payment of the project fund, etc, once they are detected, shall be stopped and corrected with decisive methods. If the circumstances are serious, the unit and the relevant responsible personnel shall be investigated into their economic and administrative responsibilities. Those that are suspected of the economic crime shall be transferred to the judicial authority to be prosecuted for the criminal responsibility.

       第九条  加强对项目实施和项目资金使用情况的监督检查。国土资源系统各级土地开发整理的管理部门、财务部门、纪检监察部门,要定期或不定期地对项目管理部门和承担单位及有关责任人员履行职责情况、项目实施情况、项目资金使用和管理情况进行监督检查。对弄虚作假、截留、挪用和坐支项目资金等违法违纪行为,一经发现,要采取果断措施予以制止和纠正;情节严重的,追究单位和有关责任人员的经济、行政责任;涉嫌经济犯罪的,移交司法部门依法追究其刑事责任。

  Article 10    For the behaviors in violation of the relevant laws, regulations, departmental rules and these Rules that occur in the work of management of project and fund, the departments of disciplinary inspection and supervision at all levels of the land and resources system shall investigate the relevant responsible personnel and relevant leader and cadre into their responsibility, even impose punishment of the party discipline or the government discipline, and transfer, if the laws are violated, them to the judicial organ for handling.

       第十条  国土资源系统各级纪检监察部门,对项目及资金管理工作中出现的违反有关国家法律、法规、部门规章以及本规定的行为,要追究有关责任人员和有关领导干部的责任直至给予党纪政纪处分;对触犯法律的,移交司法机关处理。

  Article 11    These Rules shall be applicable with reference to the work of the building of an honest and clean government on the usage and management of the compensation fee of the mining resources.

       第十一条  矿产资源补偿费使用管理工作的廉政建设,参照本规定执行。

December 2001





中英双语-国土资源部关于土地开发整理项目及资金管理工作廉政建设规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-26 16:44:16