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Measures on the Administration of Annuities of State-Owned Financial Enterprises



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Jin [2012] No.159

Promulgating Date: 12/06/2012

Effective Date: 12/06/2012

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财金[2012]159号

颁布时间: 12/06/2012

实施时间: 12/06/2012


Chapter 1: General Provisions

  第一章  总则

  Article 1    With a view to standardizing the establishment of the enterprise annuity system of State-owned financial enterprises, improving the incentive and constraint system, perfecting the social security system and promoting the continuous and healthy development of State-owned financial enterprises, in accordance with the relevant provisions including the Financial Rules for Financial Enterprises, these Measures are hereby formulated.

       第一条  为了规范国有金融企业建立企业年金制度,健全激励约束机制,完善社会保障体系,促进国有金融企业持续健康发展,根据《金融企业财务规则》等有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    These Measures shall apply to State-owned and State-controlled financial enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “Financial Enterprises“) legally established within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.

Financial Enterprises shall include the following types of enterprises:

(1) Policy-related banks, postal savings banks, State-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, urban commercial banks, rural commercial banks, rural cooperative banks, credit cooperatives, new rural financial institutions, trust companies, financial leasing companies, financial assets management companies and financial companies that shall obtain the banking business license for practice.

(2) Various insurance enterprises that shall obtain the insurance business license.

(3) Securities companies, futures companies and fund management companies that shall obtain the securities business license.

(4) Various financial holding companies and credit guarantee companies.

(5) Enterprises that are engaged in financial businesses and subordinate to the Bank of China and financial supervision departments.

       第二条  中华人民共和国境内依法设立的国有及国有控股金融企业(以下简称金融企业),适用本办法。







  Article 3    The enterprise annuities mentioned in these Measures refer to the supplementary endowment insurance system established, on voluntary basis, by Financial Enterprises and their staff under the guidance of national policies and on the basis of legally participating in the basic endowment insurance.

       第三条  本办法所称企业年金,是指在国家政策指导下,金融企业及其职工在依法参加基本养老保险的基础上,自愿建立的补充养老保险制度。

  Article 4    The State shall encourage Financial Enterprises that meet relevant conditions to establish the enterprise annuity system.

When establishing the enterprise annuity system, Financial Enterprises shall observe the following principles:

(1) Combination of guarantee and incentive. Financial Enterprises shall establish the enterprise annuity system, and shall, on the basis of providing minimum subsistence allowances to enterprise retirees, bring the incentive of enterprise annuities into play, take them as a major means of perfecting the salary and benefit system and the incentive mechanism, and realize the combination of guarantee and incentive;

(2) Combination of fairness and efficiency. Financial Enterprises shall establish the enterprise annuity system, expand the coverage of enterprise annuities under the principles of "openness, fairness and impartiality" , provide guarantee to all employees that meet the conditions and volunteer to participate, and explore and establish a multi-level enterprise annuity guarantee system to promote the growth of enterprises' economic benefits based on factors including development strategies, income distribution systems, human resources strategies and employee contributions; and

(3) Combination of interests of contributors, enterprises and employees. Financial Enterprises shall establish the enterprise annuity system, give equal consideration to interests of contributors, enterprises and employees, properly deal with the current and long-term relationship in light of enterprises' actualities, legally safeguard employees' rights and interests, practically maintain contributors' interests, push forward the continuous and healthy development of enterprises, and promote the value maintenance and increase of State-owned assets.

       第四条  国家鼓励符合条件的金融企业建立企业年金制度。





 Chapter 2: Conditions for Establishment of Enterprise Annuity

   第二章  企业年金的建立条件

  Article 5    When establishing the enterprise annuity system, Financial Enterprises shall, in accordance with the law, participate in the basic endowment insurance and perform the payment obligation. Enterprise annuity plans shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, be determined upon collective consultation and submitted to employee conferences or employee congresses for deliberation and adoption.

       第五条  金融企业建立企业年金制度,应当依法参加基本养老保险并履行缴费义务。企业年金方案应当按照规定经集体协商确定,并提交职工大会或者职工代表大会审议通过。

  Article 6    When establishing the enterprise annuity system, Financial Enterprises shall have corresponding economic capabilities and meet the following conditions:

(1) Financial Enterprises shall make after-tax profits (including subsidies), and parent companies of group (holding) Financial Enterprises shall be subject to net profits in consolidated statements attributable to parent companies;

(2) Financial Enterprises shall have a good capacity for risk control and comply with the provisions on industrial supervision in terms of risk control indicators including capital adequacy ratio, solvency adequacy ratio and net debt-to-capital ratio. Policy-related Financial Enterprises may appropriately adjust relevant indicators in reference with the provisions of the Ministry of Finance on performance evaluation; and

(3) Financial Enterprises shall have corresponding financial capacity, and shall not suffer losses due to the implementation of the enterprise annuity system to affect the long-term development of Financial Enterprises;

The relevant financial data specified in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the audited financial data of Financial Enterprises in the recent accounting year (in accordance with domestic accounting standards).

       第六条  金融企业建立企业年金制度,应当具备相应的经济能力,并符合下列条件:





  Article 7    When establishing the enterprise annuity system, financial enterprise shall have qualified evaluation results, and meet the following conditions:

(1) Fulfillment of annual business targets. Business targets of restructured Financial Enterprises shall be determined in accordance with corporate governance procedures; business targets of Financial Enterprises that have not been restructured shall be determined in accordance with relevant provisions; and

(2) Qualification of performance evaluation. Financial Enterprises shall conduct performance evaluation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Finance, and performance evaluation types of Financial Enterprises shall be above intermediate (CC);

The evaluation results specified in the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the evaluation results of Financial Enterprises in the recent accounting year.

       第七条  金融企业建立企业年金制度,应当具有合格的考核评价结果,并符合下列条件:




  Article 8    After establishing the enterprise annuity system, Financial Enterprises shall, in accordance with the following provisions, accordingly modify, suspend or terminate enterprise annuity plans:

(1) Financial Enterprises that have suffered losses in a certain accounting year or have failed to meet the conditions for enterprise annuity establishment for two consecutive accounting years shall duly modify enterprise annuity plans and appropriately reduce enterprise payment standards in accordance with relevant provisions;

(2) Financial Enterprises that have suffered losses for two consecutive accounting years or have failed to meet the conditions for enterprise annuity establishment for three consecutive accounting years shall suspend enterprise annuity plans in accordance with the relevant provisions.

(2) Financial Enterprises may, on the basis of the provisions above, modify, suspend or terminate enterprise annuity plans in accordance with the relevant provisions of enterprise annuity plans.

       第八条  金融企业建立企业年金制度后,应当按照下列规定,相应修改、中止或者终止企业年金方案:




  Article 9    If Financial Enterprises meet the conditions for establishing the enterprise annuity system again after modifying and suspending enterprise annuity plans, enterprise annuity plans may be resumed.

       第九条  金融企业修改、中止企业年金方案后,如再次满足建立企业年金制度的条件,可以恢复企业年金方案。

  Article 10    Financial Enterprises shall not make up the arrears of the years before establishing the enterprise annuity system in any name.

       第十条  金融企业不得以任何名义,对建立企业年金制度之前的年度进行补缴。

 Chapter 3: Implementation of Enterprise Annuity Plans

   第三章  企业年金的方案实施

  Article 11    Financial Enterprises shall conduct overall planning and design of enterprise annuity plans.

Group (holding) Financial Enterprises shall implement enterprise annuity plans step by step in light of the subsidiaries’ actualities, payment levels among subsidiaries shall be determined rationally based on factors including subsidiaries’ development stages and economic benefits, and subsidiaries shall not vie with each other.

       第十一条  金融企业应当统筹规划设计企业年金方案。


  Article 12    Expenses necessary for enterprise annuities shall be jointly paid by Financial Enterprises and employees, and the total amount of expenses paid shall be in accordance with relevant State provisions.

Financial Enterprises shall, based on factors including development strategies, business status and staff expenses, rationally determine payment levels of enterprise annuities and duly adjust enterprise annuities in accordance with relevant provisions.

       第十二条  企业年金所需费用由金融企业和职工个人共同缴纳,缴费总额根据国家有关规定执行。


  Article 13    At the initial stage of enterprise annuity establishment in Financial Enterprises, the part paid by employees shall be not lower than 25 percent of the part paid by enterprises in principle (excluding the compensatory payment specified in these Measures), and shall be increased gradually in future years.

Upon consensus through consultation, employees and Financial Enterprises shall permit some employees to appropriately increase the proportion of personal payment in light of the actualities of certain employees.

       第十三条  金融企业建立企业年金初期,职工个人缴纳部分原则上不得低于企业缴费部分(不含本办法规定的补偿性缴费)的25%,以后年度逐步提高。


  Article 14    Annuity expenses of Financial Enterprises shall be included in costs (expenses) after offsetting the balance of employee welfare expenses, but enterprise annuity expenses disbursed from costs (expenses) by Financial Enterprises every year shall not exceed 5 percent of the total wages of enterprises’ employees in the previous year.

Tax policies for annuities of Financial Enterprises shall be in compliance with relevant State provisions.

       第十四条  金融企业年金缴费在冲减职工福利费结余后列入成本(费用),但金融企业每年列支成本(费用)的企业年金费用不得超过本企业上年度职工工资总额的5%。


  Article 15    Financial Enterprises shall coordinate the connection of the enterprise annuity system and other endowment welfare systems. For staff who are about to retire when participating in enterprise annuity plans (hereinafter referred to as “intermediate staff“), Financial Enterprises may, within the prescribed proportion, accomplish the smooth transition of new and old systems in appropriate ways including compensatory payments in transitional periods and lump-sum compensations (hereinafter referred to as “compensatory payments“).

Compensatory payments in transitional periods refer to compensatory enterprise annuity payments made by Financial Enterprises for intermediate staff within certain transitional periods set by them; lump-sump compensations refer to compensatory enterprise annuity payments made by Financial Enterprises for intermediate staff.

Compensatory payments shall be based on collective consultation and used to coordinate the connection of endowment welfare policies before and after the establishment of the enterprise annuity system. Benefits shall not be increased in a disguised form.

Compensatory payments shall be determined in light of actualities of Financial Enterprises and incorporated into relevant procedures for the performance of enterprise annuity plans.

       第十五条  金融企业应当统筹做好企业年金与其他养老福利制度的衔接。对于参加企业年金方案时距其退休时间相对较短的人员(以下简称中人),金融企业可在规定比例内采取过渡期补偿性缴费、一次性补偿等适当方式(以下简称补偿性缴费),实现新老制度的平稳过渡。




  Article 16    Financial Enterprises shall, based on factors including employee contributions, service years, job responsibilities and evaluation results, rationally determine the proportions of enterprise payments transferred into personal accounts and appropriately favor key posts and outstanding talents.

Enterprise payments shall be transferred into employees’ personal accounts of enterprise annuities in accordance with the relevant provisions, and the maximum amount transferred into personal accounts of persons in charge in the current period (excluding compensatory payments) shall not exceed five times per-capita levels of Financial Enterprises in principle.

The scope of persons in charge specified in the preceding paragraph shall be in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Finance on the salary management of persons in charge of Financial Enterprises.

       第十六条  金融企业应当根据职工贡献、工作年限、岗位责任、考核结果等因素,合理确定企业缴费划入个人账户的比例,适当向关键岗位和优秀人才倾斜。



  Article 17    Financial Enterprises shall rationally determine the part of enterprise payments transferred into personal accounts and periods in which the equity of the part is fully attributable to employees, and practically maintain employees’ lawful rights and interests.

When terminating enterprise annuity plans, Financial Enterprises shall, in accordance with the system of collective consultation, determine the methods of disposing of enterprise annuities that have not been fully attributable to employees with employees.

       第十七条  金融企业应当合理确定企业缴费划入个人账户的部分及其权益完全归属于职工个人的归属期,切实维护职工的合法权益。


  Article 18    Employees of Financial Enterprises shall be encouraged to obtain enterprise annuities by stages after retirement.

When reaching the retirement age prescribed by the State, employees of Financial Enterprises may, in accordance with the relevant provisions, obtain enterprise annuities in a lump sum or regularly withdraw from employees' personal accounts of enterprise annuities.

Under circumstances in which employees settle down abroad, are dead and meet relevant provisions, employees may obtain enterprise annuities in a lump sum in accordance with the relevant provisions.

       第十八条  鼓励金融企业职工退休后,分期领取企业年金。



  Chapter 4: Enterprise Annuity Organization and Administration

  第四章  企业年金的组织管理

  Article 19    Financial Enterprises shall, in principle, select trustee institutions that conform to State provisions as trustees of enterprise annuity funds.

Large-sized Financial Enterprises that meet relevant conditions may establish enterprise annuity councils as trustees of enterprise annuity funds, and state relevant information in enterprise annuity plans.

Annuity councils of Financial Enterprises shall meet the relevant requirement of the State and earnestly perform the responsibility of management in accordance with relevant provisions.

       第十九条  金融企业原则上应当选择符合国家规定的法人受托机构作为企业年金基金的受托人。



  Article 20    Financial Enterprises shall supervise trustees in preferentially selecting institutions accredited by relevant State departments under the principles of “openness, fairness and impartiality” to manage and operate enterprise annuities, and define responsibilities of subjects of managing and operating enterprise annuity funds and rules of operating enterprise annuity funds.

Financial Enterprises shall establish the mechanism of dynamic evaluation of management and operation institutions via trustees, and adjust management and operation institutions based on evaluation results.

Financial Enterprises shall, under the principle of classified management of State-owned financial assets, report selected management and operation institutions to financial departments at the same level.

       第二十条  金融企业应当监督受托人按照“公开、公平、公正”的原则,择优选择经国家有关部门认定的机构管理运营企业年金,明确与企业年金基金管理运营主体的职责及运作规则。



  Article 21    Trustees of enterprise annuity funds shall, within 60 days after the end of the year, report the information of enterprise annuity management and operations to employee conferences or employee congresses.

Financial Enterprises shall, within 90 days after the end of the year, under the principle of classified management of State-owned financial assets, report the information of enterprise annuity operations to financial departments at the same level.

       第二十一条  企业年金基金受托人应当于年度结束后60日内,向职工大会或者职工代表大会报告企业年金管理、运营情况。


  Article 22    Financial Enterprises shall establish enterprise annuity management committees consisting of relevant departments and employee representatives, strengthen the organization guidance on Financial Enterprises’ establishment of the enterprise annuity system.

       第二十二条  金融企业应当成立由相关部门和职工代表组成的企业年金管理委员会,加强对金融企业建立企业年金制度的组织指导。

  Article 23    Financial Enterprises shall, in accordance with these Measures, report enterprise annuity plans with relevant departments for record-filing after performing internal legal procedures for enterprise annuity plans or submitting plans to financial departments for examination.

       第二十三条  金融企业应当按照本办法规定,将企业年金方案履行内部法定程序或者报财政部门审核后,报相关部门备案。

  Article 24    Financial Enterprises administered by the Central Government and their major first-level holding subsidiaries shall establish the enterprise annuity system, those that have carried out shareholding reforms shall perform corporate governance procedures of Financial Enterprises and those that have not been restructured shall submit enterprise annuity reports to the Ministry of Commerce for examination. Other subsidiaries shall establish the enterprise annuity system and perform their internal legal procedures. Financial Enterprises shall, within 90 days after the end of every year, report the information of enterprise annuity establishment to the Ministry of Finance.

The major first-level holding subsidiaries mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to first-level holding subsidiaries whose total assets, net assets, business revenues or business profits have exceed 10 percent of corresponding financial indicators of parent companies, as well as other major first-level holding subsidiaries determined through internal legal procedures of Financial Enterprises.

       第二十四条  中央管理的金融企业及其重要一级控股子公司建立企业年金制度,已实行股份制改革的应当履行金融企业公司治理程序,未改制的应当报财政部审核。其他子公司建立企业年金制度,应当履行其内部法定程序。金融企业应当于每年度结束后90日内,将该年度建立企业年金情况报告财政部。


  Article 25    Financial Enterprises administered by local governments and their holding subsidiaries shall perform corporate governance procedures for enterprise annuity plans or submit plans to local financial departments for examination. Specific procedures shall be determined by financial departments at the provincial level.

       第二十五条  地方管理的金融企业及其控股子公司,应当将其企业年金方案履行公司治理程序或者报地方财政部门审核,具体程序由省级财政部门确定。

  Article 26    When suspending or terminating enterprise annuity plans, Financial Enterprises shall perform internal legal procedures, and duly report it to financial departments at the same level under the principle of classified management.

When amending or resuming enterprise annuity plans, Financial Enterprises shall perform corresponding procedures in accordance with the provisions on establishing the enterprise annuity system.

       第二十六条  金融企业中止、终止企业年金方案,应当履行内部法定程序,并按照分级管理的原则,及时向同级财政部门报告。


 Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

   第五章  附则

  Article 27    China Investment Corporation shall be responsible for implementing these Measures. Non-State-owned Financial Enterprises shall apply these Measures as a reference.

       第二十七条  中国投资有限责任公司执行本办法。非国有金融企业参照执行本办法。

  Article 28    Enterprises that have established the enterprise annuity system and purchased commercial insurances in the name of enterprise annuities before these Measures come into effect shall standardize and perfect enterprise annuity plans in accordance with relevant State policies and these Measures.

       第二十八条  本办法施行之前已经建立企业年金制度以及以企业年金名义购买商业保险的金融企业,应当按照国家有关政策和本办法规定,规范和完善企业年金方案。

  Article 29    These Measures shall come into effect from the date of printing and distribution. In case of any discrepancy between the provisions on annuities of Financial Enterprises previously promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce and these Measures, the latter shall prevail.

       第二十九条  本办法自印发之日起施行,财政部此前发布的有关金融企业年金规定与本办法规定不一致的,以本办法为准。




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发布于 2021-01-26 16:58:54