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Interim Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for Overseas Mineral Resources Surveying Risks



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai jian [2005] No.637

Promulgating Date: 10/31/2005

Effective Date: 10/31/2005

Revision History:This document has been repealed pursuant to the Decision of the Ministry of Finance on Announcing the Catalog of Regulations and Normative Documents on Finance to be Repealed or Ineffective (Batch Ⅺ) promulgated on February 21, 2011.


颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财建[2005]637号

颁布时间: 10/31/2005

实施时间: 10/31/2005

修订记录: 根据2011年2月21日发布的《财政部关于公布废止和失效的财政规章和规范性文件目录(第十一批)的决定》,此文件被宣布废止。


Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    These Measures are formulated for the purposes of implementing the “going global” strategy, encouraging and guiding geological exploration entities and the mining industry to explore and develop mineral resources (excluding oil and natural gas, sic passim) abroad, enhancing the administration of special funds for overseas mineral resources surveying risks (hereinafter referred to as "Special Funds"), as well as improve utilization efficiency of such funds.

       第一条  为了贯彻实施“走出去”战略,鼓励和引导地勘单位和矿业企业到国外勘查、开发矿产资源(石油、天然气除外,下同),加强对国外矿产资源风险勘查专项资金(以下简称专项资金)的管理,提高资金使用效益,制定本办法。

  Article 2    The Special Funds, arranged by the Central Government to be used specifically by geological exploration entities and mining enterprises, refer to subsidies for mineral resource exploration projects and interest rate subsidized funds for mineral resource exploration projects that are in short supply in China and that are urgently needed for national economic development.

       第二条  专项资金是指中央财政安排的,专项用于地勘单位和矿业企业到国外进行国内短缺、国民经济发展急需的矿产资源勘查项目的补助资金和开发项目的贴息资金。

  Article 3    For purposes of these Measures, a "mining enterprise" shall mean an enterprise whose main line of business registered with industry and commerce administrative department includes the development and use of mineral products, mineral resource exploration, mining and mineral processing.

       第三条  本办法所称矿业企业,是指在工商部门注册登记的经营范围中以矿产品开发利用、矿产资源勘查、采矿、选矿等为主营业务的企业。

  Article 4    The Special Funds shall be preferentially arranged to be allocated to exploration projects with mineralization conditions or with relative good mineralization setting, as well as exploration and development projects with abundant resource reserves, relative good exploration and development conditions, significant expected returns, relatively complete preliminary preparation, and where relevant Central government entities or local governments have corresponding investments.

       第四条  专项资金优先安排成矿条件或成矿背景较好的勘查项目以及资源储量丰富、勘查开发条件较好、预期效益明显、前期工作比较完备、中央有关单位或地方政府有相应投入的勘查和开发项目。

  Article 5    The Special Funds shall be utilized on a project management basis, and shall be earmarked for dedicated use. No entity and individual shall retain, appropriate and arrogate the Special Funds.

       第五条  专项资金实行项目管理,专款专用,任何单位和个人不得截留、挤占和挪用。

Chapter 2: Conditions and Qualifications

第二章  资质条件

  Article 6    The following terms and conditions shall be met when applying for the Special Funds:

(1) The implementation of the project shall conform to laws and regulations and industry policies of the State, as well as the laws of the country in which the project is domiciled and standards of international laws, and shall not harm the sovereignty and security of the nation as well as the interest of the public;

(2) The overseas invested and incorporated enterprise shall have been approved by the Ministry of Commerce or a competent commerce department at the provincial level; approval or record filing formalities for the overseas mineral resource development project shall have completed with the National Development and Reform Commission or the development and reform department at the provincial level, and record filing formalities shall have been completed with the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Land and Resources;

(3) Permission (or agreement) for the project being undertaken shall have been obtained from the competent mineral resource department for mineral resource exploration and development in the country where the project is domiciled, and the project implementation plan shall have been approved by the country of domicile; where the project is undertaken jointly with an overseas party in the form of an equity or cooperative joint venture enterprise, a contract or agreement (draft) shall have been signed;

(4) The project being undertaken shall have requisite guarantee conditions in aspects such as raw materials, fuels, power, key equipment and transportation;

(5) The mining area at which the project is situated shall have excellent internal and external conditions, and the explored and developed mineral resources shall have relatively good market prospects and significant economic benefits;

(6) The domestic entity shall hold the mining right of the project by its own or jointly with the overseas party to the equity or cooperative joint venture enterprise;

(7) The mineral resources mined (or crude processed goods) from the development project shall be mainly shipped back to China;

(8) Other conditions required by the Ministry of Finance.

       第六条  申请专项资金必须符合下列条件:









  Article 7    The following information shall be provided when applying for the Special Funds:

(1) A photocopy of the legal person certificate of the enterprise or public institution, or a photocopy of the business license (duplicate);

(2) Those that carry out exploration projects are required to provide proof of geological exploration qualification; those that carry out development projects are required to provide proof that the project approved by the State is registered as a legal person entity in the country of domicile;

(3) The mineral resource exploration or mining permit issued by the competent mineral resource department of the country in which the project is domiciled; where the project is undertaken jointly with an overseas party in the form of an equity or cooperative joint venture enterprise, a photocopy of the signed contract or agreement (draft) shall be provided;

(4) The Overseas Investment Approval Certificate of the People’s Republic of China issued by the Ministry of Commerce (for centrally-administered enterprises) or authorized for issue by the competent commerce department at the provincial level (for other enterprises);

(5) The written approval document or proof of record filing for overseas investment projects issued by the National Development and Reform Commission or the development and reform department at the provincial level;

(6) The Form of Record-filing for Overseas Mineral Resource Development Projects already filed on record with the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Land and Resources;

(7) The written opinion of the economic and commercial counsellor’s office (economic and commercial office) of the embassy or consulate-general of China of the country in which the project is domiciled concerning the declared project;

(8) Other information required to be provided by the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Finance may carry out adjustments as regards the information of proof of qualification provided in accordance with the policies of the State.

       第七条  申请专项资金应当提供的材料:










Chapter 3: Budget Management

第三章  预算管理

  Article 8    The State shall grant support in the form of fiscal subsidies to overseas projects that are in the early stages of carrying out preliminary surveys and general surveys. The fiscal subsidies shall be primarily used for geological exploration.

The State shall provide support by means of domestic interest rate subsidized bank loans to overseas projects that are in the stages of carrying out in-depth surveys, exploration, and mining.

       第八条  国家对在国外进行前期预查和普查阶段的项目,以财政拨款补助的方式予以支持。财政拨款补助主要用于地质找矿工作。


  Article 9    The Ministry of Finance shall issue an application guide for the Special Funds each year in accordance with the relevant requirements of the “go global” strategy of the State.

       第九条  财政部每年根据国家关于“走出去”战略的有关要求发布专项资金项目申报指南。

  Article 10    Geological exploration entities and mining entities that apply for Special Funds shall prepare project feasibility studies, project design as well as expenditure budgets.

Projects carried out by centrally-administered entities and institutions and projects carried out by entities directly subordinated to centrally-administered entities and institutions shall be submitted to the Ministry of Finance after having been reviewed and summarized by the competent Central government departments. Projects carried out by other entities and institutions shall be submitted to the Ministry of Finance after having been reviewed and summarized by the finance offices (bureaus) of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central government.

       第十条  申请专项资金的地质勘查单位和矿业企业,应当根据项目申报指南要求,编制项目可行性报告、项目设计和经费支出预算。


  Article 11    The Ministry of Finance shall arrange for relevant experts to undertake a review of the project declaration materials submitted by the competent Central government departments, the Central government enterprises or institutions, and local entities.

       第十一条  财政部组织有关专家对中央主管部门、中央企事业单位及地方报送的项目申报材料进行评审。

  Article 12    The Ministry of Finance shall issue a budget for the funds in accordance with the outcome of the review of the experts as well as the financial conditions of the prevailing year.

Disbursement of the Special Funds shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the financial and treasury administration system.

       第十二条  财政部根据专家评审结果和当年财力情况下达经费预算。


  Article 13    The financial management and financial treatment of the Special Funds shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant existing provisions of the State as regards overseas China funded enterprises or Sino-foreign equity or cooperative joint venture enterprises.

       第十三条  专项资金的财务管理及账务处理按照现行国家对境外中资企业或中外合资企业的有关规定执行。

Chapter 4: Supervision and Inspection

第四章  监督检查

  Article 14    The finance department at all levels shall supervise and inspect the status of the use of the Special Funds, and shall appraise the actual performance of the use of such funds.

       第十四条  各级财政部门应当对专项资金使用情况进行必要监督检查,并对资金使用情况实行绩效考评。

  Article 15    The finance department at all levels shall set up a supervision and constraint mechanism as regards the administration of the use of the Special Funds, and establish a project tracking and feedback system, promptly dealing with and correcting the issues encountered during the use of the project funds. Material events shall be promptly reported to the Ministry of Finance.

       第十五条  各级财政部门应当建立专项资金使用管理的监督约束机制,建立项目跟踪反馈制度,及时处理和纠正项目资金使用中的问题,重大事项要及时向财政部报告。

  Article 16    The competent entity for the project shall enhance management over the Special Funds, stringently complying with relevant financial and accounting systems, and shall actively cooperate with the supervision and inspection carried out by the relevant departments.

       第十六条  项目主管单位应当加强专项资金管理,严格遵守有关财务会计制度,并积极配合有关部门进行监督检查。

  Article 17    The entity responsible for the project shall submit a report to the finance department at the same level on a regular basis as to the progress of, and the status of the use of funds of the project. Upon the completion of the project, the competent entity for the project shall promptly arrange for examination and delivery as required.

       第十七条  项目承担单位应当定期将项目进展情况和资金使用情况报送同级财政部门。项目终了后,项目主管单位应当按要求及时组织验收。

  Article 18    A competent entity for the project and an entity responsible for the project as well as other relevant personnel that cause the Special Funds to be retained, appropriated or lost due to dereliction of duty or other acts in violation of the law shall be subject to investigation for liability in accordance with the Rules for Punishment and Disciplinary Sanctions as regards Illegal Financial Conduct; if the case constitutes a crime, investigation for the criminal liability shall be handed over to the judicial authority.

       第十八条  项目主管单位和项目承担单位及其有关人员,因渎职或其他违法行为造成专项资金被截留、挪用或流失的,应当依照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》追究其责任;构成犯罪的,移送司法机关追究其刑事责任。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 19    These Measures shall become effective on October 31, 2005.

       第十九条  本办法自2005年10月31日起实施。




中英双语-国外矿产资源风险勘查专项资金管理暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-26 16:45:29